@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-import {
- ObjectTypeDefinitionNode,
- FieldDefinitionNode,
- ListTypeNode,
- NamedTypeNode,
- TypeDefinitionNode,
- InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode,
-} from 'graphql';
-import { GraphQLSchemaParser, Visitors, SchemaNode } from './SchemaParser';
-import { WarthogModel, Field, ObjectType } from '../model';
-import Debug from 'debug';
-import { FTSDirective, FULL_TEXT_SEARCHABLE_DIRECTIVE } from './FTSDirective';
-import { availableTypes } from '../model/ScalarTypes';
-import * as DerivedFrom from './DerivedFromDirective';
-import { RelationshipGenerator } from '../generate/RelationshipGenerator';
-const debug = Debug('qnode-cli:model-generator');
- * Parse a graphql schema and generate model defination strings for Warthog. It use GraphQLSchemaParser for parsing
- * @constructor(schemaPath: string)
- */
-export class WarthogModelBuilder {
- private _schemaParser: GraphQLSchemaParser;
- private _model: WarthogModel;
- private _fieldsToProcess: Field[] = [];
- constructor(schemaPath: string) {
- this._schemaParser = new GraphQLSchemaParser(schemaPath);
- this._model = new WarthogModel();
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if type is Scalar, String, Int, Boolean, Float otherwise false
- * Scalar types are also built-in
- */
- private _isBuildinType(type: string): boolean {
- return type in availableTypes;
- }
- private _listType(typeNode: ListTypeNode, fieldName: string): Field {
- let field: Field;
- if (typeNode.type.kind === 'ListType') {
- throw new Error('Only one level lists are allowed');
- } else if (typeNode.type.kind === 'NamedType') {
- field = this._namedType(fieldName, typeNode.type);
- field.isList = true;
- } else {
- if (typeNode.type.type.kind === 'ListType') {
- throw new Error('Only one level lists are allowed');
- }
- field = this._namedType(fieldName, typeNode.type.type);
- field.nullable = false;
- }
- field.isList = true;
- return field;
- }
- /**
- * Create a new Field type from NamedTypeNode
- * @param name string
- * @param namedTypeNode NamedTypeNode
- * @param directives: additional directives of FieldDefinitionNode
- */
- private _namedType(name: string, namedTypeNode: NamedTypeNode): Field {
- const field = new Field(name, namedTypeNode.name.value);
- field.isBuildinType = this._isBuildinType(field.type);
- this._fieldsToProcess.push(field);
- return field;
- }
- /**
- * Mark the object type as entity if '@entity' directive is used
- * @param o ObjectTypeDefinitionNode
- */
- private isEntity(o: TypeDefinitionNode): boolean {
- const entityDirective = o.directives?.find(d => d.name.value === ENTITY_DIRECTIVE);
- return entityDirective ? true : false;
- }
- private isVariant(o: TypeDefinitionNode): boolean {
- if (o.directives == undefined) {
- return false;
- }
- return o.directives.findIndex(d => d.name.value === VARIANT_DIRECTIVE) >= 0;
- }
- private isUnique(field: FieldDefinitionNode): boolean {
- const entityDirective = field.directives?.find(d => d.name.value === UNIQUE_DIRECTIVE);
- return entityDirective ? true : false;
- }
- /**
- * Generate a new ObjectType from ObjectTypeDefinitionNode
- * @param o ObjectTypeDefinitionNode
- */
- private generateTypeDefination(o: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode): ObjectType {
- return {
- name: o.name.value,
- fields: this.getFields(o),
- isEntity: this.isEntity(o),
- isVariant: this.isVariant(o),
- description: o.description?.value,
- isInterface: o.kind === 'InterfaceTypeDefinition',
- interfaces: o.kind === 'ObjectTypeDefinition' ? this.getInterfaces(o) : [],
- } as ObjectType;
- }
- private getInterfaces(o: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode): ObjectType[] {
- if (!o.interfaces) {
- return [];
- }
- const interfaces: ObjectType[] = [];
- o.interfaces.map(nameNode => {
- if (nameNode.kind !== 'NamedType') {
- throw new Error(`Unrecognized interface type: ${JSON.stringify(nameNode, null, 2)}`);
- }
- const name = nameNode.name.value;
- interfaces.push(this._model.lookupInterface(name));
- });
- if (interfaces.length > 1) {
- throw new Error(`A type can implement at most one interface`);
- }
- return interfaces;
- }
- private getFields(o: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode): Field[] {
- const fields = this._schemaParser.getFields(o).map((fieldNode: FieldDefinitionNode) => {
- const typeNode = fieldNode.type;
- const fieldName = fieldNode.name.value;
- let field: Field;
- if (typeNode.kind === 'NamedType') {
- field = this._namedType(fieldName, typeNode);
- } else if (typeNode.kind === 'NonNullType') {
- field =
- typeNode.type.kind === 'NamedType'
- ? this._namedType(fieldName, typeNode.type)
- : this._listType(typeNode.type, fieldName);
- field.nullable = false;
- } else if (typeNode.kind === 'ListType') {
- field = this._listType(typeNode, fieldName);
- } else {
- throw new Error(`Unrecognized type. ${JSON.stringify(typeNode, null, 2)}`);
- }
- field.description = fieldNode.description?.value;
- field.unique = this.isUnique(fieldNode);
- DerivedFrom.addDerivedFromIfy(fieldNode, field);
- return field;
- });
- debug(`Read and parsed fields: ${JSON.stringify(fields, null, 2)}`);
- return fields;
- }
- private generateInterfaces() {
- this._schemaParser.getInterfaceTypes().map(i => {
- const astNode = i.astNode as InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode;
- if (astNode && this.isEntity(astNode)) {
- this._model.addInterface(this.generateTypeDefination(astNode));
- }
- });
- }
- private generateEntities() {
- this._schemaParser
- .getObjectDefinations()
- .filter(o => this.isEntity(o))
- .map(o => {
- const objType = this.generateTypeDefination(o);
- this._model.addEntity(objType);
- });
- }
- private generateVariants() {
- this._schemaParser
- .getObjectDefinations()
- .filter(o => this.isVariant(o))
- .map(o => {
- const objType = this.generateTypeDefination(o);
- this._model.addVariant(objType);
- });
- }
- private generateUnions() {
- this._schemaParser.getUnionTypes().map(u => {
- const types: string[] = [];
- u.getTypes().map(s => types.push(s.name));
- this._model.addUnion(u.name, types);
- });
- }
- private generateEnums() {
- this._schemaParser.getEnumTypes().map(e => this._model.addEnum(e));
- }
- // TODO: queries will be parsed from a top-level directive definition
- // and this part is going to be deprecated
- private genereateQueries() {
- const fts = new FTSDirective();
- const visitors: Visitors = {
- directives: {},
- };
- visitors.directives[FULL_TEXT_SEARCHABLE_DIRECTIVE] = {
- visit: (path: SchemaNode[]) => fts.generate(path, this._model),
- };
- this._schemaParser.dfsTraversal(visitors);
- }
- private postProcessFields() {
- while (this._fieldsToProcess) {
- const f = this._fieldsToProcess.pop();
- if (!f) return;
- f.modelType = this._model.lookupType(f.type);
- }
- }
- buildWarthogModel(): WarthogModel {
- this._model = new WarthogModel();
- this.generateEnums();
- this.generateInterfaces();
- this.generateVariants();
- this.generateUnions();
- this.generateEntities();
- this.postProcessFields();
- this.genereateQueries();
- DerivedFrom.validateDerivedFields(this._model);
- new RelationshipGenerator(this._model).generate();
- return this._model;
- }