import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-express' import { Mongoose } from 'mongoose' import { Aggregates } from '../src/types' import { createMutationFn, createQueryFn, MutationFn, QueryFn } from './helpers' import { buildAggregates, connectMongoose, createServer } from '../src/server' import { GET_ALL_CATEGORIES_FEATURED_VIDEOS, GET_CATEGORY_FEATURED_VIDEOS, GET_VIDEO_HERO, GetAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos, GetCategoryFeaturedVideos, GetCategoryFeaturedVideosArgs, GetVideoHero, SET_CATEGORY_FEATURED_VIDEOS, SET_VIDEO_HERO, SetCategoryFeaturedVideos, SetCategoryFeaturedVideosArgs, SetVideoHero, SetVideoHeroArgs, } from './queries/featuredContent' import { DEFAULT_FEATURED_CONTENT_DOC, FeaturedContentModel, FeaturedVideo, VideoHero, } from '../src/models/FeaturedContent' describe('Featured content resolver', () => { let server: ApolloServer let mongoose: Mongoose let aggregates: Aggregates let query: QueryFn let mutate: MutationFn beforeEach(async () => { mongoose = await connectMongoose(process.env.MONGO_URL!) aggregates = await buildAggregates() server = await createServer(mongoose, aggregates) await server.start() query = createQueryFn(server) mutate = createMutationFn(server) }) afterEach(async () => { await server.stop() await FeaturedContentModel.deleteMany({}) await mongoose.disconnect() }) const getVideoHero = async () => { const result = await query({ query: GET_VIDEO_HERO, }) expect(result.errors).toBeUndefined() return } const getCategoryFeaturedVideos = async (categoryId: string) => { const result = await query({ query: GET_CATEGORY_FEATURED_VIDEOS, variables: { categoryId }, }) expect(result.errors).toBeUndefined() return } const getAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos = async () => { const result = await query({ query: GET_ALL_CATEGORIES_FEATURED_VIDEOS, }) expect(result.errors).toBeUndefined() return } it("should return default video hero if it wasn't set", async () => { const videoHero = await getVideoHero() expect(videoHero).toEqual(DEFAULT_FEATURED_CONTENT_DOC.videoHero) }) it('should return empty array of featured videos for unknown category id', async () => { const featuredVideos = await getCategoryFeaturedVideos('1') expect(featuredVideos).toHaveLength(0) }) it('should return empty array for list of all categories with featured videos', async () => { const allCategoriesFeaturedVideos = await getAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos() expect(allCategoriesFeaturedVideos).toHaveLength(0) }) it('should set video hero', async () => { const newVideoHero: VideoHero = { videoId: '1111', heroTitle: 'Hello darkness my old friend', heroVideoCutUrl: 'example_url', } await mutate({ mutation: SET_VIDEO_HERO, variables: { ...newVideoHero }, }) const videoHero = await getVideoHero() expect(videoHero).toEqual(newVideoHero) }) it('should set featured videos for a given category', async () => { const newFeaturedVideos: FeaturedVideo[] = [ { videoId: '1', videoCutUrl: 'test_url' }, { videoId: '2', videoCutUrl: 'another_url' }, ] await mutate({ mutation: SET_CATEGORY_FEATURED_VIDEOS, variables: { categoryId: '3', videos: newFeaturedVideos }, }) const featuredVideos = await getCategoryFeaturedVideos('3') expect(featuredVideos).toEqual(newFeaturedVideos) }) it('should return all categories that have featured videos set', async () => { const category1FeaturedVideos: FeaturedVideo[] = [ { videoId: '1', videoCutUrl: 'test_url' }, { videoId: '2', videoCutUrl: 'another_url' }, ] const category2FeaturedVideos: FeaturedVideo[] = [ { videoId: '3', videoCutUrl: 'url_test' }, { videoId: '4', videoCutUrl: 'url_another' }, ] await mutate({ mutation: SET_CATEGORY_FEATURED_VIDEOS, variables: { categoryId: '1', videos: category1FeaturedVideos }, }) await mutate({ mutation: SET_CATEGORY_FEATURED_VIDEOS, variables: { categoryId: '2', videos: category2FeaturedVideos }, }) const allCategoriesFeaturedVideos = await getAllCategoriesFeaturedVideos() expect(allCategoriesFeaturedVideos).toEqual([ { categoryId: '1', videos: category1FeaturedVideos, }, { categoryId: '2', videos: category2FeaturedVideos, }, ]) }) })