content that explains Joystream, DAO, ways to earn and related topics
open questions
similar projects
relevant proposals
Videos need to be hosted on a storage providerr and are referenced by ID in JSON files.
Forum posts should be preferred and can be referenced by ID.
Images can be hosted outside git on Operations infrastructure (contact: isonar)
Note: This is not a duplicate or parallel structure to the helpdesk. Useful content should be added there.
*$50 / term*
- Structure content references:
- Logos / Animations
- educational videos by category
- content that explains Joystream, DAO, ways to earn and related topics
- open questions
- similar projects
- relevant proposals
- Videos need to be hosted on a storage providerr and are referenced by ID in JSON files.
- Forum posts should be preferred and can be referenced by ID.
- Images can be hosted outside git on Operations infrastructure (contact: isonar)
Note: This is not a duplicate or parallel structure to the [helpdesk]( Useful content should be added there.
$50 / term
Structure content references:
Videos need to be hosted on a storage providerr and are referenced by ID in JSON files.
Forum posts should be preferred and can be referenced by ID.
Images can be hosted outside git on Operations infrastructure (contact: isonar)
Note: This is not a duplicate or parallel structure to the helpdesk. Useful content should be added there.