1.6 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. set -e
  3. # Run a complete joystream development network on your machine using docker
  4. export JOYSTREAM_NODE_TAG=${JOYSTREAM_NODE_TAG:=$(./scripts/}
  6. if [ "${PERSIST}" == true ]
  7. then
  8. echo "Services starting up.."
  9. else
  10. # Clean start!
  11. docker-compose down -v
  12. function down()
  13. {
  14. # Stop containers and clear volumes
  15. docker-compose down -v
  16. }
  17. trap down EXIT
  18. fi
  19. if [ "${SKIP_NODE}" != true ]
  20. then
  21. ## Run a local development chain
  22. docker-compose up -d joystream-node
  23. fi
  24. ## Query Node Infrastructure
  25. ./query-node/
  26. ## Orion
  27. docker-compose up -d orion
  28. ## Init the chain with some state
  29. if [[ $SKIP_CHAIN_SETUP != 'true' ]]; then
  30. export SKIP_MOCK_CONTENT=true
  31. export SKIP_QUERY_NODE_CHECKS=true
  32. HOST_IP=$(tests/network-tests/
  33. export COLOSSUS_1_URL=${COLOSSUS_1_URL:="http://${HOST_IP}:3333"}
  34. export DISTRIBUTOR_1_URL=${DISTRIBUTOR_1_URL:="http://${HOST_IP}:3334"}
  35. ./tests/network-tests/ ${INIT_CHAIN_SCENARIO}
  36. ## Member faucet
  37. export SCREENING_AUTHORITY_SEED=$(cat ./tests/network-tests/output.json | jq -r .faucet.suri)
  38. export INVITING_MEMBER_ID=$(cat ./tests/network-tests/output.json | jq -r .faucet.memberId)
  39. docker-compose up -d faucet
  40. ## Storage Infrastructure Nodes
  41. docker-compose up -d colossus-1
  42. docker-compose up -d distributor-1
  43. fi
  44. if [ "${PERSIST}" == true ]
  45. then
  46. echo "All services started in the background"
  47. else
  48. echo "use Ctrl+C to shutdown the development network."
  49. while true; do
  50. read
  51. done
  52. fi