@@ -1,15 +1,81 @@
-import { Args, Ctx, Mutation, Resolver } from 'type-graphql'
+import { Args, Ctx, Info, Mutation, Query, Resolver } from 'type-graphql'
import { EntityManager } from 'typeorm'
import { EntityManager } from 'typeorm'
-import { RequestFeaturedNftArgs, NftFeaturedRequstInfo } from './types'
+import { RequestFeaturedNftArgs, NftFeaturedRequstInfo, EndingAuctionsNftsArgs } from './types'
import { ContextWithIP } from '../../check'
import { ContextWithIP } from '../../check'
-import { withHiddenEntities } from '../../../utils/sql'
-import { NftFeaturingRequest, OwnedNft } from '../../../model'
+import { extendClause, withHiddenEntities } from '../../../utils/sql'
+import { NftFeaturingRequest } from '../../../model'
+import { OwnedNft } from '../baseTypes'
import { randomAsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
import { randomAsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
+import { GraphQLResolveInfo } from 'graphql'
+import { Context } from '@subsquid/openreader/lib/context'
+import { model } from '../model'
+import { parseAnyTree, parseSqlArguments } from '@subsquid/openreader/lib/opencrud/tree'
+import { getResolveTree } from '@subsquid/openreader/lib/util/resolve-tree'
+import { ListQuery } from '@subsquid/openreader/lib/sql/query'
+import { isObject } from 'lodash'
+import { has } from '../../../utils/misc'
export class NftResolver {
export class NftResolver {
constructor(private em: () => Promise<EntityManager>) {}
constructor(private em: () => Promise<EntityManager>) {}
+ @Query(() => [OwnedNft])
+ async endingAuctionsNfts(
+ @Args() args: EndingAuctionsNftsArgs,
+ @Info() info: GraphQLResolveInfo,
+ @Ctx() ctx: Context
+ ): Promise<OwnedNft[]> {
+ const em = await this.em()
+ const dbResult: unknown = await em.query('SELECT "height" FROM "squid_processor"."status"')
+ const lastProcessedBlock =
+ Array.isArray(dbResult) &&
+ isObject(dbResult[0]) &&
+ has(dbResult[0], 'height') &&
+ typeof dbResult[0].height === 'number'
+ ? dbResult[0].height
+ : -1
+ const tree = getResolveTree(info)
+ const sqlArgs = parseSqlArguments(model, 'OwnedNft', {
+ ...args,
+ })
+ // Extract subsquid-supported OwnedNft fields
+ const ownedNftFields = parseAnyTree(model, 'OwnedNft', info.schema, tree)
+ // Generate query using subsquid's ListQuery
+ const listQuery = new ListQuery(
+ model,
+ ctx.openreader.dialect,
+ 'OwnedNft',
+ ownedNftFields,
+ sqlArgs
+ )
+ let listQuerySql = listQuery.sql
+ listQuerySql = extendClause(
+ listQuerySql,
+ 'FROM',
+ `
+ SELECT nft_id, auction_type->>'plannedEndAtBlock' AS end_block FROM auction a
+ WHERE auction_type->>'isTypeOf' = 'AuctionTypeEnglish'
+ AND (auction_type->>'plannedEndAtBlock')::int > ${lastProcessedBlock}
+ AND a.is_canceled = false
+ AND a.is_completed = false
+ ) AS auctions ON auctions.nft_id = owned_nft.id
+ ''
+ )
+ listQuerySql = extendClause(listQuerySql, 'ORDER BY', 'end_block::int asc', '')
+ ;(listQuery as { sql: string }).sql = listQuerySql
+ const result = await ctx.openreader.executeQuery(listQuery)
+ return result
+ }
@Mutation(() => NftFeaturedRequstInfo)
@Mutation(() => NftFeaturedRequstInfo)
async requestNftFeatured(
async requestNftFeatured(
@Args() { nftId, rationale }: RequestFeaturedNftArgs,
@Args() { nftId, rationale }: RequestFeaturedNftArgs,