123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170 |
- import { Service, Inject } from 'typedi';
- import { ChannelCategory } from '../channel-category/channel-category.model';
- import { ChannelCategoryService } from '../channel-category/channel-category.service';
- import { ChannelCategoryWhereInput, } from '../../../generated';
- import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
- import { Repository, getConnection, EntityManager } from 'typeorm';
- import { ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput } from './channelCategoriesByName.resolver';
- interface RawSQLResult {
- origin_table: string,
- id: string,
- rank: number,
- highlight: string
- }
- @Service('ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSService')
- export class ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSService {
- readonly channelCategoryRepository: Repository<ChannelCategory>;
- constructor(
- @InjectRepository(ChannelCategory) channelCategoryRepository: Repository<ChannelCategory>
- ,@Inject('ChannelCategoryService') public readonly channelCategoryService: ChannelCategoryService
- ) {
- this.channelCategoryRepository = channelCategoryRepository;
- }
- /**
- * It takes available where inputs for the full text search(fts), generates sql queries
- * to be run with fts query.
- * @param wheres WhereInput[]
- */
- private async processWheres(wheres: any[]): Promise<[string, any[], number]> {
- const services: any[] = [this.channelCategoryService, ]
- const repositories = [this.channelCategoryRepository, ]
- let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
- const generateSqlQuery = (table: string, where: string) =>
- `
- SELECT '${table}_' || id AS unique_id FROM "${table}" ` + where;
- wheres.map((w, index) => {
- if (w) {
- let WHERE = `WHERE `;
- // Combine queries
- if (queries !== ``) {
- queries = queries.concat(`
- }
- const qb = services[index].buildFindQuery(w as any, undefined, undefined, ['id']);
- // Add query parameters to the parameters list
- parameters.push(...qb.getQueryAndParameters()[1]);
- // Remove the last item which is "table_name"."deleted_at" IS NULL
- qb.expressionMap.wheres.pop();
- // Combine conditions
- qb.expressionMap.wheres.map((w: any, index: number) => {
- let c = ``;
- if (w.condition.includes(`IN (:...`)) {
- // IN condition parameters
- const params: any[] = qb.expressionMap.parameters[`param${index}`];
- // Do nothing when IN condition has an empty list of values
- if (params.length !== 0) {
- const paramsAsString = params
- .map((_: any) => {
- parameterCounter += 1;
- return `$${parameterCounter}`;
- })
- .join(`, `);
- c = w.condition.replace(`(:...param${index})`, `(${paramsAsString})`);
- }
- } else if (w.condition.includes(`->>`)) {
- parameterCounter += 1;
- const m = w.condition.match(/->>.*\s=\s:.*/g);
- if (m === null)
- throw Error(`Failed to construct where condition for json field: ${w.condition}`);
- c = w.condition.replace(/=\s:.*/g, `= $${parameterCounter}`);
- } else {
- parameterCounter += 1;
- c = w.condition.replace(`:param${index}`, `$${parameterCounter}`);
- }
- WHERE = WHERE.concat(c, ` `, w.type.toUpperCase(), ` `);
- });
- // Remove unnecessary AND at the end.
- WHERE = WHERE.slice(0, -4);
- // Add new query to queryString
- queries = queries.concat(generateSqlQuery(repositories[index].metadata.tableName, WHERE));
- }
- });
- queries = `
- WITH selected_ids AS (`.concat(
- queries,
- `
- )`
- );
- return [queries, parameters, parameterCounter];
- }
- async search(
- text: string,
- limit = 5,
- skip = 0,
- whereChannelCategory?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput,
- ): Promise<ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput[]> {
- const wheres = [whereChannelCategory, ]
- let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
- if (wheres.some(f => f !== undefined)) {
- [queries, parameters, parameterCounter] = await this.processWheres(wheres);
- }
- parameters.push(...[text, limit, skip]);
- return getConnection().transaction<ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput[]>(
- async (em: EntityManager) => {
- const query = `
- ${queries}
- SELECT origin_table, id,
- ts_rank(tsv, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1})) as rank,
- ts_headline(document, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter +
- 1})) as highlight
- FROM channel_categories_by_name_view
- WHERE phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1}) @@ tsv
- ${
- queries !== ``
- ? `AND unique_id IN (SELECT unique_id FROM selected_ids)`
- : ``
- }
- LIMIT $${parameterCounter + 2}
- OFFSET $${parameterCounter + 3}`;
- const results = (await em.query(query, parameters)) as RawSQLResult[];
- if (results.length === 0) {
- return [];
- }
- const idMap:{ [id:string]: RawSQLResult } = {};
- results.forEach(item => idMap[item.id] = item);
- const ids: string[] = results.map(item => item.id);
- const channelCategorys: ChannelCategory[] = await em.createQueryBuilder<ChannelCategory>(ChannelCategory, 'ChannelCategory')
- .where("id IN (:...ids)", { ids }).getMany();
- const enhancedEntities = [...channelCategorys ].map((e) => {
- return { item: e,
- rank: idMap[e.id].rank,
- highlight: idMap[e.id].highlight,
- isTypeOf: idMap[e.id].origin_table } as ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput;
- });
- return enhancedEntities.reduce((accum: ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput[], entity) => {
- if (entity.rank > 0) {
- accum.push(entity);
- }
- return accum;
- }, []).sort((a,b) => b.rank - a.rank);
- })
- }
- }