@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ const getTimestamp = async (api: Api, hash?: string) =>
? await api.query.timestamp.now.at(hash)
- : await api.query.timestamp.now()
+ : await api.query.timestamp.now(),
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ const addBlock = async (
posts: 0,
proposals: 0,
proposalPosts: 0,
- }
+ },
): Promise<Status> => {
const id = +header.number
const last = await Block.findByPk(id - 1)
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ const addBlock = async (
const currentEra = Number(await api.query.staking.currentEra())
- const era = await Era.findOrCreate({ where: { id: currentEra } })
+ await Era.findOrCreate({ where: { id: currentEra } })
await block.setEra(currentEra)
io.emit('block', await Block.findByIdWithIncludes(block.id))
@@ -119,8 +119,11 @@ const addBlock = async (
const q = queue.length ? ` (${queue.length} queued${f})` : ''
console.log(`[Joystream] block ${block.id} ${handle}${q}`)
- processEvents(api, id)
- //updateEra(api, io, status, currentEra)
+ await processEvents(api, id)
+ if (await isEraInfoAvailable(api, id)) {
+ await updateEra(api, currentEra, id)
+ }
//updateBalances(api, id)
return updateStatus(api, status, currentEra)
@@ -128,52 +131,34 @@ const addBlock = async (
const addBlockRange = async (
api: Api,
startBlock: number,
- endBlock: number
+ endBlock: number,
) => {
const previousHash = await getBlockHash(api, startBlock - 1)
let previousEra = (await api.query.staking.activeEra.at(
- previousHash
+ previousHash,
)) as Option<ActiveEraInfo>
for (let i = startBlock; i < endBlock; i++) {
+ console.log('[Joystream] Processing block ' + i)
const hash = await getBlockHash(api, i)
const blockEra = (await api.query.staking.activeEra.at(
- hash
+ hash,
)) as Option<ActiveEraInfo>
+ const currentEra = blockEra.unwrap().index.toNumber();
if (
- blockEra.unwrap().index.toNumber() ===
+ currentEra ===
) {
- let totalValidators = (await api.query.staking.snapshotValidators.at(
- hash
- )) as Option<Vec<AccountId>>
- if (totalValidators.isEmpty) {
- continue
+ if (await isEraInfoAvailable(api, i)) {
+ await Era.findOrCreate({ where: { id: currentEra } })
+ await updateEra(api, currentEra, i)
+ previousEra = blockEra
- console.log(`found validators: ${totalValidators.unwrap().length}`)
- const totalNrValidators = totalValidators.unwrap().length
- const maxSlots = Number(
- (await api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(hash)).toString()
- )
- const actives = Math.min(maxSlots, totalNrValidators)
- const waiting =
- totalNrValidators > maxSlots ? totalNrValidators - maxSlots : 0
- const timestamp = (await api.query.timestamp.now.at(hash)) as Moment
- const date = new Date(timestamp.toNumber())
- await Era.create({
- id: blockEra.unwrap().index.toNumber(),
- waiting: waiting,
- actives: actives,
- maxSlots: maxSlots,
- timestamp: date,
- })
- previousEra = blockEra
@@ -200,7 +185,7 @@ const updateStatus = async (api: Api, old: Status, era: number) => {
status.channels > old.channels && fetchChannel(api, status.channels)
status.categories > old.categories && fetchCategory(api, status.categories)
status.proposalPosts > old.proposalPosts &&
- fetchProposalPosts(api, status.proposalPosts)
+ fetchProposalPosts(api, status.proposalPosts)
return status
@@ -218,7 +203,7 @@ const fetchAll = async (api: Api, status: Status) => {
for (let id = status.proposals; id > 0; id--) {
queue.push(() => fetchProposal(api, id))
- queue.push(() => fetchProposalPosts(api, status.proposalPosts))
+ // queue.push(() => fetchProposalPosts(api, status.proposalPosts))
for (let id = status.channels; id > 0; id--) {
queue.push(() => fetchChannel(api, id))
@@ -257,44 +242,43 @@ const processEvents = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
// TODO catch votes, posts, proposals?
-const updateEra = async (api: Api, io: any, status: any, era: number) => {
- const now: number = moment().valueOf()
- if (lastUpdate + 60000 > now) return status
- //console.log(`updating status`, lastUpdate)
- lastUpdate = now
- // session.disabledValidators: Vec<u32>
- // check online: imOnline.keys
- // imOnline.authoredBlocks: 2
- // session.currentIndex: 17,081
- //const lastReward = Number(await api.query.staking.erasValidatorReward(era))
- //console.debug(`last reward`, era, lastReward)
- //if (lastReward > 0) {} // TODO save lastReward
- const nominatorEntries = await api.query.staking.nominators.entries()
- const nominators = nominatorEntries.map((n: any) => String(n[0].toHuman()))
- const rewardPoints = await api.query.staking.erasRewardPoints(era)
- const validatorEntries = await api.query.session.validators()
- const validators = validatorEntries.map((v: any) => String(v))
- // TODO staking.bondedEras: Vec<(EraIndex,SessionIndex)>
- const stashes = await api.derive.staking.stashes()
- fetching = `stakes`
- //if (!stashes) return
- for (let validator of stashes) {
- try {
- const prefs = await api.query.staking.erasValidatorPrefs(era, validator)
- const commission = Number(prefs.commission) / 10000000
- const data = await api.query.staking.erasStakers(era, validator)
- let { total, own, others } = data.toJSON()
- } catch (e) {
- console.warn(`Failed to fetch stakes for ${validator} in era ${era}`, e)
- }
+const isEraInfoAvailable = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
+ const hash = await getBlockHash(api, blockId)
+ let totalValidators = (await api.query.staking.snapshotValidators.at(
+ hash,
+ )) as Option<Vec<AccountId>>
+ return !totalValidators.isEmpty
+const updateEra = async (api: Api, eraId: number, blockId: number) => {
+ let dbEra = await Era.findByPk(eraId)
+ if (dbEra.actives !== null) {
+ console.log(`[Joystream] Era ${eraId} contains info, skipping update...`)
+ return
+ const hash = await getBlockHash(api, blockId)
+ let totalValidators = (await api.query.staking.snapshotValidators.at(
+ hash,
+ )) as Option<Vec<AccountId>>
+ console.log(`[Joystream] Processing era ${eraId}`)
+ const totalNrValidators = totalValidators.unwrap().length
+ dbEra.maxSlots = Number(
+ (await api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(hash)).toString(),
+ )
+ dbEra.actives = Math.min(dbEra.maxSlots, totalNrValidators)
+ dbEra.waiting =
+ totalNrValidators > dbEra.maxSlots ? totalNrValidators - dbEra.maxSlots : 0
+ const chainTimestamp = (await api.query.timestamp.now.at(hash)) as Moment
+ dbEra.timestamp = new Date(chainTimestamp.toNumber())
+ dbEra.stake = await api.query.staking.erasTotalStake.at(hash, eraId)
+ await dbEra.save();
const validatorStatus = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
@@ -315,7 +299,7 @@ const validatorStatus = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
const getAccountAtBlock = (
api: Api,
hash: string,
- account: string
+ account: string,
): Promise<AccountInfo> => api.query.system.account.at(hash, account)
// TODO when to cal
@@ -523,12 +507,12 @@ const fetchCouncil = async (api: Api, round: number) => {
stake: Number(stake),
consulId: consul.id,
memberId: id,
- })
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
+ }),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to save council ${round}`, e)
@@ -556,7 +540,7 @@ const fetchProposalPosts = async (api: Api, max: number) => {
fetching = `proposal posts ${threadId} ${postId}`
const post = await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postThreadIdByPostId(
- postId
+ postId,
if (post.text.length) {
console.log(postId, threadId, post.text.toHuman())
@@ -565,13 +549,18 @@ const fetchProposalPosts = async (api: Api, max: number) => {
-const findCouncilAtBlock = (api: Api, block: number) =>
- Council.findOne({
+const findCouncilAtBlock = (api: Api, block: number) => {
+ if (!block) {
+ console.error(`[findCouncilAtBlock] empty block`)
+ return
+ }
+ return Council.findOne({
where: {
start: { [Op.lte]: block },
end: { [Op.gte]: block - VOTINGDURATION },
const fetchProposalVotes = async (api: Api, proposal: ProposalDetail) => {
if (!proposal) return console.error(`[fetchProposalVotes] empty proposal`)
@@ -589,7 +578,7 @@ const fetchProposalVotes = async (api: Api, proposal: ProposalDetail) => {
where: { councilRound: { [Op.or]: councils } },
consuls.map(({ id, memberId }: any) =>
- fetchProposalVoteByConsul(api, proposal.id, id, memberId)
+ fetchProposalVoteByConsul(api, proposal.id, id, memberId),
} catch (e) {
console.log(`failed to fetch votes of proposal ${proposal.id}`, e)
@@ -600,7 +589,7 @@ const fetchProposalVoteByConsul = async (
api: Api,
proposalId: number,
consulId: number,
- memberId: number
+ memberId: number,
): Promise<any> => {
fetching = `vote by ${consulId} for proposal ${proposalId}`
const exists = await ProposalVote.findOne({
@@ -621,7 +610,7 @@ const fetchProposalVoteByConsul = async (
// accounts
const fetchMemberByAccount = async (
api: Api,
- account: string
+ account: string,
): Promise<MemberType | undefined> => {
if (!account) {
console.error(`fetchMemberByAccount called without account`)
@@ -635,7 +624,7 @@ const fetchMemberByAccount = async (
const fetchMember = async (
api: Api,
- id: number
+ id: number,
): Promise<MemberType | undefined> => {
if (id <= 0) return
const exists = await Member.findByPk(+id)