123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- ---
- # Setup joystream code, build and Create AMI
- - name: Setup instance
- hosts: all
- tasks:
- - name: Get code from git repo
- include_role:
- name: common
- tasks_from: get-code-git
- - name: Run setup and build
- include_role:
- name: common
- tasks_from: run-setup-build
- - name: Install subkey
- include_role:
- name: build-server
- tasks_from: main
- - name: Basic AMI Creation
- amazon.aws.ec2_ami:
- instance_id: '{{ instance_id }}'
- wait: yes
- # How long before wait gives up, in seconds
- wait_timeout: 3600
- name: '{{ ami_name }}'
- launch_permissions:
- group_names: ['all']
- tags:
- Name: '{{ ami_name }}'
- register: ami_data
- delegate_to: localhost
- - name: Print AMI ID
- debug:
- msg: 'AMI ID is: {{ ami_data.image_id }}'