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description: A closer look at the database handle passed as a first argument to the mappers


The database handler is a proxy for the DatabaseManager and incapsulates the standard CRUD database operations:

 * Database access interface. Use typeorm transactional entity manager to perform get/save/remove operations.
export default interface DatabaseManager {
   * Save given entity instance, if entity is exists then just update
   * @param entity
  save<T>(entity: DeepPartial<T>): Promise<void>;

   * Removes a given entity from the database.
   * @param entity: DeepPartial<T>
  remove<T>(entity: DeepPartial<T>): Promise<void>;

   * Finds first entity that matches given options.
   * @param entity: T
   * @param options: FindOneOptions<T>
  get<T>(entity: { new (...args: any[]): T }, options: FindOneOptions<T>): Promise<T | undefined>;

   * Finds entities that match given options.
   * @param entity: T
   * @param options: FindOneOptions<T>
  getMany<T>(entity: { new (...args: any[]): T }, options: FindOneOptions<T>): Promise<T[]>;