proposalDiscussionEvents.graphql 2.4 KB

  1. type ProposalDiscussionPostCreatedEvent implements Event @entity {
  2. ### GENERIC DATA ###
  3. "(network}-{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}"
  4. id: ID!
  5. "Hash of the extrinsic which caused the event to be emitted"
  6. inExtrinsic: String
  7. "Blocknumber of the block in which the event was emitted."
  8. inBlock: Int!
  9. "Network the block was produced in"
  10. network: Network!
  11. "Index of event in block from which it was emitted."
  12. indexInBlock: Int!
  13. ### SPECIFIC DATA ###
  14. "The created post"
  15. post: ProposalDiscussionPost!
  16. "Initial post text"
  17. text: String!
  18. }
  19. type ProposalDiscussionPostUpdatedEvent implements Event @entity {
  20. ### GENERIC DATA ###
  21. "(network}-{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}"
  22. id: ID!
  23. "Hash of the extrinsic which caused the event to be emitted"
  24. inExtrinsic: String
  25. "Blocknumber of the block in which the event was emitted."
  26. inBlock: Int!
  27. "Network the block was produced in"
  28. network: Network!
  29. "Index of event in block from which it was emitted."
  30. indexInBlock: Int!
  31. ### SPECIFIC DATA ###
  32. "The updated post"
  33. post: ProposalDiscussionPost!
  34. "New post text"
  35. text: String!
  36. }
  37. type ProposalDiscussionThreadModeChangedEvent implements Event @entity {
  38. ### GENERIC DATA ###
  39. "(network}-{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}"
  40. id: ID!
  41. "Hash of the extrinsic which caused the event to be emitted"
  42. inExtrinsic: String
  43. "Blocknumber of the block in which the event was emitted."
  44. inBlock: Int!
  45. "Network the block was produced in"
  46. network: Network!
  47. "Index of event in block from which it was emitted."
  48. indexInBlock: Int!
  49. ### SPECIFIC DATA ###
  50. "The thread in question"
  51. thread: ProposalDiscussionThread!
  52. "The new thread mode"
  53. newMode: ProposalDiscussionThreadMode!
  54. "The member that changed the thread mode (either proposal creator or council member)"
  55. actor: Membership!
  56. }
  57. type ProposalDiscussionPostDeletedEvent implements Event @entity {
  58. ### GENERIC DATA ###
  59. "(network}-{blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}"
  60. id: ID!
  61. "Hash of the extrinsic which caused the event to be emitted"
  62. inExtrinsic: String
  63. "Blocknumber of the block in which the event was emitted."
  64. inBlock: Int!
  65. "Network the block was produced in"
  66. network: Network!
  67. "Index of event in block from which it was emitted."
  68. indexInBlock: Int!
  69. ### SPECIFIC DATA ###
  70. "The post in question"
  71. post: ProposalDiscussionPost!
  72. "The member that deleted/locked the post"
  73. actor: Membership!
  74. }