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KPI Community feedback:

The closer we get to the launch date of the main Joystream network,the more important the role of community members in its management should become. In this regard, it is imperative to continually receive a summary of the issues and requests of the platform at specific points in time. The existing forum system with its discussions and suggestions is undoubtedly such.However, it lacks a system of analytical reporting, which,in my opinion, could form an objective understanding of the current state of affairs and problems on the platform by the council and the community as a whole. The work on this kpi will be to some extent routine, and to some extent creative.


Creating a two weeks report describing the main current problems of the platform according to the community at the moment and for the near future.

Scope of work:

:white_check_mark:-conduct a survey of as many community members as possible in order to identify what they consider to be the most pressing problems at the moment. IMPORTANT: for the formation of truly objective information report, the problem expressed by the participant should not just be voiced, but also justified by at least one point!

:white_check_mark:-form a concise table of the survey (participant/problem/reasoning/link/topic) | № | Participant/ Handle | Problem | Reasoning | Topic | Discussion link | | - | ------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | 1 | marat_mu | lack of a system of likes in the Atlas | -The system of likes will allow BM to more objectively evaluate videos submitted in competitions
-Likes will also be feedback for content creators | Atlas improving | | | 2 | | | | | | | 3 | | | | | | | 4 | | | | |

:white_check_mark:-based on the information collected, create your own creative analysis of the current state of affairs and possible solutions to these problems

Notes: At the request of the consul who took the work on the data kpay, work with the table can be replaced with the creation of an interactive survey

Distribution of rewards:

I propose to take as the basis of the award in the amount of $ 100. However, due to the fact that this work can get a strong difference in the number of surveyed community members, which will directly affect the objectivity of the report, I propose to introduce a correlation of payment for this kpai depending on the number of surveyed participants. The more participants the consul can interview, the better report he will provide and therefore the higher payment he should receive!


In the report, provide

  • link to your survey table
  • analytical report document
  • short descreption with place of surveys(TG,Pioneer,Discord,etc) and a number of participants.