@@ -2,11 +2,27 @@ import { ReadonlyConfig } from '../../types/config'
import { QueryNodeApi } from './query-node/api'
import { Logger } from 'winston'
import { LoggingService } from '../logging'
-import { DataObjectAccessPoints, DataObjectData, DataObjectInfo } from '../../types/dataObject'
import { StorageNodeApi } from './storage-node/api'
import { StateCacheService } from '../cache/StateCacheService'
import { DataObjectDetailsFragment } from './query-node/generated/queries'
-import { AxiosResponse } from 'axios'
+import axios from 'axios'
+import {
+ StorageNodeEndpointData,
+ DataObjectAccessPoints,
+ DataObjectData,
+ DataObjectInfo,
+ StorageNodeDownloadResponse,
+} from '../../types'
+import queue from 'queue'
+import _ from 'lodash'
+// TODO: Adjust limits and intervals
+const MAX_CONCURRENT_AVAILABILITY_CHECKS_PER_DOWNLOAD = 10 // 10 pending download * 10 availibility checks per download = 100 concurrent requests
export class NetworkingService {
private config: ReadonlyConfig
@@ -16,6 +32,9 @@ export class NetworkingService {
private stateCache: StateCacheService
private logger: Logger
+ private storageNodeEndpointsCheckInterval: NodeJS.Timeout
+ private testLatencyQueue = queue({ concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENT_RESPONSE_TIME_CHECKS, autostart: true })
constructor(config: ReadonlyConfig, stateCache: StateCacheService, logging: LoggingService) {
this.config = config
this.logging = logging
@@ -23,6 +42,15 @@ export class NetworkingService {
this.logger = logging.createLogger('NetworkingManager')
this.queryNodeApi = new QueryNodeApi(config.endpoints.queryNode)
// this.runtimeApi = new RuntimeApi(config.endpoints.substrateNode)
+ this.checkActiveStorageNodeEndpoints()
+ this.storageNodeEndpointsCheckInterval = setInterval(
+ this.checkActiveStorageNodeEndpoints.bind(this),
+ )
+ }
+ public clearIntervals(): void {
+ clearInterval(this.storageNodeEndpointsCheckInterval)
private validateNodeEndpoint(endpoint: string): void {
@@ -32,8 +60,24 @@ export class NetworkingService {
+ private filterStorageNodeEndpoints(input: StorageNodeEndpointData[]): StorageNodeEndpointData[] {
+ return input.filter((b) => {
+ try {
+ this.validateNodeEndpoint(b.endpoint)
+ return true
+ } catch (err) {
+ this.logger.warn('Invalid storage endpoint detected!', {
+ bucketId: b.bucketId,
+ endpoint: b.endpoint,
+ err,
+ })
+ return false
+ }
+ })
+ }
private prepareStorageNodeEndpoints(details: DataObjectDetailsFragment) {
- return details.storageBag.storedBy
+ const endpointsData = details.storageBag.storedBy
(b) => b.operatorStatus.__typename === 'StorageBucketOperatorStatusActive' && b.operatorMetadata?.nodeEndpoint
@@ -41,26 +85,13 @@ export class NetworkingService {
bucketId: b.id,
endpoint: b.operatorMetadata!.nodeEndpoint!,
- .filter((b) => {
- try {
- this.validateNodeEndpoint(b.endpoint)
- return true
- } catch (err) {
- this.logger.warn('Invalid storage endpoint detected', {
- bucketId: b.bucketId,
- endpoint: b.endpoint,
- err,
- })
- return false
- }
- })
+ return this.filterStorageNodeEndpoints(endpointsData)
private parseDataObjectAccessPoints(details: DataObjectDetailsFragment): DataObjectAccessPoints {
return {
storageNodes: this.prepareStorageNodeEndpoints(details),
- // TODO:
- distributorNodes: [],
@@ -85,81 +116,94 @@ export class NetworkingService {
- public downloadDataObject(objectData: DataObjectData): Promise<AxiosResponse<NodeJS.ReadableStream>> | null {
+ private sortEndpointsByMeanResponseTime(endpoints: string[]) {
+ return endpoints.sort((a, b) => {
+ const dataA = this.stateCache.getStorageNodeEndpointData(a)
+ const dataB = this.stateCache.getStorageNodeEndpointData(b)
+ return (
+ _.mean(dataA?.responseTimes || [STORAGE_NODE_ENDPOINT_CHECK_TIMEOUT]) -
+ _.mean(dataB?.responseTimes || [STORAGE_NODE_ENDPOINT_CHECK_TIMEOUT])
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ public downloadDataObject(objectData: DataObjectData): Promise<StorageNodeDownloadResponse> | null {
const { contentHash, accessPoints, size } = objectData
if (this.stateCache.getPendingDownload(contentHash)) {
+ // Already downloading
return null
- const pendingDownload = this.stateCache.newPendingDownload(contentHash, size)
- return new Promise<AxiosResponse<NodeJS.ReadableStream>>((resolve, reject) => {
- const storageEndpoints = accessPoints?.storageNodes.map((n) => n.endpoint)
+ const downloadPromise = new Promise<StorageNodeDownloadResponse>((resolve, reject) => {
+ const storageEndpoints = this.sortEndpointsByMeanResponseTime(
+ accessPoints?.storageNodes.map((n) => n.endpoint) || []
+ )
this.logger.info('Downloading new data object', { contentHash, storageEndpoints })
- if (!storageEndpoints || !storageEndpoints.length) {
- return reject(new Error('No storage endpoints available to download the data object from'))
+ if (!storageEndpoints.length) {
+ reject(new Error('No storage endpoints available to download the data object from'))
+ return
- const availabilityPromises = storageEndpoints.map(async (endpoint) => {
- const api = new StorageNodeApi(endpoint, this.logging)
- const available = await api.isObjectAvailable(contentHash)
- if (!available) {
- throw new Error('Not avilable')
+ const availabilityQueue = queue({ concurrency: MAX_CONCURRENT_AVAILABILITY_CHECKS_PER_DOWNLOAD, autostart: true })
+ const downloadQueue = queue({ concurrency: 1, autostart: true })
+ storageEndpoints.forEach(async (endpoint) => {
+ availabilityQueue.push(async () => {
+ const api = new StorageNodeApi(endpoint, this.logging)
+ const available = await api.isObjectAvailable(contentHash)
+ if (!available) {
+ throw new Error('Not avilable')
+ }
+ return endpoint
+ })
+ })
+ availabilityQueue.on('success', (endpoint) => {
+ availabilityQueue.stop()
+ const job = () => {
+ const api = new StorageNodeApi(endpoint, this.logging)
+ return api.downloadObject(contentHash)
- return endpoint
+ downloadQueue.push(job)
- pendingDownload.pendingAvailabilityEndpointsCount = availabilityPromises.length
- availabilityPromises.forEach((availableNodePromise) =>
- availableNodePromise
- .then(async (endpoint) => {
- pendingDownload.availableEndpoints.push(endpoint)
- if (!pendingDownload.isAttemptPending) {
- this.attemptDataObjectDownload(contentHash)
- .then(resolve)
- .catch(() => {
- if (!pendingDownload.pendingAvailabilityEndpointsCount && !pendingDownload.isAttemptPending) {
- return reject(new Error('Cannot download data object from any node'))
- }
- })
- }
- })
- .finally(() => --pendingDownload.pendingAvailabilityEndpointsCount)
- )
+ availabilityQueue.on('error', () => {
+ /*
+ Do nothing.
+ The handler is needed to avoid unhandled promise rejection
+ */
+ })
+ downloadQueue.on('error', (err) => {
+ this.logger.error('Download attempt from storage node failed after availability was confirmed:', { err })
+ })
+ downloadQueue.on('end', () => {
+ if (availabilityQueue.length) {
+ availabilityQueue.start()
+ } else {
+ reject(new Error('Failed to download the object from any availablable storage provider'))
+ }
+ })
+ availabilityQueue.on('end', () => {
+ if (!downloadQueue.length) {
+ reject(new Error('Failed to download the object from any availablable storage provider'))
+ }
+ })
+ downloadQueue.on('success', (response: StorageNodeDownloadResponse) => {
+ availabilityQueue.removeAllListeners().end()
+ downloadQueue.removeAllListeners().end()
+ resolve(response)
+ })
- }
- private async attemptDataObjectDownload(contentHash: string): Promise<AxiosResponse<NodeJS.ReadableStream>> {
- const pendingDownload = this.stateCache.getPendingDownload(contentHash)
- if (!pendingDownload) {
- throw new Error('Attempting data object download with missing pending download data')
- }
- if (pendingDownload.isAttemptPending) {
- throw new Error('Attempting data object download during an already pending attempt')
- }
- const endpoint = pendingDownload.availableEndpoints.shift()
- if (!endpoint) {
- throw new Error('Attempting data object download without any available endpoint')
- }
- pendingDownload.isAttemptPending = true
- this.logger.info('Requesting data object from storage node', { contentHash, endpoint })
- const api = new StorageNodeApi(endpoint, this.logging)
- try {
- const response = await api.downloadObject(contentHash)
- ++pendingDownload.downloadAttempts
- pendingDownload.isAttemptPending = false
- // TODO: Validate reponse? (ie. object size etc.)
- return response
- } catch (e) {
- ++pendingDownload.downloadAttempts
- pendingDownload.isAttemptPending = false
- if (pendingDownload.availableEndpoints.length) {
- return this.attemptDataObjectDownload(contentHash)
- } else {
- throw e
- }
- }
+ this.stateCache.newPendingDownload(contentHash, size, downloadPromise)
+ return downloadPromise
async fetchSupportedDataObjects(): Promise<DataObjectData[]> {
@@ -178,4 +222,35 @@ export class NetworkingService {
return objectsData
+ async checkActiveStorageNodeEndpoints(): Promise<void> {
+ const activeStorageOperators = await this.queryNodeApi.getActiveStorageBucketOperatorsData()
+ const endpoints = this.filterStorageNodeEndpoints(
+ activeStorageOperators.map(({ id, operatorMetadata }) => ({
+ bucketId: id,
+ endpoint: operatorMetadata!.nodeEndpoint!,
+ }))
+ )
+ this.logger.verbose('Checking nearby storage nodes...', { validEndpointsCount: endpoints.length })
+ endpoints.forEach(({ endpoint }) => this.testLatencyQueue.push(() => this.checkResponseTime(endpoint)))
+ }
+ async checkResponseTime(endpoint: string): Promise<void> {
+ const start = Date.now()
+ this.logger.debug(`Sending storage node response-time check request to: ${endpoint}`, { endpoint })
+ try {
+ // TODO: Use a status endpoint once available?
+ await axios.get(endpoint, { timeout: STORAGE_NODE_ENDPOINT_CHECK_TIMEOUT })
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (axios.isAxiosError(err) && err.response?.status === 404) {
+ // This is the expected outcome currently
+ const responseTime = Date.now() - start
+ this.logger.debug(`${endpoint} check request response time: ${responseTime}`, { endpoint, responseTime })
+ this.stateCache.setStorageNodeEndpointResponseTime(endpoint, responseTime)
+ } else {
+ this.logger.warn('Storage node giving unexpected reponse on root endpoint!', { err })
+ }
+ }
+ }