"Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant";
pub static MSG_FULL_CURATOR_OPENING_APPLICATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST: &str = "ApplicationDoesNotExist";
pub static MSG_FULL_CURATOR_OPENING_APPLICATION_NOT_ACTIVE: &str = "ApplicationNotInActiveStage";
+ "Reward policy has invalid next payment block number";
+pub static MSG_FILL_CURATOR_OPENING_MINT_DOES_NOT_EXIST: &str = "Working group mint does not exist";
// Errors for `withdraw_curator_application`
@@ -1494,6 +1497,21 @@ decl_module! {
+ let create_reward_settings = if let Some(policy) = reward_policy {
+ // A reward will need to be created so ensure our configured mint exists
+ let mint_id = Self::mint();
+ ensure!(<minting::Mints<T>>::exists(mint_id), MSG_FILL_CURATOR_OPENING_MINT_DOES_NOT_EXIST);
+ // Make sure valid parameters are selected for next payment at block number
+ ensure!(policy.next_payment_at_block > <system::Module<T>>::block_number(), MSG_FILL_CURATOR_OPENING_INVALID_NEXT_PAYMENT_BLOCK);
+ // The verified reward settings to use
+ Some((mint_id, policy))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
@@ -1510,20 +1528,32 @@ decl_module! {
.for_each(|(successful_curator_application, id, _)| {
- // Create a reward relationship if lead specifies a reward policy
- let reward_relationship: Option<RewardRelationshipId<T>> = reward_policy.clone().map(|policy| {
- <recurringrewards::Module<T>>::add_reward_relationship(
- Self::mint(),
- // we are creating a new recipient everytime. Should there be a single recipient
- // per member?
- <recurringrewards::Module<T>>::add_recipient(),
- // rewards are deposited in the member's root account
- <members::Module<T>>::member_profile(successful_curator_application.member_id).unwrap().root_account,
- policy.amount_per_payout,
- policy.next_payment_at_block,
- policy.payout_interval,
- ).expect("Failed to create reward relationship!")
- });
+ // Create a reward relationship
+ let reward_relationship = if let Some((mint_id, checked_policy)) = create_reward_settings.clone() {
+ // Create a new recipient for the new relationship
+ let recipient = <recurringrewards::Module<T>>::add_recipient();
+ // member must exist, since it was checked that it can enter the role
+ let member_profile = <members::Module<T>>::member_profile(successful_curator_application.member_id).unwrap();
+ // rewards are deposited in the member's root account
+ let reward_destination_account = member_profile.root_account;
+ // values have been checked so this should not fail!
+ let relationship_id = <recurringrewards::Module<T>>::add_reward_relationship(
+ mint_id,
+ recipient,
+ reward_destination_account,
+ checked_policy.amount_per_payout,
+ checked_policy.next_payment_at_block,
+ checked_policy.payout_interval,
+ ).expect("Failed to create reward relationship!");
+ Some(relationship_id)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
// Get possible stake for role
let application = hiring::ApplicationById::<T>::get(successful_curator_application.application_id);