# ----------------------------------------------- # !!! THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY TYPE-GRAPHQL !!! # !!! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE BY YOURSELF !!! # ----------------------------------------------- type ChannelFollowsInfo { follows: Int! id: ID! } type EntityViewsInfo { id: ID! views: Int! } type Mutation { """Add a single view to the target video's count""" addVideoView(categoryId: ID, channelId: ID!, videoId: ID!): EntityViewsInfo! """Add a single follow to the target channel""" followChannel(channelId: ID!): ChannelFollowsInfo! """Remove a single follow from the target channel""" unfollowChannel(channelId: ID!): ChannelFollowsInfo! } type Query { """Get follows counts for a list of channels""" batchedChannelFollows(channelIdList: [ID!]!): [ChannelFollowsInfo]! """Get views counts for a list of channels""" batchedChannelsViews(channelIdList: [ID!]!): [EntityViewsInfo]! """Get views counts for a list of videos""" batchedVideoViews(videoIdList: [ID!]!): [EntityViewsInfo]! """Get follows count for a single channel""" channelFollows(channelId: ID!): ChannelFollowsInfo """Get views count for a single channel""" channelViews(channelId: ID!): EntityViewsInfo """Get list of most followed channels""" mostFollowedChannels(limit: Int, period: Int!): [ChannelFollowsInfo!]! """Get list of most followed channels of all time""" mostFollowedChannelsAllTime(limit: Int!): [ChannelFollowsInfo!] """Get list of most viewed categories in a given time period""" mostViewedCategories( limit: Int """timePeriodDays must take one of the following values: 7, 30""" timePeriodDays: Int! ): [EntityViewsInfo!] """Get list of most viewed categories of all time""" mostViewedCategoriesAllTime(limit: Int!): [EntityViewsInfo!] """Get list of most viewed channels in a given time period""" mostViewedChannels( limit: Int """timePeriodDays must take one of the following values: 7, 30""" timePeriodDays: Int! ): [EntityViewsInfo!] """Get list of most viewed channels of all time""" mostViewedChannelsAllTime(limit: Int!): [EntityViewsInfo!] """Get list of most viewed videos in a given time period""" mostViewedVideos( limit: Int """timePeriodDays must take one of the following values: 7, 30""" timePeriodDays: Int! ): [EntityViewsInfo!] """Get list of most viewed videos of all time""" mostViewedVideosAllTime(limit: Int!): [EntityViewsInfo!] """Get views count for a single video""" videoViews(videoId: ID!): EntityViewsInfo }