deploy-playground-playbook.yml 3.5 KB

  1. ---
  2. # Run the docker-compose setup on a new EC2 instance
  3. - name: Setup EC2 instance and start docker-compose services
  4. hosts: all
  5. gather_facts: yes
  6. tasks:
  7. - name: Get code from git repo
  8. include_role:
  9. name: common
  10. tasks_from: get-code-git
  11. - name: Creat bash profile file
  12. command: 'touch /home/ubuntu/.bash_profile'
  13. - name: Run setup script
  14. command: ./
  15. args:
  16. chdir: '{{ remote_code_path }}'
  17. - name: Copy bash_profile content
  18. shell: cat ~/.bash_profile
  19. register: bash_data
  20. - name: Copy bash_profile content to bashrc for non-interactive sessions
  21. blockinfile:
  22. block: '{{ bash_data.stdout }}'
  23. path: ~/.bashrc
  24. insertbefore: BOF
  25. - name: Make sure docker is running
  26. command: systemctl start docker
  27. become: yes
  28. - name: Build packages
  29. command: yarn build:packages
  30. args:
  31. chdir: '{{ remote_code_path }}'
  32. async: 3600
  33. poll: 0
  34. register: build_result
  35. - name: Check on build async task
  36. async_status:
  37. jid: '{{ build_result.ansible_job_id }}'
  38. register: job_result
  39. until: job_result.finished
  40. # Max number of times to check for status
  41. retries: 36
  42. # Check for the status every 100s
  43. delay: 100
  44. - name: Build Node image
  45. command: yarn build:node:docker
  46. args:
  47. chdir: '{{ remote_code_path }}'
  48. async: 3600
  49. poll: 0
  50. register: node_build_result
  51. - name: Check on build node image async task
  52. async_status:
  53. jid: '{{ node_build_result.ansible_job_id }}'
  54. register: job_result
  55. until: job_result.finished
  56. # Max number of times to check for status
  57. retries: 36
  58. # Check for the status every 100s
  59. delay: 100
  60. - name: Run docker-compose
  61. command: yarn start
  62. args:
  63. chdir: '{{ remote_code_path }}'
  64. environment:
  65. PERSIST: 'true'
  66. COLOSSUS_1_URL: 'https://{{ inventory_hostname }}'
  67. DISTRIBUTOR_1_URL: 'https://{{ inventory_hostname }}'
  68. async: 1800
  69. poll: 0
  70. register: compose_result
  71. - name: Check on yarn start task
  72. async_status:
  73. jid: '{{ compose_result.ansible_job_id }}'
  74. register: job_result
  75. until: job_result.finished
  76. # Max number of times to check for status
  77. retries: 18
  78. # Check for the status every 100s
  79. delay: 100
  80. - name: Set domain with IP
  81. set_fact:
  82. nip_domain: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
  83. run_once: yes
  84. - name: Install and configure Caddy
  85. include_role:
  86. name: caddy_ansible.caddy_ansible
  87. apply:
  88. become: yes
  89. vars:
  90. caddy_config: "{{ lookup('template', 'templates/Playground-Caddyfile.j2') }}"
  91. caddy_systemd_capabilities_enabled: true
  92. caddy_update: false
  93. - name: Print endpoints
  94. debug:
  95. msg:
  96. - 'The services should now be accesible at:'
  97. - 'Pioneer: https://{{ nip_domain }}/'
  98. - 'WebSocket RPC: wss://{{ nip_domain }}/ws-rpc'
  99. - 'HTTP RPC: https://{{ nip_domain }}/http-rpc'
  100. - 'Colossus: https://{{ nip_domain }}/colossus-1'
  101. - 'Distributor: https://{{ nip_domain }}/distributor-1'
  102. - 'GraphQL server: https://{{ nip_domain }}/query-node/server/graphql'
  103. - 'Indexer: https://{{ nip_domain }}/query-node/indexer/graphql'
  104. - 'Member Faucet: https://{{ nip_domain }}/member-faucet/register'
  105. - 'Orion: https://{{ nip_domain }}/orion/graphql'