@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* global api, hashing, keyring, types, util, joy, window */
+// run this script with:
+// yarn workspace api-scripts script set-sudo-as-screening-auth
+// or copy and paste the code into the pioneer javascript toolbox at:
+// https://testnet.joystream.org/#/js
+// requires nicaea release+
+const script = async ({ api, keyring }) => {
+ const sudoAddress = (await api.query.sudo.key()).toString()
+ let sudo
+ if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
+ // In node, get the keyPair if the keyring was provided
+ sudo = keyring.getPair(sudoAddress)
+ } else {
+ // Pioneer: let the UI Signer handle it
+ sudo = sudoAddress
+ }
+ const tx = api.tx.members.setScreeningAuthority(sudoAddress)
+ const nonce = (await api.query.system.account(sudoAddress)).nonce
+ const sudoTx = api.tx.sudo.sudo(tx)
+ const signed = sudoTx.sign(sudo, { nonce })
+ await signed.send()
+ console.log(`sent tx with nonce: ${nonce.toNumber()}, tx hash: ${signed.hash}`)
+if (typeof module === 'undefined') {
+ // Pioneer js-toolbox
+ script({ api, hashing, keyring, types, util, joy })
+} else {
+ // Node
+ module.exports = script