pre-push 483 B

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. set -e
  3. export WASM_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN=nightly-2021-03-24
  4. echo 'running clippy (rust linter)'
  5. # When custom triggers wasm-build-runner-impl to build we get error:
  6. # "Rust WASM toolchain not installed, please install it!"
  7. # So we skip building the WASM binary by setting BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=1
  8. BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=1 cargo +nightly-2021-03-24 clippy --release --all -- -D warnings
  9. echo 'running cargo unit tests'
  10. cargo +nightly-2021-03-24 test --release --all