@@ -1,43 +1,2075 @@
+//use super::genesis;
+use super::lib;
+use super::mock::{self, *};
+//use crate::membership;
+use hiring;
+use rstd::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
+use rstd::collections::btree_set::BTreeSet;
+use runtime_primitives::traits::One;
+use srml_support::{StorageLinkedMap, StorageValue};
+/// InputValidationLengthConstraint has not been factored out yet!!!
+use forum::InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+fn create_channel_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ // Add channel creator as member
+ let channel_creator_member_root_and_controller_account = 12312;
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_member(
+ channel_creator_member_root_and_controller_account,
+ );
+ let fixture = CreateChannelFixture::make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ None,
+ );
+ fixture.call_and_assert_success();
+ });
+fn create_channel_is_not_a_member() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_channel_creator_member();
+ let mut fixture = CreateChannelFixture::make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ None,
+ );
+ // Change to invalid member id, i.e. != channel_creator_member_id
+ fixture.channel_creator_member_id = fixture.channel_creator_member_id
+ + <<Test as members::Trait>::MemberId as One>::one();
+ fixture.call_and_assert_error(MSG_CREATE_CHANNEL_IS_NOT_MEMBER);
+ });
+fn create_channel_not_enabled() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ add_member_and_set_as_lead();
+ set_channel_creation_enabled(false);
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_channel_creator_member();
+ let fixture = CreateChannelFixture::make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ None,
+ );
+ fixture.call_and_assert_error(MSG_CHANNEL_CREATION_DISABLED);
+ });
+fn create_channel_with_bad_member_role_account() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_channel_creator_member();
+ let fixture = CreateChannelFixture::make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ Some(0),
+ );
+ fixture.call_and_assert_error(MSG_CREATE_CHANNEL_NOT_CONTROLLER_ACCOUNT);
+ });
+fn create_channel_handle_too_long() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_channel_creator_member();
+ let mut fixture = CreateChannelFixture::make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ None,
+ );
+ fixture.channel_handle =
+ generate_too_long_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get());
+ fixture.call_and_assert_error(MSG_CHANNEL_HANDLE_TOO_LONG);
+ });
+fn create_channel_handle_too_short() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_channel_creator_member();
+ let mut fixture = CreateChannelFixture::make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ None,
+ );
+ fixture.channel_handle =
+ generate_too_short_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get());
+ fixture.call_and_assert_error(MSG_CHANNEL_HANDLE_TOO_SHORT);
+ });
+fn create_channel_description_too_long() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_channel_creator_member();
+ let mut fixture = CreateChannelFixture::make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ None,
+ );
+ fixture.description =
+ generate_too_long_length_buffer(&ChannelDescriptionConstraint::get());
+ fixture.call_and_assert_error(MSG_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG);
+ });
+fn create_channel_description_too_short() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_channel_creator_member();
+ let mut fixture = CreateChannelFixture::make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ None,
+ );
+ fixture.description =
+ generate_too_short_length_buffer(&ChannelDescriptionConstraint::get());
+ fixture.call_and_assert_error(MSG_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_TOO_SHORT);
+ });
+fn transfer_channel_ownership_success() {}
+fn update_channel_as_owner_success() {}
+struct UpdateChannelAsCurationActorFixture {
+ pub origin: Origin,
+ pub curation_actor: CurationActor<CuratorId<Test>>,
+ pub new_verified: Option<bool>,
+ pub new_description: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub new_curation_status: Option<ChannelCurationStatus>,
+impl UpdateChannelAsCurationActorFixture {
+ fn update_channel_as_curation_actor(
+ &self,
+ channel_id: ChannelId<Test>,
+ ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ContentWorkingGroup::update_channel_as_curation_actor(
+ self.origin.clone(),
+ self.curation_actor.clone(),
+ channel_id,
+ self.new_verified,
+ self.new_description.clone(),
+ self.new_curation_status,
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_success(&self, channel_id: ChannelId<Test>) {
+ let old_channel = ChannelById::<Test>::get(channel_id);
+ let expected_updated_channel = lib::Channel::new(
+ old_channel.title,
+ self.new_verified.unwrap_or(old_channel.verified),
+ self.new_description
+ .clone()
+ .unwrap_or(old_channel.description),
+ old_channel.content,
+ old_channel.owner,
+ old_channel.role_account,
+ old_channel.publishing_status,
+ self.new_curation_status
+ .unwrap_or(old_channel.curation_status),
+ old_channel.created,
+ old_channel.principal_id,
+ old_channel.avatar,
+ old_channel.banner,
+ old_channel.handle,
+ );
+ // Call and check result
+ let call_result = self.update_channel_as_curation_actor(channel_id);
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Ok(()));
+ // Event triggered
+ let event_channel_id = Self::get_event_deposited();
+ assert_eq!(event_channel_id, channel_id);
+ // Channel has been updated correctly
+ assert!(ChannelById::<Test>::exists(channel_id));
+ let updated_channel = ChannelById::<Test>::get(channel_id);
+ assert_eq!(updated_channel, expected_updated_channel);
+ }
+ fn get_event_deposited() -> lib::ChannelId<Test> {
+ if let mock::TestEvent::lib(ref x) = System::events().last().unwrap().event {
+ if let lib::RawEvent::ChannelUpdatedByCurationActor(ref channel_id) = x {
+ return channel_id.clone();
+ } else {
+ panic!("Event was not ChannelUpdatedByCurationActor.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ panic!("No event deposited.")
+ }
+ }
+fn update_channel_as_curation_actor_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ // Add lead and hire curator
+ let curator_params = AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams::new(
+ 2222,
+ to_vec("yoyoyo0"), // generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get()),
+ 2222 * 2,
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText::get()),
+ );
+ // Hire curator
+ let setup_and_fill_opening_result =
+ setup_and_fill_opening(&vec![FillOpeningApplicantParams::new(
+ curator_params.clone(),
+ true,
+ )]);
+ let curator_id = match setup_and_fill_opening_result.application_outomes[0] {
+ FillOpeningApplicantOutcome::Hired { curator_id } => curator_id,
+ _ => panic!(),
+ };
+ // Make channel
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_channel_creator_member();
+ let channel_id = channel_creator_member_id;
+ CreateChannelFixture::make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ None,
+ )
+ .call_and_assert_success();
+ // Update channel as curator
+ UpdateChannelAsCurationActorFixture {
+ origin: Origin::signed(curator_params.curator_applicant_role_account),
+ curation_actor: CurationActor::Curator(curator_id),
+ new_verified: Some(true),
+ new_description: None, // don't touch!
+ new_curation_status: Some(ChannelCurationStatus::Censored),
+ }
+ .call_and_assert_success(channel_id);
+ });
+fn add_curator_opening_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ /*
+ * Setup
+ */
+ add_member_and_set_as_lead();
+ let expected_opening_id = hiring::NextOpeningId::<Test>::get();
+ let expected_curator_opening_id = NextCuratorOpeningId::<Test>::get();
+ /*
+ * Test
+ */
+ // Add opening
+ let activate_at = hiring::ActivateOpeningAt::ExactBlock(34);
+ let human_readable_text =
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&OpeningHumanReadableText::get());
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::add_curator_opening(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ activate_at.clone(),
+ get_baseline_opening_policy(),
+ human_readable_text.clone()
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::CuratorOpeningAdded(expected_curator_opening_id)
+ );
+ // Assert that given opening id has been added,
+ // and has the right properties.
+ assert!(lib::CuratorOpeningById::<Test>::exists(
+ expected_curator_opening_id
+ ));
+ let created_curator_opening =
+ lib::CuratorOpeningById::<Test>::get(expected_curator_opening_id);
+ let expected_curator_opening = CuratorOpening {
+ opening_id: expected_opening_id,
+ curator_applications: BTreeSet::new(),
+ policy_commitment: get_baseline_opening_policy(),
+ };
+ assert_eq!(created_curator_opening, expected_curator_opening);
+ // Assert that next id incremented.
+ assert_eq!(
+ lib::NextCuratorOpeningId::<Test>::get(),
+ expected_opening_id + 1
+ );
+ /*
+ * TODO: add assertion abouot side-effect in hiring module,
+ * this is where state of application has fundamentally changed.
+ */
+ });
+fn accept_curator_applications_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ /*
+ * Setup
+ */
+ add_member_and_set_as_lead();
+ let curator_opening_id = add_curator_opening();
+ /*
+ * Test
+ */
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::accept_curator_applications(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ curator_opening_id
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::AcceptedCuratorApplications(curator_opening_id)
+ )
+ /*
+ * TODO: add assertion abouot side-effect in hiring module,
+ * this is where state of application has fundamentally changed.
+ */
+ });
+fn begin_curator_applicant_review_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ /*
+ * Setup
+ */
+ let normal_opening_constructed = setup_normal_accepting_opening();
+ let _ = add_member_and_apply_on_opening(
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
+ 333,
+ to_vec("CuratorWannabe"),
+ 11111,
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText::get()),
+ );
+ /*
+ * Test
+ */
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::begin_curator_applicant_review(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::BeganCuratorApplicationReview(
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id
+ )
+ );
+ /*
+ * TODO: add assertion abouot side-effect in hiring module,
+ * this is where state of application has fundamentally changed.
+ */
+ });
+fn fill_curator_opening_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ /*
+ * Setup
+ */
+ let applicants = vec![
+ FillOpeningApplicantParams::new(
+ AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams::new(
+ 2222,
+ to_vec("yoyoyo0"), // generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get()),
+ 2222 * 2,
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText::get()),
+ ),
+ true,
+ ),
+ FillOpeningApplicantParams::new(
+ AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams::new(
+ 3333,
+ to_vec("yoyoyo1"), // generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get()),
+ 3333 * 2,
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText::get()),
+ ),
+ true,
+ ),
+ FillOpeningApplicantParams::new(
+ AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams::new(
+ 5555,
+ to_vec("yoyoyo2"), // generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get()),
+ 5555 * 2,
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText::get()),
+ ),
+ false,
+ ),
+ FillOpeningApplicantParams::new(
+ AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams::new(
+ 6666,
+ to_vec("yoyoyo3"), // generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get()),
+ 6666 * 2,
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText::get()),
+ ),
+ true,
+ ),
+ ];
+ /*
+ * Exercise and assert
+ */
+ setup_and_fill_opening(&applicants);
+ });
+fn withdraw_curator_application_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ /*
+ * Setup
+ */
+ let normal_opening_constructed = setup_normal_accepting_opening();
+ let curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account = 333;
+ let curator_applicant_role_account = 11111;
+ let human_readable_text =
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText::get());
+ let result = add_member_and_apply_on_opening(
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
+ curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account,
+ to_vec("CuratorWannabe"),
+ curator_applicant_role_account,
+ human_readable_text,
+ );
+ /*
+ * Test
+ */
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::withdraw_curator_application(
+ Origin::signed(curator_applicant_role_account),
+ result.curator_application_id
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ // Event was triggered
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::CuratorApplicationWithdrawn(result.curator_application_id)
+ );
+ /*
+ * TODO: add assertion abouot side-effect in hiring module,
+ * this is where state of application has fundamentally changed.
+ */
+ });
+fn terminate_curator_application_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ /*
+ * Setup
+ */
+ let normal_opening_constructed = setup_normal_accepting_opening();
+ let result = add_member_and_apply_on_opening(
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
+ 333,
+ to_vec("CuratorWannabe"),
+ 11111,
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText::get()),
+ );
+ /*
+ * Test
+ */
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::terminate_curator_application(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::CuratorApplicationTerminated(result.curator_application_id)
+ );
+ /*
+ * TODO: add assertion abouot side-effect in hiring module,
+ * this is where state of application has fundamentally changed.
+ */
+ });
+fn apply_on_curator_opening_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ /*
+ * Setup
+ */
+ let normal_opening_constructed = setup_normal_accepting_opening();
+ // Add curator membership
+ let curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account = 72618;
+ let curator_applicant_member_id = add_member(
+ curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account,
+ to_vec("IwillTrytoapplyhere"),
+ );
+ let curator_applicant_role_account = 8881111;
+ let role_stake_balance = get_baseline_opening_policy()
+ .role_staking_policy
+ .unwrap()
+ .amount;
+ let application_stake_balance = get_baseline_opening_policy()
+ .application_staking_policy
+ .unwrap()
+ .amount;
+ let total_balance = role_stake_balance + application_stake_balance;
+ let source_account = curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account;
+ // Credit staking source account
+ let _ = balances::Module::<Test>::deposit_creating(&source_account, total_balance);
+ let human_readable_text = generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get());
+ let expected_curator_application_id = NextCuratorApplicationId::<Test>::get();
+ let old_curator_opening =
+ CuratorOpeningById::<Test>::get(normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id);
+ let new_curator_application_id = NextCuratorApplicationId::<Test>::get();
+ /*
+ * Test
+ */
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::apply_on_curator_opening(
+ Origin::signed(curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account),
+ curator_applicant_member_id,
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
+ curator_applicant_role_account,
+ Some(role_stake_balance),
+ Some(application_stake_balance),
+ human_readable_text
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::AppliedOnCuratorOpening(
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
+ new_curator_application_id
+ )
+ );
+ assert!(CuratorApplicationById::<Test>::exists(
+ new_curator_application_id
+ ));
+ // Assert that appropriate application has been added
+ let new_curator_application =
+ CuratorApplicationById::<Test>::get(new_curator_application_id);
+ let expected_curator_application = CuratorApplication {
+ role_account: curator_applicant_role_account,
+ curator_opening_id: normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
+ member_id: curator_applicant_member_id,
+ application_id: expected_curator_application_id,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(expected_curator_application, new_curator_application);
+ // Assert that the opening has had the application added to application list
+ let mut singleton = BTreeSet::new(); // Unavoidable mutable, BTreeSet can only be populated this way.
+ singleton.insert(new_curator_application_id);
+ let new_curator_applications = old_curator_opening
+ .curator_applications
+ .union(&singleton)
+ .cloned()
+ .collect();
+ let expected_curator_opening = CuratorOpening {
+ curator_applications: new_curator_applications,
+ ..old_curator_opening
+ };
+ let new_curator_opening =
+ CuratorOpeningById::<Test>::get(normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id);
+ assert_eq!(expected_curator_opening, new_curator_opening);
+ });
+struct UpdateCuratorRoleAccountFixture {
+ pub origin: Origin,
+ pub member_id: <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId,
+ pub curator_id: CuratorId<Test>,
+ pub new_role_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+impl UpdateCuratorRoleAccountFixture {
+ fn call(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ContentWorkingGroup::update_curator_role_account(
+ self.origin.clone(),
+ self.member_id,
+ self.curator_id,
+ self.new_role_account,
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_success(&self) {
+ let original_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(self.curator_id);
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Ok(()));
+ let updated_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(self.curator_id);
+ assert_eq!(
+ lib::Curator {
+ role_account: self.new_role_account,
+ ..original_curator
+ },
+ updated_curator
+ );
+ let (event_curator_id, event_new_role_account) = if let mock::TestEvent::lib(ref x) =
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event
+ {
+ if let lib::RawEvent::CuratorRoleAccountUpdated(ref curator_id, ref new_role_account) =
+ x
+ {
+ (curator_id.clone(), new_role_account.clone())
+ } else {
+ panic!("Event was not CuratorRoleAccountUpdated.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ panic!("No event deposited.")
+ };
+ assert_eq!(self.curator_id, event_curator_id);
+ assert_eq!(self.new_role_account, event_new_role_account);
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_failed_result(&self, error_message: &'static str) {
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Err(error_message));
+ }
+fn update_curator_role_account_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let result = setup_lead_and_hire_curator();
+ let fixture = UpdateCuratorRoleAccountFixture {
+ origin: Origin::signed(
+ result
+ .curator_params()
+ .curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account,
+ ),
+ member_id: result.curator_member_id(),
+ curator_id: result.curator_id(),
+ new_role_account: 777777,
+ };
+ fixture.call_and_assert_success();
+ });
+struct UpdateCuratorRewardAccountFixture {
+ pub origin: Origin,
+ pub curator_id: CuratorId<Test>,
+ pub new_reward_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+impl UpdateCuratorRewardAccountFixture {
+ fn call(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ContentWorkingGroup::update_curator_reward_account(
+ self.origin.clone(),
+ self.curator_id,
+ self.new_reward_account,
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_success(&self) {
+ let _original_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(self.curator_id);
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Ok(()));
+ /*
+ Actually checking new reward account requires checking call to token mint module, but we cannot do that properly yet.
+ */
+ let (event_curator_id, event_reward_account) = if let mock::TestEvent::lib(ref x) =
+ System::events().last().unwrap().event
+ {
+ if let lib::RawEvent::CuratorRewardAccountUpdated(ref curator_id, ref reward_account) =
+ x
+ {
+ (curator_id.clone(), reward_account.clone())
+ } else {
+ panic!("Event was not CuratorRewardAccountUpdated.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ panic!("No event deposited.")
+ };
+ assert_eq!(self.curator_id, event_curator_id);
+ assert_eq!(self.new_reward_account, event_reward_account);
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_failed_result(&self, error_message: &'static str) {
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Err(error_message));
+ }
+fn update_curator_reward_account_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let result = setup_lead_and_hire_curator();
+ let _fixture = UpdateCuratorRewardAccountFixture {
+ origin: Origin::signed(result.curator_params().curator_applicant_role_account),
+ curator_id: result.curator_id(),
+ new_reward_account: 123321,
+ };
+ //fixture.call_and_assert_success();
+ });
+struct LeaveCuratorRoleFixture {
+ pub origin: Origin,
+ pub curator_id: CuratorId<Test>,
+ pub rationale_text: Vec<u8>,
+impl LeaveCuratorRoleFixture {
+ fn call(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ContentWorkingGroup::leave_curator_role(
+ self.origin.clone(),
+ self.curator_id,
+ self.rationale_text.clone(),
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_success(&self) {
+ let original_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(self.curator_id);
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Ok(()));
+ let expected_curator = Curator {
+ stage: CuratorRoleStage::Unstaking(CuratorExitSummary::new(
+ &CuratorExitInitiationOrigin::Curator,
+ &1,
+ &self.rationale_text,
+ )),
+ ..(original_curator.clone())
+ };
+ let updated_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(self.curator_id);
+ assert_eq!(updated_curator, expected_curator);
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::CuratorUnstaking(self.curator_id)
+ );
+ // Tracking unstaking
+ let curator_role_stake_id = original_curator.role_stake_profile.unwrap().stake_id;
+ assert!(UnstakerByStakeId::<Test>::exists(curator_role_stake_id));
+ let unstaker = UnstakerByStakeId::<Test>::get(curator_role_stake_id);
+ assert_eq!(unstaker, WorkingGroupUnstaker::Curator(self.curator_id));
+ /*
+ * TODO: Missing checks to calls to
+ * recurringrewards, stake
+ */
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_failed_result(&self, error_message: &'static str) {
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Err(error_message));
+ }
+fn leave_curator_role_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let result = setup_lead_and_hire_curator();
+ let fixture = LeaveCuratorRoleFixture {
+ origin: Origin::signed(result.curator_params().curator_applicant_role_account),
+ curator_id: result.curator_id(),
+ rationale_text: "I am sick of this horrible thing".as_bytes().to_vec(),
+ };
+ fixture.call_and_assert_success();
+ });
+struct TerminateCuratorRoleFixture {
+ pub origin: Origin,
+ pub curator_id: CuratorId<Test>,
+ pub rationale_text: Vec<u8>,
+impl TerminateCuratorRoleFixture {
+ fn call(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ContentWorkingGroup::terminate_curator_role(
+ self.origin.clone(),
+ self.curator_id,
+ self.rationale_text.clone(),
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_success(&self) {
+ let original_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(self.curator_id);
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Ok(()));
+ let expected_curator = Curator {
+ stage: CuratorRoleStage::Unstaking(CuratorExitSummary::new(
+ &CuratorExitInitiationOrigin::Lead,
+ &1,
+ &self.rationale_text,
+ )),
+ ..(original_curator.clone())
+ };
+ let updated_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(self.curator_id);
+ assert_eq!(updated_curator, expected_curator);
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::CuratorUnstaking(self.curator_id)
+ );
+ // Tracking unstaking
+ let curator_role_stake_id = original_curator.role_stake_profile.unwrap().stake_id;
+ assert!(UnstakerByStakeId::<Test>::exists(curator_role_stake_id));
+ let unstaker = UnstakerByStakeId::<Test>::get(curator_role_stake_id);
+ assert_eq!(unstaker, WorkingGroupUnstaker::Curator(self.curator_id));
+ /*
+ * TODO: Missing checks to calls to
+ * recurringrewards, stake
+ */
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_failed_result(&self, error_message: &'static str) {
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Err(error_message));
+ }
+fn terminate_curator_role_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let result = setup_lead_and_hire_curator();
+ let fixture = TerminateCuratorRoleFixture {
+ origin: Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ curator_id: result.curator_id(),
+ rationale_text: "This curator is a joke!".as_bytes().to_vec(),
+ };
+ fixture.call_and_assert_success();
+ });
+struct SetLeadFixture {
+ pub origin: Origin,
+ pub member_id: <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId,
+ pub new_role_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+impl SetLeadFixture {
+ fn call(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ContentWorkingGroup::set_lead(self.origin.clone(), self.member_id, self.new_role_account)
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_success(&self) {
+ let original_next_lead_id = NextLeadId::<Test>::get();
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Ok(()));
+ let updated_next_lead_id = NextLeadId::<Test>::get();
+ assert_eq!(original_next_lead_id + 1, updated_next_lead_id);
+ let new_lead_id = if let Some(id) = CurrentLeadId::<Test>::get() {
+ id
+ } else {
+ panic!("Lead not set when it must be.")
+ };
+ let new_lead = LeadById::<Test>::get(new_lead_id);
+ let expected_new_lead = Lead {
+ role_account: self.new_role_account,
+ reward_relationship: None,
+ inducted: 1, // make dynamic later
+ stage: LeadRoleState::Active,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(new_lead, expected_new_lead);
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::LeadSet(new_lead_id)
+ );
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_failed_result(&self, error_message: &'static str) {
+ let number_of_events_before_call = System::events().len();
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Err(error_message));
+ assert_eq!(System::events().len(), number_of_events_before_call);
+ }
+fn set_lead_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let member_id =
+ SetLeadFixture {
+ origin: Origin::system(system::RawOrigin::Root),
+ member_id,
+ new_role_account: 44444,
+ }
+ .call_and_assert_success();
+ });
+struct UnsetLeadFixture {
+ pub origin: Origin,
+impl UnsetLeadFixture {
+ fn call(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ContentWorkingGroup::unset_lead(self.origin.clone())
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_success(&self) {
+ let original_lead_id = CurrentLeadId::<Test>::get().unwrap();
+ let original_lead = LeadById::<Test>::get(original_lead_id);
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Ok(()));
+ assert!(CurrentLeadId::<Test>::get().is_none());
+ let updated_lead = LeadById::<Test>::get(original_lead_id);
+ let expected_updated_lead = Lead {
+ stage: LeadRoleState::Exited(ExitedLeadRole {
+ initiated_at_block_number: 1,
+ }),
+ ..original_lead
+ };
+ assert_eq!(updated_lead, expected_updated_lead);
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::LeadUnset(original_lead_id)
+ );
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_failed_result(&self, error_message: &'static str) {
+ let number_of_events_before_call = System::events().len();
+ let call_result = self.call();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Err(error_message));
+ assert_eq!(System::events().len(), number_of_events_before_call);
+ }
-fn add_opening_error_wrapper_succeeded() {
- let mut message: &str;
+fn unset_lead_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let _ = add_member_and_set_as_lead();
- message = super::lib::WrappedError {
- error: hiring::AddOpeningError::OpeningMustActivateInTheFuture,
+ UnsetLeadFixture {
+ origin: Origin::system(system::RawOrigin::Root),
+ }
+ .call_and_assert_success();
+ });
+struct UnstakedFixture {
+ pub stake_id: StakeId<Test>,
+impl UnstakedFixture {
+ fn call(&self) {
+ ContentWorkingGroup::unstaked(self.stake_id);
- .into();
- assert_eq!(message, "Opening must activate in the future");
- message = super::lib::WrappedError {
- error: hiring::AddOpeningError::StakeAmountLessThanMinimumCurrencyBalance(
- hiring::StakePurpose::Role,
- ),
+ pub fn call_and_assert_success(&self) {
+ let unstaker = UnstakerByStakeId::<Test>::get(self.stake_id);
+ let curator_id = if let WorkingGroupUnstaker::Curator(curator_id) = unstaker {
+ curator_id
+ } else {
+ panic!("Unstaker not curator")
+ };
+ let original_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(curator_id);
+ let original_exit_summary =
+ if let CuratorRoleStage::Unstaking(exit_summary) = (original_curator.clone()).stage {
+ exit_summary
+ } else {
+ panic!("Curator not unstaking")
+ };
+ self.call();
+ let expected_curator = Curator {
+ stage: CuratorRoleStage::Exited(original_exit_summary),
+ ..(original_curator.clone())
+ };
+ let updated_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(curator_id);
+ assert_eq!(updated_curator, expected_curator);
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::TerminatedCurator(curator_id)
+ );
+ // Unstaker gone
+ assert!(!UnstakerByStakeId::<Test>::exists(self.stake_id));
+ }
+ // pub fn call_and_assert_failed_result(&self, error_message: &'static str) {
+ // let call_result = self.call();
+ // assert_eq!(call_result, Err(error_message));
+ // }
+fn unstaked_curator_success() {
+ TestExternalitiesBuilder::<Test>::default()
+ .build()
+ .execute_with(|| {
+ let result = setup_lead_and_hire_curator();
+ TerminateCuratorRoleFixture {
+ origin: Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ curator_id: result.curator_id(),
+ rationale_text: "This curator is a joke!".as_bytes().to_vec(),
+ }
+ .call_and_assert_success();
+ let curator_role_stake_id = CuratorById::<Test>::get(result.curator_id())
+ .role_stake_profile
+ .unwrap()
+ .stake_id;
+ UnstakedFixture {
+ stake_id: curator_role_stake_id,
+ }
+ .call_and_assert_success();
+ });
+fn account_can_act_as_principal_success() {}
+ * Fixtures
+ */
+static LEAD_ROOT_AND_CONTROLLER_ACCOUNT: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId = 1289;
+static LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId = 1289;
+static LEAD_MEMBER_HANDLE: &str = "IamTheLead";
+static CHANNEL_CREATOR_ROOT_AND_CONTROLLER_ACCOUNT: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId = 11;
+static CHANNEL_CREATOR_HANDLE: &str = "Coolcreator";
+fn make_generic_add_member_params() -> AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams {
+ AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams::new(
+ 2222,
+ to_vec("yoyoyo0"), // generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get()),
+ 2222 * 2,
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText::get()),
+ )
+/// Made into function to avoid having to clone every time we read fields
+pub fn get_baseline_opening_policy(
+) -> OpeningPolicyCommitment<<Test as system::Trait>::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<Test>> {
+ OpeningPolicyCommitment {
+ application_rationing_policy: Some(hiring::ApplicationRationingPolicy {
+ max_active_applicants: 5,
+ }),
+ max_review_period_length: 100,
+ application_staking_policy: Some(hiring::StakingPolicy {
+ amount: 40000,
+ amount_mode: hiring::StakingAmountLimitMode::Exact,
+ crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: Some(3),
+ review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: Some(22),
+ }),
+ role_staking_policy: Some(hiring::StakingPolicy {
+ amount: 900000,
+ amount_mode: hiring::StakingAmountLimitMode::AtLeast,
+ crowded_out_unstaking_period_length: Some(30),
+ review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length: Some(2),
+ }),
+ role_slashing_terms: SlashingTerms::Unslashable,
+ fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: None,
+ fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period: None,
+ fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period: None,
+ terminate_curator_application_stake_unstaking_period: None,
+ terminate_curator_role_stake_unstaking_period: None,
+ exit_curator_role_application_stake_unstaking_period: None,
+ exit_curator_role_stake_unstaking_period: None,
+ }
+pub fn to_vec(s: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
+ s.as_bytes().to_vec()
+ * Setups
+ */
+//type TestSeed = u128;
+fn account_from_seed(TestSeed: seed) -> <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId {
+fn vector_from_seed(TestSeed: seed) {
+static INITIAL_SEED_VALUE: u128 = 0;
+fn get_current_seed() {
+fn update_seed() {
+fn reset_seed() {
+// MOVE THIS LATER WHEN fill_opening is factored out
+pub struct FillOpeningApplicantParams {
+ pub add_and_apply_params: AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams,
+ pub hire: bool,
+impl FillOpeningApplicantParams {
+ pub fn new(add_and_apply_params: AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams, hire: bool) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ add_and_apply_params: add_and_apply_params.clone(),
+ hire: hire,
+ }
+ }
+pub struct AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams {
+ pub curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ pub handle: Vec<u8>,
+ pub curator_applicant_role_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ pub human_readable_text: Vec<u8>,
+impl AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams {
+ pub fn new(
+ curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ handle: Vec<u8>,
+ curator_applicant_role_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ human_readable_text: Vec<u8>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account,
+ handle,
+ curator_applicant_role_account,
+ human_readable_text,
+ }
+ }
+fn add_members_and_apply_on_opening(
+ curator_opening_id: CuratorOpeningId<Test>,
+ applicants: &Vec<AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams>,
+) -> Vec<NewMemberAppliedResult> {
+ applicants
+ .iter()
+ .cloned()
+ .map(|params| -> NewMemberAppliedResult {
+ add_member_and_apply_on_opening(
+ curator_opening_id,
+ params.curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account,
+ params.handle,
+ params.curator_applicant_role_account,
+ params.human_readable_text,
+ )
+ })
+ .collect()
+struct NewMemberAppliedResult {
+ pub member_id: <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId,
+ pub curator_application_id: lib::CuratorApplicationId<Test>,
+fn add_member_and_apply_on_opening(
+ curator_opening_id: CuratorOpeningId<Test>,
+ curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ handle: Vec<u8>,
+ curator_applicant_role_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ human_readable_text: Vec<u8>,
+) -> NewMemberAppliedResult {
+ // Make membership
+ let curator_applicant_member_id =
+ add_member(curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account, handle);
+ // Guarantee sufficient stake
+ let role_stake_balance = if let Some(policy) = get_baseline_opening_policy().role_staking_policy
+ {
+ policy.amount
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
+ let application_stake_balance =
+ if let Some(policy) = get_baseline_opening_policy().application_staking_policy {
+ policy.amount
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
+ let total_balance = role_stake_balance + application_stake_balance;
+ let source_account = curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account;
+ // Credit staking source account if required
+ if total_balance > 0 {
+ let _ = balances::Module::<Test>::deposit_creating(&source_account, total_balance);
- .into();
+ let expected_curator_application_id = NextCuratorApplicationId::<Test>::get();
+ let old_curator_opening = CuratorOpeningById::<Test>::get(curator_opening_id);
+ let new_curator_application_id = NextCuratorApplicationId::<Test>::get();
+ /*
+ * Test
+ */
- message,
- "Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance"
+ ContentWorkingGroup::apply_on_curator_opening(
+ Origin::signed(curator_applicant_root_and_controller_account),
+ curator_applicant_member_id,
+ curator_opening_id,
+ curator_applicant_role_account,
+ Some(role_stake_balance),
+ Some(application_stake_balance),
+ human_readable_text
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
- message = super::lib::WrappedError {
- error: hiring::AddOpeningError::StakeAmountLessThanMinimumCurrencyBalance(
- hiring::StakePurpose::Application,
- ),
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::AppliedOnCuratorOpening(curator_opening_id, new_curator_application_id)
+ );
+ assert!(CuratorApplicationById::<Test>::exists(
+ new_curator_application_id
+ ));
+ // Assert that appropriate application has been added
+ let new_curator_application = CuratorApplicationById::<Test>::get(new_curator_application_id);
+ let expected_curator_application = CuratorApplication {
+ role_account: curator_applicant_role_account,
+ curator_opening_id: curator_opening_id,
+ member_id: curator_applicant_member_id,
+ application_id: expected_curator_application_id,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(expected_curator_application, new_curator_application);
+ // Assert that the opening has had the application added to application list
+ let mut singleton = BTreeSet::new(); // Unavoidable mutable, BTreeSet can only be populated this way.
+ singleton.insert(new_curator_application_id);
+ let new_curator_applications = old_curator_opening
+ .curator_applications
+ .union(&singleton)
+ .cloned()
+ .collect();
+ let expected_curator_opening = CuratorOpening {
+ curator_applications: new_curator_applications,
+ ..old_curator_opening
+ };
+ let new_curator_opening = CuratorOpeningById::<Test>::get(curator_opening_id);
+ assert_eq!(expected_curator_opening, new_curator_opening);
+ NewMemberAppliedResult {
+ member_id: curator_applicant_member_id,
+ curator_application_id: new_curator_application_id,
+ }
+struct NormalOpeningConstructed {
+ pub curator_opening_id: CuratorOpeningId<Test>,
+ pub new_member_as_lead: NewMemberAsLead,
+fn setup_normal_opening() -> NormalOpeningConstructed {
+ let new_member_as_lead = add_member_and_set_as_lead();
+ let expected_curator_opening_id = NextCuratorOpeningId::<Test>::get();
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::add_curator_opening(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ hiring::ActivateOpeningAt::ExactBlock(34),
+ get_baseline_opening_policy(),
+ generate_valid_length_buffer(&OpeningHumanReadableText::get())
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::CuratorOpeningAdded(expected_curator_opening_id)
+ );
+ NormalOpeningConstructed {
+ curator_opening_id: expected_curator_opening_id,
+ new_member_as_lead,
+ }
+fn setup_normal_accepting_opening() -> NormalOpeningConstructed {
+ let normal_opening_constructed = setup_normal_opening();
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::accept_curator_applications(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT), // <== get dynamic value from somewhere else later
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ normal_opening_constructed
+struct SetupOpeningInReview {
+ //pub curator_opening_id: lib::CuratorOpeningId<Test>,
+ pub normal_opening_constructed: NormalOpeningConstructed,
+ pub added_members_application_result: Vec<NewMemberAppliedResult>,
+fn setup_opening_in_review(
+ applicants: &Vec<AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams>,
+) -> SetupOpeningInReview {
+ let normal_opening_constructed = setup_normal_accepting_opening();
+ let added_members_application_result =
+ add_members_and_apply_on_opening(normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id, applicants);
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::begin_curator_applicant_review(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ // TODO: assert event stuff !!!!
+ SetupOpeningInReview {
+ normal_opening_constructed,
+ added_members_application_result,
- .into();
+enum FillOpeningApplicantOutcome {
+ NotHired,
+ Hired { curator_id: CuratorId<Test> },
+struct SetupAndFillOpeningResult {
+ setup_opening_in_review: SetupOpeningInReview,
+ application_outomes: Vec<FillOpeningApplicantOutcome>,
+fn setup_and_fill_opening(
+ applicants: &Vec<FillOpeningApplicantParams>,
+) -> SetupAndFillOpeningResult {
+ let setup_opening_params = applicants
+ .iter()
+ .cloned()
+ .map(|param| param.add_and_apply_params)
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let setup_opening_in_review = setup_opening_in_review(&setup_opening_params);
+ let curator_opening = CuratorOpeningById::<Test>::get(
+ setup_opening_in_review
+ .normal_opening_constructed
+ .curator_opening_id,
+ );
+ // Set whom to hire
+ let applicants_to_hire_iter = applicants.iter().filter(|params| params.hire);
+ let num_applicants_hired = applicants_to_hire_iter.cloned().count();
+ //let num_applicants_not_to_hire = (applicants.len() - num_applicants_hired) as usize;
+ let hired_applicant_and_result = setup_opening_in_review
+ .added_members_application_result
+ .iter()
+ .zip(applicants.iter())
+ .filter(|(_, fill_opening_applicant_params)| fill_opening_applicant_params.hire)
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let successful_curator_application_ids = hired_applicant_and_result
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(new_member_applied_result, _)| new_member_applied_result.curator_application_id)
+ .collect::<BTreeSet<_>>();
+ // Remember original id counters
+ let original_next_curator_id = NextCuratorId::<Test>::get();
+ let original_next_principal_id = NextPrincipalId::<Test>::get();
+ /*
+ * Call
+ */
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::fill_curator_opening(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ setup_opening_in_review
+ .normal_opening_constructed
+ .curator_opening_id,
+ successful_curator_application_ids.clone(),
+ None
+ ),
+ Ok(())
+ );
+ /*
+ * Asserts
+ */
+ let successful_curator_application_id_to_curator_id = successful_curator_application_ids
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(
+ |(index, item)| -> (CuratorApplicationId<Test>, CuratorId<Test>) {
+ let curator_id = original_next_curator_id + (index as CuratorId<Test>);
+ (*item, curator_id)
+ },
+ )
+ .collect::<BTreeMap<_, _>>();
- message,
- "Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance"
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::CuratorOpeningFilled(
+ setup_opening_in_review
+ .normal_opening_constructed
+ .curator_opening_id,
+ successful_curator_application_id_to_curator_id
+ )
- message = super::lib::WrappedError {
- error: hiring::AddOpeningError::ApplicationRationingZeroMaxApplicants,
+ // The right number of curators have been created
+ let num_curators_created = NextCuratorId::<Test>::get() - original_next_curator_id;
+ assert_eq!(num_curators_created, (num_applicants_hired as u64));
+ // The right numbe of prinipals were created
+ let num_principals_created = NextPrincipalId::<Test>::get() - original_next_principal_id;
+ assert_eq!(num_principals_created, (num_applicants_hired as u64));
+ // Inspect all expected curators and principal added
+ for (hired_index, item) in hired_applicant_and_result.iter().enumerate() {
+ let (new_member_applied_result, fill_opening_applicant_params) = item;
+ // Curator
+ let expected_added_curator_id: u64 = (hired_index as u64) + original_next_curator_id;
+ // Principal
+ let expected_added_principal_id: u64 = (hired_index as u64) + original_next_principal_id;
+ // Curator added
+ assert!(CuratorById::<Test>::exists(expected_added_curator_id));
+ let added_curator = CuratorById::<Test>::get(expected_added_curator_id);
+ // expected_curator
+ let reward_relationship = None::<<Test as recurringrewards::Trait>::RewardRelationshipId>;
+ let curator_application =
+ CuratorApplicationById::<Test>::get(new_member_applied_result.curator_application_id);
+ let application_id = curator_application.application_id;
+ let application = hiring::ApplicationById::<Test>::get(application_id);
+ let role_stake_profile = if let Some(ref stake_id) = application.active_role_staking_id {
+ // get_baseline_opening_policy().role_staking_policy {
+ Some(CuratorRoleStakeProfile::new(
+ stake_id,
+ &curator_opening
+ .policy_commitment
+ .terminate_curator_role_stake_unstaking_period,
+ &curator_opening
+ .policy_commitment
+ .exit_curator_role_stake_unstaking_period,
+ ))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let expected_curator = Curator {
+ role_account: fill_opening_applicant_params
+ .add_and_apply_params
+ .curator_applicant_role_account,
+ reward_relationship: reward_relationship,
+ role_stake_profile: role_stake_profile, // added_curator.role_stake_profile.clone(),
+ stage: CuratorRoleStage::Active,
+ induction: CuratorInduction::new(
+ &setup_opening_in_review
+ .normal_opening_constructed
+ .new_member_as_lead
+ .lead_id,
+ &new_member_applied_result.curator_application_id,
+ &1,
+ ),
+ principal_id: expected_added_principal_id,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(expected_curator, added_curator);
+ // Principal added
+ assert!(PrincipalById::<Test>::exists(expected_added_principal_id));
+ let added_principal = PrincipalById::<Test>::get(expected_added_principal_id);
+ let expected_added_principal = Principal::Curator(expected_added_principal_id);
+ assert_eq!(added_principal, expected_added_principal);
+ }
+ /*
+ * TODO: add assertion abouot side-effect in !hiring & membership! module,
+ * this is where state of application has fundamentally changed.
+ */
+ let application_outomes = applicants
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, params)| {
+ if params.hire {
+ FillOpeningApplicantOutcome::Hired {
+ curator_id: (index as u64) + original_next_curator_id,
+ }
+ } else {
+ FillOpeningApplicantOutcome::NotHired
+ }
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ SetupAndFillOpeningResult {
+ setup_opening_in_review,
+ application_outomes,
+ }
+struct SetupLeadAndHireCuratorResult {
+ pub curator_params: AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams,
+ pub setup_and_fill_opening_result: SetupAndFillOpeningResult,
+impl SetupLeadAndHireCuratorResult {
+ fn curator_params(&self) -> AddMemberAndApplyOnOpeningParams {
+ self.curator_params.clone()
+ }
+ pub fn curator_id(&self) -> CuratorId<Test> {
+ match self.setup_and_fill_opening_result.application_outomes[0] {
+ FillOpeningApplicantOutcome::Hired { curator_id } => curator_id,
+ _ => panic!(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn curator_member_id(&self) -> <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId {
+ self.setup_and_fill_opening_result
+ .setup_opening_in_review
+ .added_members_application_result[0]
+ .member_id
+ }
+fn setup_lead_and_hire_curator() -> SetupLeadAndHireCuratorResult {
+ let curator_params = make_generic_add_member_params();
+ // Hire curator
+ let setup_and_fill_opening_result =
+ setup_and_fill_opening(&vec![FillOpeningApplicantParams::new(
+ curator_params.clone(),
+ true,
+ )]);
+ SetupLeadAndHireCuratorResult {
+ curator_params,
+ setup_and_fill_opening_result,
+ }
+struct CreateChannelFixture {
+ pub channel_creator_member_id: <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId,
+ pub controller_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ pub channel_creator_role_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ pub channel_handle: Vec<u8>,
+ pub channel_title: Vec<u8>,
+ pub description: Vec<u8>,
+ pub avatar: Vec<u8>,
+ pub banner: Vec<u8>,
+ pub content: ChannelContentType,
+ pub publishing_status: ChannelPublishingStatus,
+impl CreateChannelFixture {
+ pub fn make_valid_unpulished_video_channel_for(
+ channel_creator_member_id: <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId,
+ override_controller_account: Option<<Test as system::Trait>::AccountId>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ let controller_account = if let Some(account) = override_controller_account {
+ account
+ } else {
+ members::Module::<Test>::ensure_profile(channel_creator_member_id)
+ .unwrap()
+ .controller_account
+ };
+ Self {
+ channel_creator_member_id,
+ controller_account,
+ channel_creator_role_account: 527489,
+ channel_handle: generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelHandleConstraint::get()),
+ channel_title: generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelTitleConstraint::get()),
+ avatar: generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelAvatarConstraint::get()),
+ banner: generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelBannerConstraint::get()),
+ description: generate_valid_length_buffer(&ChannelDescriptionConstraint::get()),
+ content: ChannelContentType::Video,
+ publishing_status: ChannelPublishingStatus::NotPublished,
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_channel(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ContentWorkingGroup::create_channel(
+ Origin::signed(self.controller_account),
+ self.channel_creator_member_id,
+ self.channel_creator_role_account,
+ self.channel_handle.clone(),
+ self.channel_title.clone(),
+ self.description.clone(),
+ self.avatar.clone(),
+ self.banner.clone(),
+ self.content.clone(),
+ self.publishing_status.clone(),
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_error(&self, err_message: &'static str) {
+ let number_of_events_before_call = System::events().len();
+ let call_result = self.create_channel();
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Err(err_message));
+ // No new events deposited
+ assert_eq!(System::events().len(), number_of_events_before_call);
+ }
+ pub fn call_and_assert_success(&self) -> ChannelId<Test> {
+ let old_next_channel_id = NextChannelId::<Test>::get();
+ let call_result = self.create_channel();
+ // Call result was Ok
+ assert_eq!(call_result, Ok(()));
+ // Assert that event was triggered,
+ // keep channel id.
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::ChannelCreated(old_next_channel_id)
+ );
+ let channel_id = old_next_channel_id;
+ // Assert that given channel id has been added,
+ // and has the right properties.
+ assert!(lib::ChannelById::<Test>::exists(channel_id));
+ let created_channel = lib::ChannelById::<Test>::get(channel_id);
+ let expected_channel = Channel {
+ verified: false,
+ handle: self.channel_handle.clone(),
+ title: self.channel_title.clone(),
+ avatar: self.avatar.clone(),
+ banner: self.banner.clone(),
+ description: self.description.clone(),
+ content: self.content.clone(),
+ owner: self.channel_creator_member_id,
+ role_account: self.channel_creator_role_account,
+ publishing_status: self.publishing_status.clone(),
+ curation_status: ChannelCurationStatus::Normal,
+ created: 1, // <== replace with now()
+ // We have no expectation here, so we just copy what was added
+ principal_id: created_channel.principal_id,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(created_channel, expected_channel);
+ // Assert that next id incremented.
+ assert_eq!(lib::NextChannelId::<Test>::get(), channel_id + 1);
+ // Assert that there is a mapping established for handle
+ assert_eq!(
+ lib::ChannelIdByHandle::<Test>::get(self.channel_handle.clone()),
+ channel_id
+ );
+ // Check that principal actually has been added
+ assert!(lib::PrincipalById::<Test>::exists(
+ created_channel.principal_id
+ ));
+ let created_principal = lib::PrincipalById::<Test>::get(created_channel.principal_id);
+ assert!(match created_principal {
+ Principal::Lead => false,
+ Principal::Curator(_) => false,
+ Principal::ChannelOwner(created_principal_channel_id) =>
+ created_principal_channel_id == channel_id,
+ });
+ channel_id
- .into();
+struct NewMemberAsLead {
+ pub member_id: <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId,
+ pub lead_id: LeadId<Test>,
+fn add_member_and_set_as_lead() -> NewMemberAsLead {
+ let member_id = add_member(LEAD_ROOT_AND_CONTROLLER_ACCOUNT, to_vec(LEAD_MEMBER_HANDLE));
+ let lead_id = set_lead(member_id, LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT);
+ NewMemberAsLead { member_id, lead_id }
+pub fn set_channel_creation_enabled(enabled: bool) {
+ lib::Module::<Test>::set_channel_creation_enabled(Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT), enabled)
+ .unwrap()
+pub fn add_channel_creator_member() -> <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId {
+ let channel_creator_member_id = add_member(
+ );
+ channel_creator_member_id
+pub fn add_member(
+ root_and_controller_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ handle: Vec<u8>,
+) -> <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId {
+ let next_member_id = members::MembersCreated::<Test>::get();
+ assert_eq!(
+ members::Module::<Test>::buy_membership(
+ Origin::signed(root_and_controller_account),
+ 0,
+ members::UserInfo {
+ handle: Some(handle),
+ avatar_uri: None,
+ about: None,
+ }
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ next_member_id
+pub fn set_lead(
+ member_id: <Test as members::Trait>::MemberId,
+ new_role_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+) -> LeadId<Test> {
+ // Get controller account
+ //let lead_member_controller_account = members::Module::<Test>::ensure_profile(member_id).unwrap().controller_account;
+ let expected_lead_id = NextLeadId::<Test>::get();
+ // Set lead
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::set_lead(
+ mock::Origin::system(system::RawOrigin::Root),
+ member_id,
+ new_role_account
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::LeadSet(expected_lead_id)
+ );
+ expected_lead_id
+// lead_role_account: <Test as system::Trait>::AccountId
+pub fn add_curator_opening() -> CuratorOpeningId<Test> {
+ let activate_at = hiring::ActivateOpeningAt::ExactBlock(34);
+ let human_readable_text = generate_valid_length_buffer(&OpeningHumanReadableText::get());
+ let expected_curator_opening_id = NextCuratorOpeningId::<Test>::get();
+ assert_eq!(
+ ContentWorkingGroup::add_curator_opening(
+ Origin::signed(LEAD_ROLE_ACCOUNT),
+ activate_at.clone(),
+ get_baseline_opening_policy(),
+ human_readable_text.clone()
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ ()
+ );
- message,
- "Application rationing policy: maximum active applicant number must be greater than zero"
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::CuratorOpeningAdded(expected_curator_opening_id)
+ expected_curator_opening_id
+ * Buffer generators
+ */
+pub fn generate_text(len: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
+ vec![b'x'; len]
+pub fn generate_valid_length_buffer(constraint: &InputValidationLengthConstraint) -> Vec<u8> {
+ generate_text(constraint.min as usize)
+pub fn generate_too_short_length_buffer(constraint: &InputValidationLengthConstraint) -> Vec<u8> {
+ generate_text((constraint.min - 1) as usize)
+pub fn generate_too_long_length_buffer(constraint: &InputValidationLengthConstraint) -> Vec<u8> {
+ generate_text((constraint.max() + 1) as usize)