123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567 |
- import ExitCodes from '../ExitCodes'
- import { CLIError } from '@oclif/errors'
- import StateAwareCommandBase from './StateAwareCommandBase'
- import Api from '../Api'
- import { getTypeDef, Option, Tuple } from '@polkadot/types'
- import { Registry, Codec, TypeDef, TypeDefInfo } from '@polkadot/types/types'
- import { Vec, Struct, Enum } from '@polkadot/types/codec'
- import { WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
- import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
- import chalk from 'chalk'
- import { InterfaceTypes } from '@polkadot/types/types/registry'
- import { ApiMethodArg, ApiMethodNamedArgs, ApiParamsOptions, ApiParamOptions } from '../Types'
- import { createParamOptions } from '../helpers/promptOptions'
- import { AugmentedSubmittables, SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types'
- import { DistinctQuestion } from 'inquirer'
- import { BOOL_PROMPT_OPTIONS } from '../helpers/prompting'
- import { DispatchError } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/system'
- import { formatBalance } from '@polkadot/util'
- import BN from 'bn.js'
- import _ from 'lodash'
- export class ExtrinsicFailedError extends Error {}
- export default abstract class ApiCommandBase extends StateAwareCommandBase {
- private api: Api | null = null
- getApi(): Api {
- if (!this.api) throw new CLIError('Tried to get API before initialization.', { exit: ExitCodes.ApiError })
- return this.api
- }
- getOriginalApi() {
- return this.getApi().getOriginalApi()
- }
- getUnaugmentedApi() {
- return this.getApi().getUnaugmentedApi()
- }
- getTypesRegistry(): Registry {
- return this.getOriginalApi().registry
- }
- createType<K extends keyof InterfaceTypes>(typeName: K, value?: unknown): InterfaceTypes[K] {
- return this.getOriginalApi().createType(typeName, value)
- }
- async init() {
- await super.init()
- let apiUri: string = this.getPreservedState().apiUri
- if (!apiUri) {
- this.warn("You haven't provided a Joystream node websocket api uri for the CLI to connect to yet!")
- apiUri = await this.promptForApiUri()
- }
- let queryNodeUri: string = this.getPreservedState().queryNodeUri
- if (!queryNodeUri) {
- this.warn("You haven't provided a Joystream query node uri for the CLI to connect to yet!")
- queryNodeUri = await this.promptForQueryNodeUri()
- }
- const { metadataCache } = this.getPreservedState()
- this.api = await Api.create(apiUri, metadataCache, queryNodeUri === 'none' ? undefined : queryNodeUri)
- const { genesisHash, runtimeVersion } = this.getOriginalApi()
- const metadataKey = `${genesisHash}-${runtimeVersion.specVersion}`
- if (!metadataCache[metadataKey]) {
- metadataCache[metadataKey] = await this.getOriginalApi().runtimeMetadata.toJSON()
- await this.setPreservedState({ metadataCache })
- }
- }
- async promptForApiUri(): Promise<string> {
- let selectedNodeUri = await this.simplePrompt({
- type: 'list',
- message: 'Choose a node websocket api uri:',
- choices: [
- {
- name: 'Local node (ws://localhost:9944)',
- value: 'ws://localhost:9944',
- },
- {
- name: 'Current Testnet official Joystream node (wss://rome-rpc-endpoint.joystream.org:9944/)',
- value: 'wss://rome-rpc-endpoint.joystream.org:9944/',
- },
- {
- name: 'Custom endpoint',
- value: '',
- },
- ],
- })
- if (!selectedNodeUri) {
- do {
- selectedNodeUri = await this.simplePrompt({
- type: 'input',
- message: 'Provide a WS endpoint uri',
- })
- if (!this.isApiUriValid(selectedNodeUri)) {
- this.warn('Provided uri seems incorrect! Please try again...')
- }
- } while (!this.isApiUriValid(selectedNodeUri))
- }
- await this.setPreservedState({ apiUri: selectedNodeUri })
- return selectedNodeUri
- }
- async promptForQueryNodeUri(): Promise<string> {
- let selectedUri = await this.simplePrompt({
- type: 'list',
- message: 'Choose a query node endpoint:',
- choices: [
- {
- name: 'Local query node (http://localhost:8081/graphql)',
- value: 'http://localhost:8081/graphql',
- },
- {
- name: 'Jsgenesis-hosted query node (https://hydra.joystream.org/graphql)',
- value: 'https://hydra.joystream.org/graphql',
- },
- {
- name: 'Custom endpoint',
- value: '',
- },
- {
- name: "No endpoint (if you don't use query node some features will not be available)",
- value: 'none',
- },
- ],
- })
- if (!selectedUri) {
- do {
- selectedUri = await this.simplePrompt({
- type: 'input',
- message: 'Provide a query node endpoint',
- })
- if (!this.isApiUriValid(selectedUri)) {
- this.warn('Provided uri seems incorrect! Please try again...')
- }
- } while (!this.isApiUriValid(selectedUri))
- }
- await this.setPreservedState({ queryNodeUri: selectedUri })
- return selectedUri
- }
- isApiUriValid(uri: string) {
- try {
- new WsProvider(uri)
- } catch (e) {
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- isQueryNodeUriValid(uri: string) {
- let url: URL
- try {
- url = new URL(uri)
- } catch (_) {
- return false
- }
- return url.protocol === 'http:' || url.protocol === 'https:'
- }
- protected getRawTypeDef(type: keyof InterfaceTypes) {
- const instance = this.createType(type)
- return getTypeDef(instance.toRawType())
- }
- protected prettifyJsonTypeName(json: string) {
- const obj = JSON.parse(json) as { [key: string]: string }
- return (
- '{\n' +
- Object.keys(obj)
- .map((prop) => ` ${prop}${chalk.white(':' + obj[prop])}`)
- .join('\n') +
- '\n}'
- )
- }
- protected paramName(typeDef: TypeDef) {
- return chalk.green(
- typeDef.displayName ||
- typeDef.name ||
- (typeDef.type.startsWith('{') ? this.prettifyJsonTypeName(typeDef.type) : typeDef.type)
- )
- }
- async promptForSimple(typeDef: TypeDef, paramOptions?: ApiParamOptions): Promise<Codec> {
- const defaultValueString =
- paramOptions?.value?.default?.toString() || this.createType(typeDef.type as any, '').toString()
- let typeSpecificOptions: DistinctQuestion = { type: 'input' }
- if (typeDef.type === 'bool') {
- typeSpecificOptions = BOOL_PROMPT_OPTIONS
- }
- const providedValue = await this.simplePrompt({
- message: `Provide value for ${this.paramName(typeDef)}`,
- ...typeSpecificOptions,
- default: (defaultValueString === '0x' ? '' : defaultValueString) || undefined,
- validate: paramOptions?.validator,
- })
- return this.createType(typeDef.type as any, providedValue)
- }
- async promptForOption(typeDef: TypeDef, paramOptions?: ApiParamOptions): Promise<Option<Codec>> {
- const subtype = typeDef.sub as TypeDef
- const defaultValue = paramOptions?.value?.default as Option<Codec> | undefined
- const confirmed = await this.simplePrompt({
- message: `Do you want to provide the optional ${this.paramName(typeDef)} parameter?`,
- type: 'confirm',
- default: defaultValue ? defaultValue.isSome : false,
- })
- if (confirmed) {
- this.openIndentGroup()
- const value = await this.promptForParam(
- subtype.type,
- createParamOptions(subtype.name, defaultValue?.unwrapOr(undefined))
- )
- this.closeIndentGroup()
- return this.createType(`Option<${subtype.type}>` as any, value)
- }
- return this.createType(`Option<${subtype.type}>` as any, null)
- }
- async promptForTuple(typeDef: TypeDef, paramOptions?: ApiParamOptions): Promise<Tuple> {
- console.log(chalk.grey(`Providing values for ${this.paramName(typeDef)} tuple:`))
- this.openIndentGroup()
- const result: ApiMethodArg[] = []
- const subtypes: TypeDef[] = Array.isArray(typeDef.sub) ? typeDef.sub! : [typeDef.sub!]
- const defaultValue = paramOptions?.value?.default as Tuple | undefined
- for (const [index, subtype] of Object.entries(subtypes)) {
- const entryDefaultVal = defaultValue && defaultValue[parseInt(index)]
- const inputParam = await this.promptForParam(subtype.type, createParamOptions(subtype.name, entryDefaultVal))
- result.push(inputParam)
- }
- this.closeIndentGroup()
- return new Tuple(this.getTypesRegistry(), subtypes.map((subtype) => subtype.type) as any, result)
- }
- async promptForStruct(typeDef: TypeDef, paramOptions?: ApiParamOptions): Promise<ApiMethodArg> {
- console.log(chalk.grey(`Providing values for ${this.paramName(typeDef)} struct:`))
- this.openIndentGroup()
- const structType = typeDef.type
- const rawTypeDef = this.getRawTypeDef(structType as keyof InterfaceTypes)
- const structSubtypes = rawTypeDef.sub as TypeDef[]
- const structDefault = paramOptions?.value?.default as Struct | undefined
- const structValues: { [key: string]: ApiMethodArg } = {}
- for (const subtype of structSubtypes) {
- const fieldOptions = paramOptions?.nestedOptions && paramOptions.nestedOptions[subtype.name!]
- const fieldDefaultValue = fieldOptions?.value?.default || (structDefault && structDefault.get(subtype.name!))
- const finalFieldOptions: ApiParamOptions = {
- forcedName: subtype.name,
- ...fieldOptions,
- value: fieldDefaultValue && { ...fieldOptions?.value, default: fieldDefaultValue },
- }
- structValues[subtype.name!] = await this.promptForParam(subtype.type, finalFieldOptions)
- }
- this.closeIndentGroup()
- return this.createType(structType as any, structValues)
- }
- async promptForVec(typeDef: TypeDef, paramOptions?: ApiParamOptions): Promise<Vec<Codec>> {
- console.log(chalk.grey(`Providing values for ${this.paramName(typeDef)} vector:`))
- this.openIndentGroup()
- const subtype = typeDef.sub as TypeDef
- const defaultValue = paramOptions?.value?.default as Vec<Codec> | undefined
- const entries: Codec[] = []
- let addAnother = false
- do {
- addAnother = await this.simplePrompt({
- message: `Do you want to add another entry to ${this.paramName(typeDef)} vector (currently: ${
- entries.length
- })?`,
- type: 'confirm',
- default: defaultValue ? entries.length < defaultValue.length : false,
- })
- const defaultEntryValue = defaultValue && defaultValue[entries.length]
- if (addAnother) {
- entries.push(await this.promptForParam(subtype.type, createParamOptions(subtype.name, defaultEntryValue)))
- }
- } while (addAnother)
- this.closeIndentGroup()
- return this.createType(`Vec<${subtype.type}>` as any, entries)
- }
- async promptForEnum(typeDef: TypeDef, paramOptions?: ApiParamOptions): Promise<Enum> {
- const enumType = typeDef.type as keyof InterfaceTypes
- const rawTypeDef = this.getRawTypeDef(enumType)
- const enumSubtypes = rawTypeDef.sub as TypeDef[]
- const defaultValue = paramOptions?.value?.default as Enum | undefined
- const enumSubtypeName = await this.simplePrompt({
- message: `Choose value for ${this.paramName(typeDef)}:`,
- type: 'list',
- choices: enumSubtypes.map((subtype) => ({
- name: subtype.name,
- value: subtype.name,
- })),
- default: defaultValue?.type,
- })
- const enumSubtype = enumSubtypes.find((st) => st.name === enumSubtypeName)!
- if (enumSubtype.type !== 'Null') {
- const subtypeOptions = createParamOptions(enumSubtype.name, defaultValue?.value)
- return this.createType(enumType as any, {
- [enumSubtype.name!]: await this.promptForParam(enumSubtype.type, subtypeOptions),
- })
- }
- return this.createType(enumType as any, enumSubtype.name)
- }
- async promptForParam(
- paramType: string,
- paramOptions?: ApiParamOptions
- ): Promise<ApiMethodArg> {
- const typeDef = getTypeDef(paramType)
- const rawTypeDef = this.getRawTypeDef(paramType as keyof InterfaceTypes)
- if (paramOptions?.forcedName) {
- typeDef.name = paramOptions.forcedName
- }
- if (paramOptions?.value?.locked) {
- return paramOptions.value.default
- }
- if (rawTypeDef.info === TypeDefInfo.Option) {
- return await this.promptForOption(typeDef, paramOptions)
- } else if (rawTypeDef.info === TypeDefInfo.Tuple) {
- return await this.promptForTuple(typeDef, paramOptions)
- } else if (rawTypeDef.info === TypeDefInfo.Struct) {
- return await this.promptForStruct(typeDef, paramOptions)
- } else if (rawTypeDef.info === TypeDefInfo.Enum) {
- return await this.promptForEnum(typeDef, paramOptions)
- } else if (rawTypeDef.info === TypeDefInfo.Vec) {
- return await this.promptForVec(typeDef, paramOptions)
- } else {
- return await this.promptForSimple(typeDef, paramOptions)
- }
- }
- async promptForType(type: keyof InterfaceTypes, options?: ApiParamOptions) {
- return await this.promptForParam(type, options)
- }
- async promptForExtrinsicParams(
- module: string,
- method: string,
- paramsOptions?: ApiParamsOptions
- ): Promise<ApiMethodArg[]> {
- const extrinsicMethod = (await this.getUnaugmentedApi().tx)[module][method]
- const values: ApiMethodArg[] = []
- this.openIndentGroup()
- for (const arg of extrinsicMethod.meta.args.toArray()) {
- const argName = arg.name.toString()
- const argType = arg.type.toString()
- let argOptions = paramsOptions && paramsOptions[argName]
- if (!argOptions?.forcedName) {
- argOptions = { ...argOptions, forcedName: argName }
- }
- values.push(await this.promptForParam(argType, argOptions))
- }
- this.closeIndentGroup()
- return values
- }
- sendExtrinsic(account: KeyringPair, tx: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>): Promise<void> {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let unsubscribe: () => void
- tx.signAndSend(account, {}, (result) => {
- if (!result || !result.status) {
- return
- }
- if (result.status.isInBlock) {
- unsubscribe()
- result.events
- .filter(({ event }) => event.section === 'system')
- .forEach(({ event }) => {
- if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicFailed') {
- const dispatchError = event.data[0] as DispatchError
- let errorMsg = dispatchError.toString()
- if (dispatchError.isModule) {
- try {
- const { name, documentation } = this.getOriginalApi().registry.findMetaError(dispatchError.asModule)
- errorMsg = `${name} (${documentation})`
- } catch (e) {
- }
- }
- reject(new ExtrinsicFailedError(`Extrinsic execution error: ${errorMsg}`))
- } else if (event.method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess') {
- resolve()
- }
- })
- } else if (result.isError) {
- reject(new ExtrinsicFailedError('Extrinsic execution error!'))
- }
- })
- .then((unsubFunc) => (unsubscribe = unsubFunc))
- .catch((e) =>
- reject(new ExtrinsicFailedError(`Cannot send the extrinsic: ${e.message ? e.message : JSON.stringify(e)}`))
- )
- })
- }
- async sendAndFollowTx(
- account: KeyringPair,
- tx: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>,
- warnOnly = false
- ): Promise<boolean> {
- const fee = await this.getApi().estimateFee(account, tx)
- await this.requireConfirmation(
- `Tx fee of ${chalk.cyan(formatBalance(fee))} will be deduced from you account, do you confirm the transfer?`
- )
- try {
- await this.sendExtrinsic(account, tx)
- this.log(chalk.green(`Extrinsic successful!`))
- return true
- } catch (e) {
- if (e instanceof ExtrinsicFailedError && warnOnly) {
- this.warn(`Extrinsic failed! ${e.message}`)
- return false
- } else if (e instanceof ExtrinsicFailedError) {
- throw new CLIError(`Extrinsic failed! ${e.message}`, { exit: ExitCodes.ApiError })
- } else {
- throw e
- }
- }
- }
- private humanize(p: unknown): any {
- if (Array.isArray(p)) {
- return p.map((v) => this.humanize(v))
- } else if (typeof p === 'object' && p !== null) {
- if ((p as any).toHuman) {
- return (p as Codec).toHuman()
- } else if (p instanceof BN) {
- return p.toString()
- } else {
- return _.mapValues(p, this.humanize.bind(this))
- }
- }
- return p
- }
- async sendAndFollowNamedTx<
- Module extends keyof AugmentedSubmittables<'promise'>,
- Method extends keyof AugmentedSubmittables<'promise'>[Module] & string,
- Submittable extends AugmentedSubmittables<'promise'>[Module][Method]
- >(
- account: KeyringPair,
- module: Module,
- method: Method,
- params: Submittable extends (...args: any[]) => any ? Parameters<Submittable> : [],
- warnOnly = false
- ): Promise<boolean> {
- this.log(
- chalk.white(
- `\nSending ${module}.${method} extrinsic from ${account.meta.name ? account.meta.name : account.address}...`
- )
- )
- console.log('Params:', this.humanize(params))
- const tx = await this.getUnaugmentedApi().tx[module][method](...params)
- return await this.sendAndFollowTx(account, tx, warnOnly)
- }
- async buildAndSendExtrinsic<
- Module extends keyof AugmentedSubmittables<'promise'>,
- Method extends keyof AugmentedSubmittables<'promise'>[Module] & string
- >(
- account: KeyringPair,
- module: Module,
- method: Method,
- paramsOptions?: ApiParamsOptions,
- warnOnly = false // If specified - only warning will be displayed (instead of error beeing thrown)
- ): Promise<ApiMethodArg[]> {
- const params = await this.promptForExtrinsicParams(module, method, paramsOptions)
- await this.sendAndFollowNamedTx(account, module, method, params as any, warnOnly)
- return params
- }
- extrinsicArgsFromDraft(module: string, method: string, draftFilePath: string): ApiMethodNamedArgs {
- let draftJSONObj
- const parsedArgs: ApiMethodNamedArgs = []
- const extrinsicMethod = this.getUnaugmentedApi().tx[module][method]
- try {
- draftJSONObj = require(draftFilePath)
- } catch (e) {
- throw new CLIError(`Could not load draft from: ${draftFilePath}`, { exit: ExitCodes.InvalidFile })
- }
- if (!draftJSONObj || !Array.isArray(draftJSONObj) || draftJSONObj.length !== extrinsicMethod.meta.args.length) {
- throw new CLIError(`The draft file at ${draftFilePath} is invalid!`, { exit: ExitCodes.InvalidFile })
- }
- for (const [index, arg] of Object.entries(extrinsicMethod.meta.args.toArray())) {
- const argName = arg.name.toString()
- const argType = arg.type.toString()
- try {
- parsedArgs.push({ name: argName, value: this.createType(argType as any, draftJSONObj[parseInt(index)]) })
- } catch (e) {
- throw new CLIError(`Couldn't parse ${argName} value from draft at ${draftFilePath}!`, {
- exit: ExitCodes.InvalidFile,
- })
- }
- }
- return parsedArgs
- }
- }