Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by |
file | string |
Optional | cannot be null | Distributor node configuration |
console | string |
Optional | cannot be null | Distributor node configuration |
elastic | string |
Optional | cannot be null | Distributor node configuration |
Minimum level of logs written to a file specified in directories.logs
is optional
Type: string
cannot be null
defined in: Distributor node configuration
enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:
Value | Explanation |
"error" |
"warn" |
"info" |
"http" |
"verbose" |
"debug" |
"silly" |
"off" |
Minimum level of logs outputted to a console
is optional
Type: string
cannot be null
defined in: Distributor node configuration
enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:
Value | Explanation |
"error" |
"warn" |
"info" |
"http" |
"verbose" |
"debug" |
"silly" |
"off" |
Minimum level of logs sent to elasticsearch endpoint specified in endpoints.elasticSearch
is optional
Type: string
cannot be null
defined in: Distributor node configuration
enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:
Value | Explanation |
"error" |
"warn" |
"info" |
"http" |
"verbose" |
"debug" |
"silly" |
"off" |