#11 tg-discord-bot: update tests

Créé il y a 3 ans par l1dev · 0 commentaires
l1dev a commenté il y a 3 ans

tg-discord-bot posts to telegram and discord

  • yarn run tests fails
  • sometimes posts are announced multiple times

there should be proper tests to avoid spamming

[tg-discord-bot](https://git.joystreamstats.live/Operations/community-repo/commits/discord) posts to telegram and discord - `yarn run tests` fails - sometimes posts are announced multiple times there should be proper tests to avoid spamming - example: keep records like [video bot](https://git.joystreamstats.live/Operations/community-repo/src/master/community-contributions/joystreamvideobot/src/bot.ts#L80)
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