#36 KPI 17.OP-2 - CLI Integration in Pioneer

l1dev3 년 전을 오픈 · 1개의 코멘트
l1dev 코멘트됨, 3 년 전



Is there a way we could integrate the CLI in to Pioneer? Ideally, it would be similar to how the current JS integration works, but allow you to choose between the keys you have in your local storage.

Deadline: Block 1918800 (Aug 19th)

*$100* https://blog.joystream.org/sumer-kpis/#17.OP-2 > Is there a way we could integrate the CLI in to Pioneer? Ideally, it would be similar to how the current JS integration works, but allow you to choose between the keys you have in your local storage. Deadline: Block 1918800 (Aug 19th)
l1dev 코멘트됨, 3 년 전
- Report: https://pioneer.joystreamstats.live/#/forum/threads/545 - Proposal: https://joystreamstats.live/proposals/439 - Thread: https://pioneer.joystreamstats.live/#/forum/threads/536
l1dev 3 년 전가 Close
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