123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201 |
- /*
- eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
- */
- import { EventContext, StoreContext, DatabaseManager } from '@joystream/hydra-common'
- import { FindConditions, In, Raw } from 'typeorm'
- import {
- createDataObject,
- getWorker,
- getWorkingGroupModuleName,
- inconsistentState,
- logger,
- unexpectedData,
- } from './common'
- import { DataDirectory } from './generated/types'
- import { ContentId, StorageObjectOwner } from '@joystream/types/augment'
- import { ContentId as Custom_ContentId } from '@joystream/types/storage'
- import { registry } from '@joystream/types'
- import {
- Channel,
- Video,
- DataObject,
- DataObjectOwner,
- DataObjectOwnerMember,
- DataObjectOwnerChannel,
- DataObjectOwnerDao,
- DataObjectOwnerCouncil,
- DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup,
- LiaisonJudgement,
- AssetJoystreamStorage,
- } from 'query-node/dist/model'
- export async function dataDirectory_ContentAdded(ctx: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
- const { event } = ctx
- // read event data
- const [contentParameters, storageObjectOwner] = new DataDirectory.ContentAddedEvent(event).params
- // save all content objects
- for (const parameters of contentParameters) {
- const owner = convertStorageObjectOwner(storageObjectOwner)
- await createDataObject(ctx, parameters, owner)
- }
- // emit log event
- logger.info('Storage content has beed added', {
- ids: contentParameters.map((item) => encodeContentId(item.content_id)),
- })
- }
- export async function dataDirectory_ContentRemoved({ store, event }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
- // read event data
- const [contentIds] = new DataDirectory.ContentRemovedEvent(event).params
- // load assets
- const dataObjects = await store.getMany(DataObject, {
- where: {
- joystreamContentId: In(contentIds.map((item) => encodeContentId(item))),
- } as FindConditions<DataObject>,
- })
- // store dataObject ids before they are deleted (for logging purposes)
- const dataObjectIds = dataObjects.map((item) => item.id)
- // remove assets from database
- for (const item of dataObjects) {
- // ensure dataObject is nowhere used to prevent db constraint error
- await unsetDataObjectRelations(store, item)
- // remove data object
- await store.remove<DataObject>(item)
- }
- // emit log event
- logger.info('Storage content have been removed', { id: contentIds, dataObjectIds })
- }
- export async function dataDirectory_ContentAccepted({ store, event }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
- // read event data
- const [contentId, storageProviderId] = new DataDirectory.ContentAcceptedEvent(event).params
- const encodedContentId = encodeContentId(contentId)
- // load asset
- const dataObject = await store.get(DataObject, {
- where: { joystreamContentId: encodedContentId } as FindConditions<DataObject>,
- })
- // ensure object exists
- if (!dataObject) {
- return inconsistentState('Non-existing content acceptation requested', encodedContentId)
- }
- // load storage provider
- const worker = await getWorker(store, 'storageWorkingGroup', storageProviderId)
- // update object
- dataObject.liaison = worker
- dataObject.liaisonJudgement = LiaisonJudgement.ACCEPTED
- // set last update time
- dataObject.updatedAt = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
- // save object
- await store.save<DataObject>(dataObject)
- // emit log event
- logger.info('Storage content has been accepted', { id: encodedContentId })
- }
- // TODO: use ON DELETE SET null on database/typeorm level instead?
- async function unsetDataObjectRelations(store: DatabaseManager, dataObject: DataObject) {
- const channelAssets = ['avatarPhoto', 'coverPhoto'] as const
- const videoAssets = ['thumbnailPhoto', 'media'] as const
- // TODO: FIXME: Queries to be verified!
- // NOTE: we don't need to retrieve multiple channels/videos via `store.getMany()` because dataObject
- // is allowed to be associated only with one channel/video in runtime
- const channel = await store.get(Channel, {
- where: channelAssets.map((assetName) => ({
- [assetName]: Raw((alias) => `${alias}::json->'dataObjectId' = :id`, {
- id: dataObject.id,
- }),
- })),
- })
- const video = await store.get(Video, {
- where: videoAssets.map((assetName) => ({
- [assetName]: Raw((alias) => `${alias}::json->'dataObjectId' = :id`, {
- id: dataObject.id,
- }),
- })),
- })
- if (channel) {
- channelAssets.forEach((assetName) => {
- if (channel[assetName] && (channel[assetName] as AssetJoystreamStorage).dataObjectId === dataObject.id) {
- channel[assetName] = undefined
- }
- })
- await store.save<Channel>(channel)
- // emit log event
- logger.info('Content has been disconnected from Channel', {
- channelId: channel.id.toString(),
- joystreamContentId: dataObject.joystreamContentId,
- })
- } else if (video) {
- videoAssets.forEach((assetName) => {
- if (video[assetName] && (video[assetName] as AssetJoystreamStorage).dataObjectId === dataObject.id) {
- video[assetName] = undefined
- }
- })
- await store.save<Video>(video)
- // emit log event
- logger.info('Content has been disconnected from Video', {
- videoId: video.id.toString(),
- joystreamContentId: dataObject.joystreamContentId,
- })
- }
- }
- /// //////////////// Helpers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function convertStorageObjectOwner(objectOwner: StorageObjectOwner): typeof DataObjectOwner {
- if (objectOwner.isMember) {
- const owner = new DataObjectOwnerMember()
- owner.memberId = objectOwner.asMember.toString()
- return owner
- }
- if (objectOwner.isChannel) {
- const owner = new DataObjectOwnerChannel()
- owner.channelId = objectOwner.asChannel.toString()
- return owner
- }
- if (objectOwner.isDao) {
- const owner = new DataObjectOwnerDao()
- owner.dao = objectOwner.asDao.toNumber()
- return owner
- }
- if (objectOwner.isCouncil) {
- return new DataObjectOwnerCouncil()
- }
- if (objectOwner.isWorkingGroup) {
- const owner = new DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup()
- owner.workingGroupId = getWorkingGroupModuleName(objectOwner.asWorkingGroup)
- return owner
- }
- unexpectedData('Not implemented StorageObjectOwner type', objectOwner.toString())
- }
- function encodeContentId(contentId: ContentId) {
- const customContentId = new Custom_ContentId(registry, contentId)
- return customContentId.encode()
- }