Pulumi.yaml 1.2 KB

  1. name: argus
  2. runtime: nodejs
  3. description: A Pulumi program to deploy Argus node
  4. template:
  5. config:
  6. aws:profile:
  7. default: joystream-user
  8. aws:region:
  9. default: us-east-1
  10. isLoadBalancerReady:
  11. description: Whether the load balancer service is ready and has been assigned an IP
  12. default: false
  13. queryNodeHost:
  14. description: Query node GraphQL endpoint
  15. default: 'https://hydra.joystream.org/graphql'
  16. wsProviderEndpointURI:
  17. description: Chain RPC endpoint
  18. default: 'wss://rome-rpc-endpoint.joystream.org:9944/'
  19. argusImage:
  20. description: The distributor node image to use for running the node
  21. keys:
  22. description: Specifies the keys available within distributor node CLI
  23. buckets:
  24. description: Specifies the buckets distributed by the node
  25. workerId:
  26. description: ID of the node operator (distribution working group worker)
  27. dataStorage:
  28. description: Amount of storage (in Gi) assigned for the data directory
  29. default: 10
  30. logStorage:
  31. description: Amount of storage (in Gi) assigned for the logs directory
  32. default: 2
  33. cacheStorage:
  34. description: Amount of storage (in Gi) assigned for the cache directory
  35. default: 10