123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- set -e
- SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
- set -a
- . ../.env
- set +a
- function cleanup() {
- # Show tail end of logs for the processor and indexer containers to
- # see any possible errors
- (echo "\n\n## Processor Logs ##" && docker logs joystream_processor-mnt_1 --tail 50) || :
- (echo "\n\n## Indexer Logs ##" && docker logs joystream_indexer_1 --tail 50) || :
- (echo "\n\n## Indexer API Gateway Logs ##" && docker logs joystream_hydra-indexer-gateway_1 --tail 50) || :
- (echo "\n\n## Graphql Server Logs ##" && docker logs joystream_graphql-server-mnt_1 --tail 50) || :
- docker-compose down -v
- }
- trap cleanup EXIT
- # Clean start
- docker-compose down -v
- ./start.sh
- # pass the scenario name without .ts extension
- # fallback if scenario if not specified
- time yarn workspace integration-tests run-test-scenario ${SCENARIO}