123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236 |
- use crate::*;
- use frame_support::decl_error;
- decl_error! {
- /// Content directory errors
- pub enum Error for Module<T: Trait> {
- /// Validation errors
- /// --------------------------------------
- /// Property name is too short
- PropertyNameTooShort,
- /// Property name is too long
- PropertyNameTooLong,
- /// Property description is too short
- PropertyDescriptionTooShort,
- /// Property description is too long
- PropertyDescriptionTooLong,
- /// Class name is too short
- ClassNameTooShort,
- /// Class name is too long
- ClassNameTooLong,
- /// Class description is too short
- ClassDescriptionTooShort,
- /// Class description is too long
- ClassDescriptionTooLong,
- /// Maximum number of classes limit reached
- ClassLimitReached,
- /// Maximum number of given class schemas limit reached
- ClassSchemasLimitReached,
- /// Maximum number of properties in schema limit reached
- SchemaPropertiesLimitReached,
- /// Entities creation limit per controller should be less than overall entities creation limit
- PerControllerEntitiesCreationLimitExceedsOverallLimit,
- /// Number of entities per class is to big
- EntitiesNumberPerClassConstraintViolated,
- /// Number of class entities per actor constraint violated
- NumberOfClassEntitiesPerActorConstraintViolated,
- /// Individual number of class entities per actor is too big
- IndividualNumberOfClassEntitiesPerActorIsTooBig,
- /// Number of operations during atomic batching limit reached
- NumberOfOperationsDuringAtomicBatchingLimitReached,
- /// Text property is too long
- TextPropertyTooLong,
- /// Text property to be hashed is too long
- HashedTextPropertyTooLong,
- /// Vector property is too long
- VecPropertyTooLong,
- /// Propery value vector can`t contain more values
- EntityPropertyValueVectorIsTooLong,
- /// Given property value vector index is out of range
- EntityPropertyValueVectorIndexIsOutOfRange,
- /// Main logic errors
- /// --------------------------------------
- /// Class was not found by id
- ClassNotFound,
- /// Class property under given index not found
- ClassPropertyNotFound,
- /// Unknown class schema id
- UnknownClassSchemaId,
- /// Given class schema is not active
- ClassSchemaNotActive,
- /// New class schema refers to an unknown property index
- ClassSchemaRefersUnknownPropertyIndex,
- /// New class schema refers to an unknown class id
- ClassSchemaRefersUnknownClass,
- /// Cannot add a class schema with an empty list of properties
- NoPropertiesInClassSchema,
- /// Entity was not found by id
- EntityNotFound,
- /// Cannot add a schema that is already added to this entity
- SchemaAlreadyAddedToTheEntity,
- /// Some of the provided property values don't match the expected property type
- PropertyValueDoNotMatchType,
- /// Property value don't match the expected vector property type
- PropertyValueDoNotMatchVecType,
- /// Property value under given index is not a vector
- PropertyValueUnderGivenIndexIsNotAVector,
- /// Current property value vector nonce does not equal to provided one
- PropertyValueVecNoncesDoesNotMatch,
- /// Property name is not unique within its class
- PropertyNameNotUniqueInAClass,
- /// Some required property was not found when adding schema support to entity
- MissingRequiredProperty,
- /// Schema under provided schema_id does not contain given property
- SchemaDoesNotContainProvidedPropertyId,
- /// Some of the provided property ids cannot be found on the current list of propery values of this entity
- UnknownEntityPropertyId,
- /// Entity already contains property under provided index
- EntityAlreadyContainsGivenPropertyId,
- /// Propery value type does not match internal entity vector type
- PropertyValueTypeDoesNotMatchInternalVectorType,
- /// Provided property references entity, which class_id is not equal to class_id, declared in corresponding property type
- ReferencedEntityDoesNotMatchItsClass,
- /// Entity removal can`t be completed, as there are some property values pointing to given entity
- EntityRcDoesNotEqualToZero,
- /// Entity ownership transfer can`t be completed, as there are some property values pointing to given entity with same owner flag set
- EntityInboundSameOwnerRcDoesNotEqualToZero,
- /// Provided entity controller is equal to the current one
- ProvidedEntityControllerIsEqualToTheCurrentOne,
- /// All ids of new property value references with same owner flag set should match their respective Properties defined on Class level
- AllProvidedPropertyValueIdsMustBeReferencesWithSameOwnerFlagSet,
- /// Entity was not created in batched transaction
- EntityNotCreatedByOperation,
- /// Permission errors
- /// --------------------------------------
- /// Curator group can`t be removed, as it currently maintains at least one class
- CuratorGroupRemovalForbidden,
- /// All property values, related to a given Entity were locked on Class level
- AllPropertiesWereLockedOnClassLevel,
- /// Curator under provided curator id is not a member of curaror group under given id
- CuratorIsNotAMemberOfGivenCuratorGroup,
- /// Given curator group does not exist
- CuratorGroupDoesNotExist,
- /// Entity should be referenced from the entity, owned by the same controller
- SameControllerConstraintViolation,
- /// Given maintainer does not exist
- MaintainerDoesNotExist,
- /// Given maintainer already exist
- MaintainerAlreadyExists,
- /// Provided actor can`t create entities of given class
- ActorCanNotCreateEntities,
- /// Maximum numbers of entities per class limit reached
- NumberOfEntitiesPerClassLimitReached,
- /// Current class entities creation blocked
- EntitiesCreationBlocked,
- /// Entities voucher limit reached
- VoucherLimitReached,
- /// Lead authentication failed
- LeadAuthFailed,
- /// Member authentication failed
- MemberAuthFailed,
- /// Curator authentication failed
- CuratorAuthFailed,
- /// Expected root or signed origin
- BadOrigin,
- /// Entity removal access denied
- EntityRemovalAccessDenied,
- /// Add entity schema support access denied
- EntityAddSchemaSupportAccessDenied,
- /// Class access denied
- ClassAccessDenied,
- /// Entity access denied
- EntityAccessDenied,
- /// Given entity can`t be referenced
- EntityCanNotBeReferenced,
- /// Given class property type is locked for given actor
- ClassPropertyTypeLockedForGivenActor,
- /// Number of maintainers per class limit reached
- ClassMaintainersLimitReached,
- /// Max number of curators per group limit reached
- CuratorsPerGroupLimitReached,
- /// Curator group is not active
- CuratorGroupIsNotActive,
- /// Origin cannot be made into raw origin
- OriginCanNotBeMadeIntoRawOrigin,
- /// Property value should be unique across all Entities of this Class
- PropertyValueShouldBeUnique
- }
- }