import { GraphQLFileLoader } from '@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader' import { loadSchema } from '@graphql-tools/load' import { stitchSchemas } from '@graphql-tools/stitch' import { ApolloServerPluginLandingPageGraphQLPlayground, ContextFunction, PluginDefinition } from 'apollo-server-core' import { ApolloServer, ExpressContext } from 'apollo-server-express' import type { GraphQLRequestContext } from 'apollo-server-types' import type { GraphQLRequestListener } from 'apollo-server-plugin-base' import { connect, Mongoose } from 'mongoose' import 'reflect-metadata' import { buildSchema } from 'type-graphql' import { FollowsAggregate, ViewsAggregate } from './aggregates' import { customAuthChecker } from './helpers' import { ChannelFollowsInfosResolver, VideoViewsInfosResolver } from './resolvers' import { FeaturedContentResolver } from './resolvers/featuredContent' import { queryNodeStitchingResolvers } from './resolvers/queryNodeStitchingResolvers' import { Aggregates, OrionContext } from './types' import config from './config' import { UrlLoader } from '@graphql-tools/url-loader' export const createServer = async (mongoose: Mongoose, aggregates: Aggregates, queryNodeUrl: string) => { await mongoose.connection const remoteQueryNodeSchema = await loadSchema(queryNodeUrl, { loaders: [new UrlLoader()], }) const orionSchema = await buildSchema({ resolvers: [VideoViewsInfosResolver, ChannelFollowsInfosResolver, FeaturedContentResolver], authChecker: customAuthChecker, emitSchemaFile: 'schema.graphql', validate: true, }) const queryNodeSchemaExtension = await loadSchema('./queryNodeSchemaExtension.graphql', { loaders: [new GraphQLFileLoader()], schemas: [orionSchema, remoteQueryNodeSchema], resolvers: queryNodeStitchingResolvers(remoteQueryNodeSchema), }) const schema = stitchSchemas({ subschemas: [orionSchema, remoteQueryNodeSchema, queryNodeSchemaExtension], resolvers: queryNodeStitchingResolvers(remoteQueryNodeSchema), }) const contextFn: ContextFunction = ({ req }) => ({ ...aggregates, remoteHost: req?.ip, authorization: req?.header('Authorization'), }) return new ApolloServer({ schema, context: contextFn, plugins: [ApolloServerPluginLandingPageGraphQLPlayground, config.isDebugging ? graphQLLoggingPlugin : {}], }) } export const connectMongoose = async (connectionUri: string) => { const mongoose = await connect(connectionUri) await mongoose.connection return mongoose } export const buildAggregates = async (): Promise => { const viewsAggregate = await ViewsAggregate.Build() const followsAggregate = await FollowsAggregate.Build() return { viewsAggregate, followsAggregate } } const graphQLLoggingPlugin: PluginDefinition = { async requestDidStart(requestContext: GraphQLRequestContext): Promise { console.log('Request started: ' + requestContext.request.operationName) return { async executionDidStart() { return { willResolveField({ info }) { const start = process.hrtime.bigint() return () => { const end = process.hrtime.bigint() const time = end - start // log only fields that took longer than 1ms to resolve if (time > 1000 * 1000) { console.log(`Field ${}.${info.fieldName} took ${time / 1000n / 1000n}ms`) } } }, } }, } }, }