123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400 |
- // Copyright 2019 Joystream Contributors
- // This file is part of Joystream node.
- // Joystream node is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- // (at your option) any later version.
- // Joystream node is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with Joystream node. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- // Clippy linter warning.
- // Disable it because we use such syntax for a code readability.
- // Example: voting_period: 1 * DAY
- #![allow(clippy::identity_op)]
- use pallet_im_online::sr25519::AuthorityId as ImOnlineId;
- use serde_json as json;
- use sp_authority_discovery::AuthorityId as AuthorityDiscoveryId;
- use sp_consensus_babe::AuthorityId as BabeId;
- use sp_core::{sr25519, Pair, Public};
- use sp_finality_grandpa::AuthorityId as GrandpaId;
- use sp_runtime::traits::{IdentifyAccount, Verify};
- use sp_runtime::Perbill;
- use node_runtime::{
- membership, wasm_binary_unwrap, AuthorityDiscoveryConfig, BabeConfig, Balance, BalancesConfig,
- ContentDirectoryConfig, CouncilConfig, CouncilElectionConfig, DataObjectStorageRegistryConfig,
- DataObjectTypeRegistryConfig, ElectionParameters, ForumConfig, GrandpaConfig, ImOnlineConfig,
- MembersConfig, Moment, SessionConfig, SessionKeys, Signature, StakerStatus, StakingConfig,
- SudoConfig, SystemConfig, DAYS,
- };
- // Exported to be used by chain-spec-builder
- pub use node_runtime::{AccountId, GenesisConfig};
- pub mod forum_config;
- pub mod initial_balances;
- pub mod initial_members;
- type AccountPublic = <Signature as Verify>::Signer;
- /// Specialized `ChainSpec`. This is a specialization of the general Substrate ChainSpec type.
- pub type ChainSpec = sc_service::GenericChainSpec<GenesisConfig>;
- use sc_chain_spec::ChainType;
- /// The chain specification option. This is expected to come in from the CLI and
- /// is little more than one of a number of alternatives which can easily be converted
- /// from a string (`--chain=...`) into a `ChainSpec`.
- #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
- pub enum Alternative {
- /// Whatever the current runtime is, with just Alice as an auth.
- Development,
- /// Whatever the current runtime is, with simple Alice/Bob auths.
- LocalTestnet,
- }
- /// Helper function to generate a crypto pair from seed
- pub fn get_from_seed<TPublic: Public>(seed: &str) -> <TPublic::Pair as Pair>::Public {
- TPublic::Pair::from_string(&format!("//{}", seed), None)
- .expect("static values are valid; qed")
- .public()
- }
- /// Helper function to generate an account ID from seed
- pub fn get_account_id_from_seed<TPublic: Public>(seed: &str) -> AccountId
- where
- AccountPublic: From<<TPublic::Pair as Pair>::Public>,
- {
- AccountPublic::from(get_from_seed::<TPublic>(seed)).into_account()
- }
- /// Helper function to generate stash, controller and session key from seed
- pub fn get_authority_keys_from_seed(
- seed: &str,
- ) -> (
- AccountId,
- AccountId,
- GrandpaId,
- BabeId,
- ImOnlineId,
- AuthorityDiscoveryId,
- ) {
- (
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>(&format!("{}//stash", seed)),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>(seed),
- get_from_seed::<GrandpaId>(seed),
- get_from_seed::<BabeId>(seed),
- get_from_seed::<ImOnlineId>(seed),
- get_from_seed::<AuthorityDiscoveryId>(seed),
- )
- }
- fn session_keys(
- grandpa: GrandpaId,
- babe: BabeId,
- im_online: ImOnlineId,
- authority_discovery: AuthorityDiscoveryId,
- ) -> SessionKeys {
- SessionKeys {
- grandpa,
- babe,
- im_online,
- authority_discovery,
- }
- }
- impl Alternative {
- /// Get an actual chain config from one of the alternatives.
- pub(crate) fn load(self) -> Result<ChainSpec, String> {
- Ok(match self {
- Alternative::Development => ChainSpec::from_genesis(
- "Development",
- "dev",
- ChainType::Development,
- || {
- testnet_genesis(
- vec![get_authority_keys_from_seed("Alice")],
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
- vec![
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Bob"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice//stash"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Bob//stash"),
- ],
- initial_members::none(),
- forum_config::empty(get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice")),
- vec![],
- )
- },
- Vec::new(),
- None,
- None,
- Some(chain_spec_properties()),
- None,
- ),
- Alternative::LocalTestnet => ChainSpec::from_genesis(
- "Local Testnet",
- "local_testnet",
- ChainType::Local,
- || {
- testnet_genesis(
- vec![
- get_authority_keys_from_seed("Alice"),
- get_authority_keys_from_seed("Bob"),
- ],
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
- vec![
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Bob"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Charlie"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Dave"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Eve"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Ferdie"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice//stash"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Bob//stash"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Charlie//stash"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Dave//stash"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Eve//stash"),
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Ferdie//stash"),
- ],
- initial_members::none(),
- forum_config::empty(get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice")),
- vec![],
- )
- },
- Vec::new(),
- None,
- None,
- Some(chain_spec_properties()),
- None,
- ),
- })
- }
- }
- pub fn chain_spec_properties() -> json::map::Map<String, json::Value> {
- let mut properties: json::map::Map<String, json::Value> = json::map::Map::new();
- properties.insert(
- String::from("tokenDecimals"),
- json::Value::Number(json::Number::from(0)),
- );
- properties.insert(
- String::from("tokenSymbol"),
- json::Value::String(String::from("JOY")),
- );
- properties
- }
- // This method should be refactored after Alexandria to reduce number of arguments
- // as more args will likely be needed
- #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
- pub fn testnet_genesis(
- initial_authorities: Vec<(
- AccountId,
- AccountId,
- GrandpaId,
- BabeId,
- ImOnlineId,
- AuthorityDiscoveryId,
- )>,
- root_key: AccountId,
- endowed_accounts: Vec<AccountId>,
- members: Vec<membership::genesis::Member<u64, AccountId, Moment>>,
- forum_config: ForumConfig,
- initial_balances: Vec<(AccountId, Balance)>,
- ) -> GenesisConfig {
- const STASH: Balance = 5_000;
- const ENDOWMENT: Balance = 100_000_000;
- GenesisConfig {
- frame_system: Some(SystemConfig {
- code: wasm_binary_unwrap().to_vec(),
- changes_trie_config: Default::default(),
- }),
- pallet_balances: Some(BalancesConfig {
- balances: endowed_accounts
- .iter()
- .cloned()
- .map(|k| (k, ENDOWMENT))
- .chain(initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.0.clone(), STASH)))
- .chain(
- initial_balances
- .iter()
- .map(|(account, balance)| (account.clone(), *balance)),
- )
- .collect(),
- }),
- pallet_staking: Some(StakingConfig {
- validator_count: 20,
- minimum_validator_count: initial_authorities.len() as u32,
- stakers: initial_authorities
- .iter()
- .map(|x| (x.0.clone(), x.1.clone(), STASH, StakerStatus::Validator))
- .collect(),
- invulnerables: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.0.clone()).collect(),
- slash_reward_fraction: Perbill::from_percent(10),
- history_depth: 336,
- ..Default::default()
- }),
- pallet_sudo: Some(SudoConfig { key: root_key }),
- pallet_babe: Some(BabeConfig {
- authorities: vec![],
- }),
- pallet_im_online: Some(ImOnlineConfig { keys: vec![] }),
- pallet_authority_discovery: Some(AuthorityDiscoveryConfig { keys: vec![] }),
- pallet_grandpa: Some(GrandpaConfig {
- authorities: vec![],
- }),
- pallet_session: Some(SessionConfig {
- keys: initial_authorities
- .iter()
- .map(|x| {
- (
- x.0.clone(),
- x.0.clone(),
- session_keys(x.2.clone(), x.3.clone(), x.4.clone(), x.5.clone()),
- )
- })
- .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
- }),
- council: Some(CouncilConfig {
- active_council: vec![],
- term_ends_at: 1,
- }),
- election: Some(CouncilElectionConfig {
- auto_start: true,
- election_parameters: ElectionParameters {
- announcing_period: 2 * DAYS,
- voting_period: 1 * DAYS,
- revealing_period: 1 * DAYS,
- council_size: 6,
- candidacy_limit: 25,
- min_council_stake: 1_000,
- new_term_duration: 10 * DAYS,
- min_voting_stake: 100,
- },
- }),
- membership: Some(MembersConfig { members }),
- forum: Some(forum_config),
- data_object_type_registry: Some(DataObjectTypeRegistryConfig {
- first_data_object_type_id: 1,
- }),
- data_object_storage_registry: Some(DataObjectStorageRegistryConfig {
- first_relationship_id: 1,
- }),
- content_directory: Some({
- ContentDirectoryConfig {
- class_by_id: vec![],
- entity_by_id: vec![],
- curator_group_by_id: vec![],
- next_class_id: 1,
- next_entity_id: 1,
- next_curator_group_id: 1,
- }
- }),
- }
- }
- #[cfg(test)]
- pub(crate) mod tests {
- use super::*;
- use crate::service::{new_full_base, new_light_base, NewFullBase};
- use sc_service_test;
- fn local_testnet_genesis_instant_single() -> GenesisConfig {
- testnet_genesis(
- vec![get_authority_keys_from_seed("Alice")],
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
- vec![get_authority_keys_from_seed("Alice").0],
- initial_members::none(),
- forum_config::empty(get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice")),
- vec![],
- )
- }
- /// Local testnet config (single validator - Alice)
- pub fn integration_test_config_with_single_authority() -> ChainSpec {
- ChainSpec::from_genesis(
- "Integration Test",
- "test",
- ChainType::Development,
- local_testnet_genesis_instant_single,
- vec![],
- None,
- None,
- None,
- Default::default(),
- )
- }
- fn local_testnet_genesis() -> GenesisConfig {
- testnet_genesis(
- vec![
- get_authority_keys_from_seed("Alice"),
- get_authority_keys_from_seed("Bob"),
- ],
- get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
- vec![
- get_authority_keys_from_seed("Alice").0,
- get_authority_keys_from_seed("Bob").0,
- ],
- initial_members::none(),
- forum_config::empty(get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice")),
- vec![],
- )
- }
- /// Local testnet config (multivalidator Alice + Bob)
- pub fn integration_test_config_with_two_authorities() -> ChainSpec {
- ChainSpec::from_genesis(
- "Integration Test",
- "test",
- ChainType::Development,
- local_testnet_genesis,
- vec![],
- None,
- None,
- None,
- Default::default(),
- )
- }
- #[test]
- #[ignore]
- fn test_connectivity() {
- sc_service_test::connectivity(
- integration_test_config_with_two_authorities(),
- |config| {
- let NewFullBase {
- task_manager,
- client,
- network,
- transaction_pool,
- ..
- } = new_full_base(config, |_, _| ())?;
- Ok(sc_service_test::TestNetComponents::new(
- task_manager,
- client,
- network,
- transaction_pool,
- ))
- },
- |config| {
- let (keep_alive, _, client, network, transaction_pool) = new_light_base(config)?;
- Ok(sc_service_test::TestNetComponents::new(
- keep_alive,
- client,
- network,
- transaction_pool,
- ))
- },
- );
- }
- }