@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ import {
+ ProposalPost,
+ Moderation,
} from '../db/models'
import * as get from './lib/getters'
@@ -58,30 +60,49 @@ const CYCLE = VOTINGDURATION + TERMDURATION
const DELAY = 0 // ms
let lastUpdate = 0
let queuedAll = false
-let processing = false
let queue: any[] = []
-let fetching = ''
+let processing = ''
+let busy = false
+const processNext = async () => {
+ if (busy) return
+ const task = queue.shift()
+ if (!task) return
+ const result = await task()
+ busy = false
+ setTimeout(() => processNext(), DELAY)
const getBlockHash = (api: Api, blockId: number) =>
- api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(blockId)
+ api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(blockId).then((array: any) => array.toHuman())
+const getEraAtHash = (api: Api, hash: string) =>
+ api.query.staking.activeEra
+ .at(hash)
+ .then((era: Option<ActiveEraInfo>) => era.unwrap().index.toNumber())
-const getEraAtBlock = (api: Api, hash: string) =>
- api.query.staking.activeEra.at(hash)
+const getEraAtBlock = async (api: Api, block: number) =>
+ getEraAtHash(api, await getBlockHash(api, block))
const getTimestamp = async (api: Api, hash?: string) =>
- moment
- .utc(
- hash
- ? await api.query.timestamp.now.at(hash)
- : await api.query.timestamp.now(),
- )
- .valueOf()
+ hash
+ ? moment.utc(await api.query.timestamp.now.at(hash)).valueOf()
+ : moment.utc(await api.query.timestamp.now()).valueOf()
+const findCouncilAtBlock = (api: Api, block: number) =>
+ Council.findOne({
+ where: {
+ start: { [Op.lte]: block },
+ end: { [Op.gte]: block - VOTINGDURATION },
+ },
+ })
const addBlock = async (
api: Api,
io: any,
header: { number: number; author: string },
status: Status = {
+ block: 0,
era: 0,
round: 0,
members: 0,
@@ -91,80 +112,57 @@ const addBlock = async (
posts: 0,
proposals: 0,
proposalPosts: 0,
- },
+ }
): Promise<Status> => {
const id = +header.number
- const last = await Block.findByPk(id - 1)
const exists = await Block.findByPk(id)
if (exists) {
console.error(`TODO handle fork`, String(header.author))
return status
- const timestamp = await getTimestamp(api)
- const blocktime = last ? timestamp - last.timestamp : 6000
- const address = header.author?.toString()
- const account = await Account.findOrCreate({ where: { address } })
- const block = await Block.create({ id, timestamp, blocktime })
- block.setValidator(account.id)
- const currentEra = Number(await api.query.staking.currentEra())
- await Era.findOrCreate({ where: { id: currentEra } })
- await block.setEra(currentEra)
- io.emit('block', await Block.findByIdWithIncludes(block.id))
+ const block = await processBlock(api, id)
+ const key = header.author?.toString()
+ const [account] = await Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key } })
+ await block.setValidator(account.key)
+ //account.addBlock(block.id) // TODO needed?
+ io.emit('block', await Block.findByIdWithIncludes(id))
// logging
- const member = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, address)
- const handle = member ? member.handle : address
- const f = fetching !== '' ? `, fetching ${fetching}` : ''
- const q = queue.length ? ` (${queue.length} queued${f})` : ''
- console.log(`[Joystream] block ${block.id} ${handle}${q}`)
- await processEvents(api, id)
- if (await isEraInfoAvailable(api, id)) {
- await updateEra(api, currentEra, id)
- }
+ const handle = await getHandleOrKey(api, key)
+ const q = queue.length ? chalk.green(` [${queue.length}:${processing}]`) : ''
+ console.log(`[Joystream] block ${id} ${handle} ${q}`)
- //updateBalances(api, id)
- return updateStatus(api, status, currentEra)
+ return updateStatus(api, status, id)
+const processBlock = async (api: Api, id: number) => {
+ processing = `block ${id}`
+ const last = await Block.findByPk(id - 1)
+ const [block] = await Block.findOrCreate({ where: { id } })
+ block.hash = await getBlockHash(api, id)
+ block.timestamp = await getTimestamp(api, block.hash)
+ block.blocktime = last ? block.timestamp - last.timestamp : 6000
+ block.save()
+ processEvents(api, id, block.hash)
+ await importEraAtBlock(api, id, block.hash)
+ return block
const addBlockRange = async (
api: Api,
startBlock: number,
- endBlock: number,
+ endBlock: number
) => {
- const previousHash = await getBlockHash(api, startBlock - 1)
- let previousEra = (await api.query.staking.activeEra.at(
- previousHash,
- )) as Option<ActiveEraInfo>
- for (let i = startBlock; i < endBlock; i++) {
- console.log(`[Joystream] Processing block ${i}`)
- const hash = await getBlockHash(api, i)
- const blockEra = (await api.query.staking.activeEra.at(
- hash,
- )) as Option<ActiveEraInfo>
- const currentEra = blockEra.unwrap().index.toNumber();
- if (
- currentEra ===
- previousEra.unwrap().index.toNumber()
- ) {
- continue
- }
- if (await isEraInfoAvailable(api, i)) {
- await Era.findOrCreate({ where: { id: currentEra } })
- await updateEra(api, currentEra, i)
- previousEra = blockEra
- }
- }
+ for (let block = startBlock; block <= endBlock; block++)
+ queue.push(() => processBlock(api, block))
-const updateStatus = async (api: Api, old: Status, era: number) => {
+const updateStatus = async (api: Api, old: Status, block: number) => {
const status = {
- era,
+ block,
+ era: await getEraAtBlock(api, block),
round: Number(await api.query.councilElection.round()),
members: (await api.query.members.nextMemberId()) - 1,
channels: await get.currentChannelId(api),
@@ -174,7 +172,7 @@ const updateStatus = async (api: Api, old: Status, era: number) => {
posts: await get.currentPostId(api),
proposals: await get.proposalCount(api),
- proposalPosts: await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postCount(),
+ proposalPosts: (await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postCount()).toHuman(),
if (!queuedAll) fetchAll(api, status)
else {
@@ -185,13 +183,13 @@ const updateStatus = async (api: Api, old: Status, era: number) => {
status.channels > old.channels && fetchChannel(api, status.channels)
status.categories > old.categories && fetchCategory(api, status.categories)
status.proposalPosts > old.proposalPosts &&
- fetchProposalPosts(api, status.proposalPosts)
+ fetchProposalPosts(api, status.proposalPosts)
return status
const fetchAll = async (api: Api, status: Status) => {
- // trying to avoid SequelizeUniqueConstraintError
+ queue.push(() => fetchAccounts(api, status.block))
for (let id = status.members; id > 0; id--) {
queue.push(() => fetchMember(api, id))
@@ -203,7 +201,6 @@ const fetchAll = async (api: Api, status: Status) => {
for (let id = status.proposals; id > 0; id--) {
queue.push(() => fetchProposal(api, id))
- // queue.push(() => fetchProposalPosts(api, status.proposalPosts))
for (let id = status.channels; id > 0; id--) {
queue.push(() => fetchChannel(api, id))
@@ -218,67 +215,60 @@ const fetchAll = async (api: Api, status: Status) => {
queue.push(() => fetchPost(api, id))
+ queue.push(() => fetchProposalPosts(api, status.proposalPosts))
+ queue.push(() => addBlockRange(api, 1, status.block))
queuedAll = true
-const processNext = async () => {
- if (processing) return
- processing = true
- const task = queue.shift()
- if (!task) return
- const result = await task()
- processing = false
- setTimeout(() => processNext(), DELAY)
-const processEvents = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
- const blockHash = await getBlockHash(api, blockId)
- const blockEvents = await api.query.system.events.at(blockHash)
- blockEvents.forEach(({ event }: EventRecord) => {
- let { section, method, data } = event
- Event.create({ blockId, section, method, data: JSON.stringify(data) })
- })
+const processEvents = async (api: Api, blockId: number, hash: string) => {
+ processing = `events block ${blockId}`
+ try {
+ const blockEvents = await api.query.system.events.at(hash)
+ blockEvents.forEach(({ event }: EventRecord) => {
+ let { section, method, data } = event
+ Event.create({ blockId, section, method, data: JSON.stringify(data) })
+ })
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(`failed to fetch events for block ${blockId} ${hash}`)
+ }
// TODO catch votes, posts, proposals?
-const isEraInfoAvailable = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
- const hash = await getBlockHash(api, blockId)
- let totalValidators = (await api.query.staking.snapshotValidators.at(
- hash,
- )) as Option<Vec<AccountId>>
- return !totalValidators.isEmpty
+const fetchValidators = async (api: Api, hash: string) =>
+ api.query.staking.snapshotValidators.at(hash) as Option<Vec<AccountId>>
-const updateEra = async (api: Api, eraId: number, blockId: number) => {
+const importEraAtBlock = async (api: Api, blockId: number, hash: string) => {
+ const id = await getEraAtHash(api, hash)
+ const [era] = await Era.findOrCreate({ where: { id } })
+ if (era.active) return
+ era.addBlock(blockId)
- let dbEra = await Era.findByPk(eraId)
- if (dbEra.actives !== null) {
- console.log(`[Joystream] Era ${eraId} contains info, skipping update...`)
- return
+ processing = `era ${id}`
+ try {
+ fetchValidators(api, hash).then(
+ async (snapshot: Option<Vec<AccountId>>) => {
+ if (snapshot.isEmpty) return
+ console.log(`[Joystream] Found validator info for era ${id}`)
+ const validatorCount = snapshot.unwrap().length
+ era.slots = (await api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(hash)).toNumber()
+ era.active = Math.min(era.slots, validatorCount)
+ era.waiting =
+ validatorCount > era.slots ? validatorCount - era.slots : 0
+ era.stake = await api.query.staking.erasTotalStake.at(hash, id)
+ const chainTimestamp = (await api.query.timestamp.now.at(
+ hash
+ )) as Moment
+ era.timestamp = moment(chainTimestamp.toNumber())
+ // era.update({ slots, active, waiting, stake, timestamp })
+ era.blockId = id
+ era.save()
+ updateBalances(api, hash)
+ }
+ )
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`import era ${blockId} ${hash}`, e)
- const hash = await getBlockHash(api, blockId)
- let totalValidators = (await api.query.staking.snapshotValidators.at(
- hash,
- )) as Option<Vec<AccountId>>
- console.log(`[Joystream] Processing era ${eraId}`)
- const totalNrValidators = totalValidators.unwrap().length
- dbEra.maxSlots = Number(
- (await api.query.staking.validatorCount.at(hash)).toString(),
- )
- dbEra.actives = Math.min(dbEra.maxSlots, totalNrValidators)
- dbEra.waiting =
- totalNrValidators > dbEra.maxSlots ? totalNrValidators - dbEra.maxSlots : 0
- const chainTimestamp = (await api.query.timestamp.now.at(hash)) as Moment
- dbEra.timestamp = new Date(chainTimestamp.toNumber())
- dbEra.stake = await api.query.staking.erasTotalStake.at(hash, eraId)
- await dbEra.save();
const validatorStatus = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
@@ -296,39 +286,29 @@ const validatorStatus = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
return { blockId, actives, waiting, maxSlots, date }
-const getAccountAtBlock = (
- api: Api,
- hash: string,
- account: string,
-): Promise<AccountInfo> => api.query.system.account.at(hash, account)
-// TODO when to cal
-const fetchAccounts = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
- api.query.system.account.entries().then((account: any) => {
- const address = account[0].toHuman()[0]
- Account.create({ address })
- })
-const updateBalances = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
- const blockHash = await getBlockHash(api, blockId)
+const updateBalances = async (api: Api, blockHash: string) => {
const currentEra: number = await api.query.staking.currentEra.at(blockHash)
const era = await Era.findOrCreate({ where: { id: currentEra } })
- Account.findAll().then(async (account: any) => {
- const { id, address } = account
- if (!address) return
- console.log(`updating balance of`, id, address)
- const { data } = await getAccountAtBlock(api, blockHash, address)
- const { free, reserved, miscFrozen, feeFrozen } = data
- const balance = { available: free, reserved, frozen: miscFrozen }
- Balance.create(balance).then((balance: any) => {
- balance.setAccount(id)
- balance.setEra(era.id)
- console.log(`balance`, era.id, address, balance.available)
+ try {
+ processing = `balances ${era}`
+ Account.findAll().then(async (account: any) => {
+ const { key } = account
+ if (!key) return
+ console.log(`updating balance of`, key, key)
+ const { data } = await getAccountAtBlock(api, blockHash, key)
+ const { free, reserved, miscFrozen, feeFrozen } = data
+ const balance = { available: free, reserved, frozen: miscFrozen }
+ console.log(`balance ${era}`, balance)
+ Balance.create(balance).then((balance: any) => {
+ balance.setAccount(key)
+ balance.setEra(era.id)
+ console.log(`balance`, era.id, key, balance.available)
+ })
- })
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`balances era ${era}`)
+ }
const fetchTokenomics = async () => {
@@ -343,10 +323,10 @@ const fetchChannel = async (api: Api, id: number) => {
const exists = await Channel.findByPk(id)
if (exists) return exists
- fetching = `channel ${id}`
+ processing = `channel ${id}`
const data = await api.query.contentWorkingGroup.channelById(id)
const { handle, title, description, avatar, banner, content, created } = data
- //const accountId = String(data.role_account)
+ // TODO const accountId = String(data.role_account)
const channel = {
handle: String(handle),
@@ -371,15 +351,14 @@ const fetchCategory = async (api: Api, id: number) => {
const exists = await Category.findByPk(+id)
if (exists) return exists
- fetching = `category ${id}`
+ processing = `category ${id}`
const data = await api.query.forum.categoryById(id)
- const { title, description, deleted, archived } = data
- const threadId = +data.thread_id // TODO needed?
- const moderator: string = String(data.moderator_id) // account
- const cat = {
+ const { title, description, deleted, archived } = data
+ const category = await Category.create({
+ threadId: +data.thread_id, // TODO needed?
createdAt: +data.created_at.block,
@@ -388,10 +367,8 @@ const fetchCategory = async (api: Api, id: number) => {
moderatedThreads: Number(data.num_direct_moderated_threads),
unmoderatedThreads: Number(data.num_direct_unmoderated_threads),
//position:+data.position_in_parent_category // TODO sometimes NaN,
- }
- const category = await Category.create(cat)
- const mod = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, moderator)
- if (mod) category.setModerator(mod.id)
+ })
+ createModeration(api, { categoryId: id }, String(data.moderator_id), category)
return category
@@ -400,37 +377,44 @@ const fetchPost = async (api: Api, id: number) => {
const exists = await Post.findByPk(id)
if (exists) return exists
- fetching = `post ${id}`
+ processing = `post ${id}`
const data = await api.query.forum.postById(id)
- const threadId = Number(data.thread_id)
- const text = data.current_text
- const moderation = data.moderation
- //const history = data.text_change_history;
- const createdAt = data.created_at.block
const author: string = String(data.author_id)
+ const member = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, author)
+ const authorId = member ? member.id : null
- const post = await Post.create({ id, text, createdAt })
+ const threadId = Number(data.thread_id)
const thread = await fetchThread(api, threadId)
- if (thread) post.setThread(thread.id)
- const member = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, author)
- if (member) {
- post.setAuthor(member.id)
- member.addPost(post.id)
- }
- if (moderation) {
- const mod = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, moderation)
- post.setModerator(mod)
- }
+ const text = data.current_text
+ const history = data.text_change_history // TODO needed?
+ const createdAt = data.created_at.block
+ const post = await Post.create({ id, authorId, text, createdAt, threadId })
+ if (data.moderation)
+ createModeration(api, { postId: id }, data.moderation, post)
return post
+const createModeration = async (
+ api: Api,
+ where: {},
+ key: string,
+ object: { setModeration: (id: number) => {} }
+) => {
+ if (key === '') return
+ await Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key } })
+ const moderation = await Moderation.create({ moderatorKey: key })
+ object.setModeration(moderation.id)
+ return moderation
const fetchThread = async (api: Api, id: number) => {
if (id <= 0) return
const exists = await Thread.findByPk(id)
if (exists) return exists
- fetching = `thread ${id}`
+ processing = `thread ${id}`
const data = await api.query.forum.threadById(id)
const { title, moderation, nr_in_category } = data
const account = String(data.author_id)
@@ -446,22 +430,15 @@ const fetchThread = async (api: Api, id: number) => {
const author = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, account)
if (author) thread.setCreator(author.id)
if (moderation) {
- /* TODO
- Error: Invalid value ModerationAction(3) [Map] {
-[1] 'moderated_at' => BlockAndTime(2) [Map] {
-[1] 'block' => <BN: 4f4ff>,
-[1] 'time' => <BN: 17526e65a40>,
-[1] registry: TypeRegistry {},
-[1] block: [Getter],
-[1] time: [Getter],
-[1] typeDefs: { block: [Function: U32], time: [Function: U64] }
-[1] },
-[1] 'moderator_id'
-[1] 'rationale' => [String (Text): 'Irrelevant as posted in another thread.'] {
- //console.log(`thread mod`, moderation
- //const mod = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, moderation)
- //if (mod) thread.setModeration(mod.id)
+ const { moderated_at, moderator_id, rationale } = moderation
+ const created = moderated_at.block
+ const createdAt = moment.utc(moderated_at.time)
+ createModeration(
+ api,
+ { created, createdAt, rationale },
+ moderator_id.toHuman(),
+ thread
+ )
return thread
@@ -472,7 +449,7 @@ const fetchCouncil = async (api: Api, round: number) => {
const exists = await Council.findByPk(round)
if (exists) return exists
- fetching = `council ${round}`
+ processing = `council ${round}`
const start = 57601 + (round - 1) * CYCLE
const end = start + TERMDURATION
let council = { round, start, end, startDate: 0, endDate: 0 }
@@ -495,11 +472,11 @@ const fetchCouncil = async (api: Api, round: number) => {
try {
Council.create(council).then(({ round }: any) =>
seats.map(({ member, stake, backers }) =>
- fetchMemberByAccount(api, member.toHuman()).then((m: any) =>
+ fetchMemberByAccount(api, member.toHuman()).then(({ id }: any) =>
stake: Number(stake),
councilRound: round,
- memberId: m.id,
+ memberId: id,
}).then((consul: any) =>
backers.map(async ({ member, stake }) =>
fetchMemberByAccount(api, member.toHuman()).then(({ id }: any) =>
@@ -507,12 +484,12 @@ const fetchCouncil = async (api: Api, round: number) => {
stake: Number(stake),
consulId: consul.id,
memberId: id,
- }),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
+ })
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to save council ${round}`, e)
@@ -527,58 +504,75 @@ const fetchProposal = async (api: Api, id: number) => {
return exists
- fetching = `proposal ${id}`
+ processing = `proposal ${id}`
const proposal = await get.proposalDetail(api, id)
+ await fetchMember(api, proposal.authorId)
fetchProposalVotes(api, proposal)
return Proposal.create(proposal)
-const fetchProposalPosts = async (api: Api, max: number) => {
- console.log(`posts`, max)
- let postId = 1
- for (let threadId = 1; postId <= max; threadId++) {
- fetching = `proposal posts ${threadId} ${postId}`
- const post = await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postThreadIdByPostId(
- threadId,
- postId,
- )
- if (post.text.length) {
- console.log(postId, threadId, post.text.toHuman())
- postId++
+const fetchProposalPost = (api: Api, threadId: number, postId: number) =>
+ api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postThreadIdByPostId(threadId, postId)
+const fetchProposalPosts = async (api: Api, posts: number) => {
+ const threads = (await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.threadCount()).toNumber()
+ let proposalId = 1
+ for (let id = 1; id <= posts && proposalId <= threads; ) {
+ const exists = await ProposalPost.findByPk(id)
+ if (exists) {
+ id++
+ proposalId = 1
+ continue
- }
-const findCouncilAtBlock = (api: Api, block: number) => {
- if (!block) {
- console.error(`[findCouncilAtBlock] empty block`)
- return
+ processing = `proposal post ${id}/${posts} ${proposalId}/${threads}`
+ const post = await fetchProposalPost(api, proposalId, id)
+ if (!post.text.length) {
+ proposalId++
+ continue
+ }
+ const proposal = await Proposal.findByPk(proposalId)
+ if (!proposal) {
+ console.warn(`[fetchProposalPosts] proposal ${proposalId} not found.`)
+ id++
+ continue
+ }
+ ProposalPost.create({
+ id,
+ text: post.text.toHuman(),
+ created: Number(post.created_at),
+ updated: Number(post.updated_at),
+ edition: Number(post.edition_number),
+ authorId: Number(post.author_id),
+ }).then((p: any) => proposal.addPost(p))
+ id++
+ proposalId = 1
- return Council.findOne({
- where: {
- start: { [Op.lte]: block },
- end: { [Op.gte]: block - VOTINGDURATION },
- },
- })
const fetchProposalVotes = async (api: Api, proposal: ProposalDetail) => {
if (!proposal) return console.error(`[fetchProposalVotes] empty proposal`)
- fetching = `votes proposal ${proposal.id}`
- const { createdAt } = proposal
- if (!createdAt) return console.error(`empty start block`, proposal)
+ processing = `votes proposal ${proposal.id}`
+ const { createdAt, finalizedAt } = proposal
try {
- const start = await findCouncilAtBlock(api, createdAt)
+ const start = createdAt ? await findCouncilAtBlock(api, createdAt) : null
if (start) start.addProposal(proposal.id)
- else return console.error(`no council found for proposal ${proposal.id}`)
+ else
+ return console.error(
+ `[fetchProposalVotes] no council found for proposal ${proposal.id}`
+ )
// some proposals make it into a second term
- const end = await findCouncilAtBlock(api, proposal.finalizedAt)
- const councils = [start.round, end && end.round]
+ const end = finalizedAt ? await findCouncilAtBlock(api, finalizedAt) : null
+ const councils = [start && start.round, end && end.round]
const consuls = await Consul.findAll({
where: { councilRound: { [Op.or]: councils } },
consuls.map(({ id, memberId }: any) =>
- fetchProposalVoteByConsul(api, proposal.id, id, memberId),
+ fetchProposalVoteByConsul(api, proposal.id, id, memberId)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`failed to fetch votes of proposal ${proposal.id}`, e)
@@ -589,9 +583,9 @@ const fetchProposalVoteByConsul = async (
api: Api,
proposalId: number,
consulId: number,
- memberId: number,
+ memberId: number
): Promise<any> => {
- fetching = `vote by ${consulId} for proposal ${proposalId}`
+ processing = `vote by ${consulId} for proposal ${proposalId}`
const exists = await ProposalVote.findOne({
where: { proposalId, memberId, consulId },
@@ -604,39 +598,65 @@ const fetchProposalVoteByConsul = async (
if (!hasVoted.toNumber()) return
const vote = (await query.voteExistsByProposalByVoter(...args)).toHuman()
+ await fetchMember(api, memberId) // TODO needed?
return ProposalVote.create({ vote: vote, proposalId, consulId, memberId })
// accounts
-const fetchMemberByAccount = async (
+const getHandleOrKey = async (api: Api, key: string) => {
+ const member = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, key)
+ return member ? member.handle : key //abbrKey(key)
+const abbrKey = (key: string) =>
+ `${key.slice(0, 5)}..${key.slice(key.length - 5)}`
+const getAccountAtBlock = (
api: Api,
- account: string,
-): Promise<MemberType | undefined> => {
- if (!account) {
- console.error(`fetchMemberByAccount called without account`)
- return undefined
- }
- const exists = await Member.findOne({ where: { account } })
- if (exists) return exists
- const id: number = Number(await get.memberIdByAccount(api, account))
- return id ? fetchMember(api, id) : undefined
+ hash: string,
+ account: string
+): Promise<AccountInfo> => api.query.system.account.at(hash, account)
+const fetchAccounts = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => {
+ processing = `accounts`
+ api.query.system.account
+ .entries()
+ .then((account: any) =>
+ Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key: account[0][0].toHuman()[0] } })
+ )
+const fetchMemberByAccount = async (api: Api, rootKey: string) => {
+ const member = await Member.findOne({ where: { rootKey } })
+ if (member) return member
+ const id = Number(await get.memberIdByAccount(api, rootKey))
+ if (id) return fetchMember(api, id)
+ else Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key: rootKey } })
const fetchMember = async (
api: Api,
- id: number,
+ id: number
): Promise<MemberType | undefined> => {
if (id <= 0) return
const exists = await Member.findByPk(+id)
if (exists) return exists
- fetching = `member ${id}`
+ processing = `member ${id}`
const membership = await get.membership(api, id)
const about = String(membership.about)
- const account = String(membership.root_account)
const handle = String(membership.handle)
const createdAt = +membership.registered_at_block
- return Member.create({ id, about, account, createdAt, handle })
+ const rootKey = String(membership.root_account)
+ return Member.create({ id, about, createdAt, handle, rootKey }).then(
+ (member: any) => {
+ Account.findOrCreate({ where: { key: rootKey } }).then(([account]: any) =>
+ account.setMember(id)
+ )
+ return member
+ }
+ )
module.exports = { addBlock, addBlockRange }