123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188 |
- //! # Service discovery module
- //! Service discovery module for the Joystream platform supports the storage providers.
- //! It registers their 'pings' in the system with the expiration time, and stores the bootstrap
- //! nodes for the Colossus.
- //!
- //! ## Comments
- //!
- //! Service discovery module uses working group module to authorize actions. It is generally used by
- //! the Colossus service.
- //!
- //! ## Supported extrinsics
- //!
- //! - [set_ipns_id](./struct.Module.html#method.set_ipns_id) - Creates the AccountInfo to save an IPNS identity for the storage provider.
- //! - [unset_ipns_id](./struct.Module.html#method.unset_ipns_id) - Deletes the AccountInfo with the IPNS identity for the storage provider.
- //! - [set_default_lifetime](./struct.Module.html#method.set_default_lifetime) - Sets default lifetime for storage providers accounts info.
- //! - [set_bootstrap_endpoints](./struct.Module.html#method.set_bootstrap_endpoints) - Sets bootstrap endpoints for the Colossus.
- //!
- // Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
- #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
- mod mock;
- mod tests;
- use codec::{Decode, Encode};
- #[cfg(feature = "std")]
- use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
- use frame_support::{decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure};
- use system::ensure_root;
- /*
- Although there is support for ed25519 keys as the IPNS identity key and we could potentially
- reuse the same key for the role account and ipns (and make this discovery module obselete)
- it is probably better to separate concerns.
- Why not to use a fixed size 32byte -> SHA256 hash of public key: because we would have to force
- specific key type on ipfs side.
- pub struct IPNSIdentity(pub [u8; 32]); // we loose the key type!
- pub type IPNSIdentity(pub u8, pub [u8; 32]); // we could add the keytype?
- can we use rust library in wasm runtime?
- https://github.com/multiformats/rust-multihash
- https://github.com/multiformats/multicodec/
- https://github.com/multiformats/multihash/
- */
- /// base58 encoded IPNS identity multihash codec
- pub type IPNSIdentity = Vec<u8>;
- /// HTTP Url string to a discovery service endpoint
- pub type Url = Vec<u8>;
- // The storage working group instance alias.
- pub(crate) type StorageWorkingGroupInstance = working_group::Instance2;
- // Alias for storage working group.
- pub(crate) type StorageWorkingGroup<T> = working_group::Module<T, StorageWorkingGroupInstance>;
- /// Storage provider is a worker from the working_group module.
- pub type StorageProviderId<T> = working_group::WorkerId<T>;
- pub(crate) const MINIMUM_LIFETIME: u32 = 600; // 1hr assuming 6s block times
- pub(crate) const DEFAULT_LIFETIME: u32 = MINIMUM_LIFETIME * 24; // 24hr
- /// Defines the expiration date for the storage provider.
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
- #[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
- pub struct AccountInfo<BlockNumber> {
- /// IPNS Identity.
- pub identity: IPNSIdentity,
- /// Block at which information expires.
- pub expires_at: BlockNumber,
- }
- /// The _Service discovery_ main _Trait_.
- pub trait Trait: system::Trait + working_group::Trait<StorageWorkingGroupInstance> {
- /// _Service discovery_ event type.
- type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
- }
- decl_storage! {
- trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Discovery {
- /// Bootstrap endpoints maintained by root
- pub BootstrapEndpoints get(fn bootstrap_endpoints): Vec<Url>;
- /// Mapping of service providers' storage provider id to their AccountInfo
- pub AccountInfoByStorageProviderId get(fn account_info_by_storage_provider_id):
- map hasher(blake2_128_concat) StorageProviderId<T> => AccountInfo<T::BlockNumber>;
- /// Lifetime of an AccountInfo record in AccountInfoByAccountId map
- pub DefaultLifetime get(fn default_lifetime) config():
- T::BlockNumber = T::BlockNumber::from(DEFAULT_LIFETIME);
- }
- }
- decl_event! {
- /// _Service discovery_ events
- pub enum Event<T> where
- StorageProviderId = StorageProviderId<T>
- {
- /// Emits on updating of the account info.
- /// Params:
- /// - Id of the storage provider.
- /// - Id of the IPNS.
- AccountInfoUpdated(StorageProviderId, IPNSIdentity),
- /// Emits on removing of the account info.
- /// Params:
- /// - Id of the storage provider.
- AccountInfoRemoved(StorageProviderId),
- }
- }
- decl_module! {
- /// _Service discovery_ substrate module.
- pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
- /// Default deposit_event() handler
- fn deposit_event() = default;
- /// Creates the AccountInfo to save an IPNS identity for the storage provider.
- /// Requires signed storage provider credentials.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub fn set_ipns_id(
- origin,
- storage_provider_id: StorageProviderId<T>,
- id: Vec<u8>,
- ) {
- <StorageWorkingGroup<T>>::ensure_worker_signed(origin, &storage_provider_id)?;
- // TODO: ensure id is a valid base58 encoded IPNS identity
- //
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- //
- <AccountInfoByStorageProviderId<T>>::insert(storage_provider_id, AccountInfo {
- identity: id.clone(),
- expires_at: <system::Module<T>>::block_number() + Self::default_lifetime(),
- });
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::AccountInfoUpdated(storage_provider_id, id));
- }
- /// Deletes the AccountInfo with the IPNS identity for the storage provider.
- /// Requires signed storage provider credentials.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub fn unset_ipns_id(origin, storage_provider_id: StorageProviderId<T>) {
- <StorageWorkingGroup<T>>::ensure_worker_signed(origin, &storage_provider_id)?;
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- if <AccountInfoByStorageProviderId<T>>::contains_key(storage_provider_id) {
- <AccountInfoByStorageProviderId<T>>::remove(storage_provider_id);
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::AccountInfoRemoved(storage_provider_id));
- }
- }
- // Privileged methods
- /// Sets default lifetime for storage providers accounts info. Requires root privileges.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub fn set_default_lifetime(origin, lifetime: T::BlockNumber) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- ensure!(lifetime >= T::BlockNumber::from(MINIMUM_LIFETIME),
- "discovery: default lifetime must be gte minimum lifetime");
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- <DefaultLifetime<T>>::put(lifetime);
- }
- /// Sets bootstrap endpoints for the Colossus. Requires root privileges.
- #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- pub fn set_bootstrap_endpoints(origin, endpoints: Vec<Url>) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- BootstrapEndpoints::put(endpoints);
- }
- }
- }
- impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- /// Verifies that account info for the storage provider is still valid.
- pub fn is_account_info_expired(storage_provider_id: &StorageProviderId<T>) -> bool {
- !<AccountInfoByStorageProviderId<T>>::contains_key(storage_provider_id)
- || <system::Module<T>>::block_number()
- > <AccountInfoByStorageProviderId<T>>::get(storage_provider_id).expires_at
- }
- }