import { Block, Category, Channel, Council, Era, Event, Member, Post, Proposal, Thread, } from '../db/models' const models: { [key: string]: any } = { channel: Channel, proposal: Proposal, category: Category, thread: Thread, post: Post, block: Block, council: Council, member: Member, era: Era, } import * as get from './lib/getters' import axios from 'axios' import moment from 'moment' import { VoteKind } from '@joystream/types/proposals' import { Api, Handles, IState, MemberType, CategoryType, ChannelType, PostType, Seat, ThreadType, CouncilType, ProposalDetail, Status, } from '../types' // queuing let lastUpdate = 0 const queue: any[] = [] let inProgress = false const enqueue = (fn: any) => { queue.push(fn) processNext() } const processNext = async () => { if (inProgress) return inProgress = true const task = queue.pop() if (task) await task() inProgress = false //processNext() //return queue.length } const save = async (model: any, data: any) => { const Model = models[model] try { const exists = await Model.findByPk( if (exists) return exists.update(data) } catch (e) {} //console.debug(`saving ${}`, `queued tasks: ${queue.length}`) try { return Model.create(data) } catch (e) { console.warn(`Failed to save ${Model}`, e.message) } } const addBlock = async ( api: Api, io: any, header: { number: number; author: string }, status: Status ): Promise => { const id = +header.number const last = await Block.findByPk(id - 1) const timestamp = moment.utc(await const blocktime = last ? timestamp - last.timestamp : 6000 const block = await save('block', { id, timestamp, blocktime }) io.emit('block', block) const author = const member = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, author) if (member && block.setAuthor(member) const currentEra = Number(await api.query.staking.currentEra()) const era = await save('era', { id: currentEra }) era.addBlock(block) const handle = member ? member.handle : author const queued = `(queued: ${queue.length})` console.log(`[Joystream] block ${} ${handle} ${queued}`) processEvents(api, id) return updateEra(api, io, status, currentEra) } const getBlockHash = (api: Api, blockId: number) => api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(blockId) interface BlockEvent { section: string method: string data: string } const processEvents = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => { const blockHash = await getBlockHash(api, blockId) const blockEvents = await blockEvents.forEach(({ section, method, data }: BlockEvent) => { console.log(`event`, section, method, data) Event.create({ blockId, section, method, data: JSON.stringify(data) }) }) } const updateEra = async (api: Api, io: any, status: any, era: number) => { const now: number = moment().valueOf() if (lastUpdate + 60000 > now) return status //console.log(`updating status`, lastUpdate) lastUpdate = now // session.disabledValidators: Vec // check online: imOnline.keys // imOnline.authoredBlocks: 2 // session.currentIndex: 17,081 const lastReward = Number(await api.query.staking.erasValidatorReward(era)) console.debug(`last reward`, era, lastReward) if (lastReward > 0) { } // TODO save lastReward const nominatorEntries = await api.query.staking.nominators.entries() const nominators = any) => String(n[0].toHuman())) const rewardPoints = await api.query.staking.erasRewardPoints(era) const validatorEntries = await api.query.session.validators() const validators = any) => String(v)) // TODO staking.bondedEras: Vec<(EraIndex,SessionIndex)> const stashes = await api.derive.staking.stashes() console.debug(`fetching stakes`) if (!stashes) return stashes.forEach(async (validator: string) => { try { const prefs = await api.query.staking.erasValidatorPrefs(era, validator) const commission = Number(prefs.commission) / 10000000 const data = await api.query.staking.erasStakers(era, validator) let { total, own, others } = data.toJSON() } catch (e) { console.warn(`Failed to fetch stakes for ${validator} in era ${era}`, e) } }) return { members: (await api.query.members.nextMemberId()) - 1, categories: await get.currentCategoryId(api), threads: await get.currentThreadId(api), proposals: await get.proposalCount(api), channels: await get.currentChannelId(api), posts: await get.currentPostId(api), proposalPosts: await api.query.proposalsDiscussion.postCount(), queued: queue.length, era, } } const validatorStatus = async (api: Api, blockId: number) => { const hash = await getBlockHash(api, blockId) let totalValidators = await if (totalValidators.isEmpty) return let totalNrValidators = totalValidators.unwrap().length const maxSlots = Number(await const actives = Math.min(maxSlots, totalNrValidators) const waiting = totalNrValidators > maxSlots ? totalNrValidators - maxSlots : 0 let timestamp = await const date = moment(timestamp.toNumber()).valueOf() return { blockId, actives, waiting, maxSlots, date } } const fetchTokenomics = async () => { console.debug(`Updating tokenomics`) const { data } = await axios.get('') if (!data) return // TODO save 'tokenomics', data } const fetchChannel = async (api: Api, id: number) => { const exists = await Channel.findByPk(id) if (exists) return exists console.debug(`Fetching channel ${id}`) const data = await api.query.contentWorkingGroup.channelById(id) const handle = String(data.handle) const title = String(data.title) const description = String(data.description) const avatar = String(data.avatar) const banner = String(data.banner) const content = String(data.content) const ownerId = Number(data.owner) const accountId = String(data.role_account) const publicationStatus = data.publication_status === 'Public' ? true : false const curation = String(data.curation_status) const createdAt = +data.created const principal = Number(data.principal_id) const channel = { id, handle, title, description, avatar, banner, content, publicationStatus, curation, createdAt, principal, } const chan = await save('channel', channel) const owner = await fetchMember(api, ownerId) chan.setOwner(owner) if (id > 1) fetchChannel(api, id - 1) return chan } const fetchCategory = async (api: Api, id: number) => { const exists = await Category.findByPk(id) if (exists) return exists console.debug(`fetching category ${id}`) const data = await const threadId = +data.thread_id const title = String(data.title) const description = String(data.description) const createdAt = +data.created_at.block const deleted = data.deleted const archived = data.archived const subcategories = Number(data.num_direct_subcategories) const moderatedThreads = Number(data.num_direct_moderated_threads) const unmoderatedThreads = Number(data.num_direct_unmoderated_threads) const position = +data.position_in_parent_category // TODO sometimes NaN const moderator: string = String(data.moderator_id) // account const cat = { id, title, description, createdAt, deleted, archived, subcategories, moderatedThreads, unmoderatedThreads, //position, } const category = await save('category', cat) const mod = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, moderator) if (mod) category.setModerator(mod) if (id > 1) fetchCategory(api, id - 1) return category } const fetchPost = async (api: Api, id: number) => { const exists = await Post.findByPk(id) if (exists) return exists console.debug(`fetching post ${id}`) const data = await const threadId = Number(data.thread_id) const text = data.current_text const moderation = data.moderation //const history = data.text_change_history; const createdAt = data.created_at.block const author: string = String(data.author_id) const post = await save('post', { id, text, createdAt }) const thread = await fetchThread(api, threadId) if (thread) post.setThread(thread) const member = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, author) if (member) post.setAuthor(member) const mod = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, moderation) if (id > 1) fetchPost(api, id - 1) return post } const fetchThread = async (api: Api, id: number) => { const exists = await Thread.findByPk(id) if (exists) return exists console.debug(`fetching thread ${id}`) const data = await const title = String(data.title) const categoryId = Number(data.category_id) const nrInCategory = Number(data.nr_in_category) const moderation = data.moderation const createdAt = +data.created_at.block const account = String(data.author_id) const thread = await save('thread', { id, title, nrInCategory, createdAt }) const category = await fetchCategory(api, categoryId) if (category) thread.setCategory(category) const author = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, account) if (author) thread.setAuthor(author) if (moderation) { /* TODO Error: Invalid value ModerationAction(3) [Map] { [1] 'moderated_at' => BlockAndTime(2) [Map] { [1] 'block' => , [1] 'time' => , [1] registry: TypeRegistry {}, [1] block: [Getter], [1] time: [Getter], [1] typeDefs: { block: [Function: U32], time: [Function: U64] } [1] }, [1] 'moderator_id' [1] 'rationale' => [String (Text): 'Irrelevant as posted in another thread.'] { */ //const mod = await fetchMemberByAccount(api, moderation) //if (mod) thread.setModeration(mod) } if (id > 1) fetchThread(api, id - 1) return thread } const fetchCouncils = async (api: Api, lastBlock: number) => { const round = await api.query.councilElection.round() let councils: CouncilType[] = await Council.findAll() const cycle = 201600 for (let round = 0; round < round; round++) { const block = 57601 + round * cycle if (councils.find((c) => c.round === round) || block > lastBlock) continue //enqueue(() => fetchCouncil(api, block)) } } const fetchCouncil = async (api: Api, block: number) => { console.debug(`Fetching council at block ${block}`) const blockHash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(block) if (!blockHash) return console.error(`Error: empty blockHash fetchCouncil ${block}`) const council = await return save('council', council) } const fetchProposal = async (api: Api, id: number) => { const exists = await Proposal.findByPk(id) if (exists) return exists //if (exists && exists.stage === 'Finalized') //if (exists.votesByAccount && exists.votesByAccount.length) return //else return //TODO fetchVotesPerProposal(api, exists) console.debug(`Fetching proposal ${id}`) const proposal = await get.proposalDetail(api, id) if (id > 1) fetchProposal(api, id - 1) return save('proposal', proposal) //TODO fetchVotesPerProposal(api, proposal) } const fetchVotesPerProposal = async (api: Api, proposal: ProposalDetail) => { if (proposal.votesByAccount && proposal.votesByAccount.length) return const proposals = await Proposal.findAll() const councils = await Council.findAll() console.debug(`Fetching proposal votes (${})`) let members: MemberType[] = [] Seat[]) => seats.forEach(async (seat: Seat) => { if (members.find((member) => member.account === seat.member)) return const member = await Member.findOne({ where: { account: seat.member } }) member && members.push(member) }) ) const { id } = proposal const votesByAccount = await Promise.all( (member) => { const vote = await fetchVoteByProposalByVoter(api, id, return { vote, handle: member.handle } }) ) Proposal.findByPk(id).then((p: any) => p.update({ votesByAccount })) } const fetchVoteByProposalByVoter = async ( api: Api, proposalId: number, voterId: number ): Promise => { console.debug(`Fetching vote by ${voterId} for proposal ${proposalId}`) const vote: VoteKind = await api.query.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter( proposalId, voterId ) const hasVoted: number = ( await api.query.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter.size( proposalId, voterId ) ).toNumber() return hasVoted ? String(vote) : '' } // accounts const fetchMemberByAccount = async ( api: Api, account: string ): Promise => { const exists = await Member.findOne({ where: { account } }) if (exists) return exists const id: number = Number(await get.memberIdByAccount(api, account)) return id ? fetchMember(api, id) : undefined } const fetchMember = async (api: Api, id: number): Promise => { try { const exists = await Member.findByPk(id) if (exists) return exists } catch (e) { console.debug(`Fetching member ${id}`) } const membership = await get.membership(api, id) const handle = String(membership.handle) const account = String(membership.root_account) const about = String(membership.about) const createdAt = +membership.registered_at_block if (id > 1) fetchMember(api, id - 1) return save('member', { id, handle, createdAt, about }) } const fetchReports = () => { const domain = `` const apiBase = `` const urls: { [key: string]: string } = { alexandria: `${apiBase}/alexandria-testnet`, archive: `${apiBase}/archived-reports`, template: `${domain}/templates/`, } ;['alexandria', 'archive'].map((folder) => fetchGithubDir(urls[folder])) fetchGithubFile(urls.template) } const fetchGithubFile = async (url: string): Promise => { const { data } = await axios.get(url) return data } const fetchGithubDir = async (url: string) => { const { data } = await axios.get(url) data.forEach( async (o: { name: string type: string url: string download_url: string }) => { const match =^(.+)\.md$/) const name = match ? match[1] : if (o.type === 'file') { const file = await fetchGithubFile(o.download_url) // TODO save file } else fetchGithubDir(o.url) } ) } module.exports = { addBlock }