@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
import winston, { Logger, LoggerOptions } from 'winston'
import escFormat from '@elastic/ecs-winston-format'
+import { ElasticsearchTransport } from 'winston-elasticsearch'
import { ReadonlyConfig } from '../../types'
+import { blake2AsHex } from '@polkadot/util-crypto'
+import { Format } from 'logform'
+import NodeCache from 'node-cache'
const cliColors = {
error: 'red',
@@ -12,6 +16,26 @@ const cliColors = {
+const pausedLogs = new NodeCache({
+ deleteOnExpire: true,
+// Pause log for a specified time period
+const pauseFormat: (opts: { id: string }) => Format = winston.format((info, opts: { id: string }) => {
+ if (info['@pauseFor']) {
+ const messageHash = blake2AsHex(`${opts.id}:${info.level}:${info.message}`)
+ if (!pausedLogs.has(messageHash)) {
+ pausedLogs.set(messageHash, null, info['@pauseFor'])
+ info.message += ` (this log message will be skipped for the next ${info['@pauseFor']}s)`
+ delete info['@pauseFor']
+ return info
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ return info
const cliFormat = winston.format.combine(
winston.format.timestamp({ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:ms' }),
winston.format.metadata({ fillExcept: ['label', 'level', 'timestamp', 'message'] }),
@@ -25,30 +49,47 @@ const cliFormat = winston.format.combine(
export class LoggingService {
private rootLogger: Logger
+ private esTransport: ElasticsearchTransport | undefined
- private constructor(options: LoggerOptions) {
+ private constructor(options: LoggerOptions, esTransport?: ElasticsearchTransport) {
+ this.esTransport = esTransport
this.rootLogger = winston.createLogger(options)
public static withAppConfig(config: ReadonlyConfig): LoggingService {
- const transports: winston.LoggerOptions['transports'] = [
- new winston.transports.File({
- filename: `${config.directories.logs}/logs.json`,
- level: config.log?.file || 'debug',
- format: escFormat(),
- }),
- ]
+ const esTransport = new ElasticsearchTransport({
+ level: config.log?.elastic || 'warn',
+ format: winston.format.combine(pauseFormat({ id: 'es' }), escFormat()),
+ flushInterval: 5000,
+ source: config.id,
+ clientOpts: {
+ node: {
+ url: new URL(config.endpoints.elasticSearch),
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ const fileTransport = new winston.transports.File({
+ filename: `${config.directories.logs}/logs.json`,
+ level: config.log?.file || 'debug',
+ format: winston.format.combine(pauseFormat({ id: 'file' }), escFormat()),
+ })
+ const transports: winston.LoggerOptions['transports'] = [esTransport, fileTransport]
if (config.log?.console) {
- transports.push(
- new winston.transports.Console({
- level: config.log.console,
- format: cliFormat,
- })
- )
+ const consoleTransport = new winston.transports.Console({
+ level: config.log.console,
+ format: winston.format.combine(pauseFormat({ id: 'cli' }), cliFormat),
+ })
+ transports.push(consoleTransport)
- return new LoggingService({
- transports,
- })
+ return new LoggingService(
+ {
+ transports,
+ },
+ esTransport
+ )
public static withCLIConfig(): LoggingService {
@@ -56,7 +97,7 @@ export class LoggingService {
transports: new winston.transports.Console({
// Log everything to stderr, only the command output value will be written to stdout
stderrLevels: Object.keys(winston.config.npm.levels),
- format: cliFormat,
+ format: winston.format.combine(pauseFormat({ id: 'cli' }), cliFormat),
@@ -65,7 +106,11 @@ export class LoggingService {
return this.rootLogger.child({ label, ...meta })
- public end(): void {
+ public async end(): Promise<void> {
+ if (this.esTransport) {
+ await this.esTransport.flush()
+ }
+ await Promise.all(this.rootLogger.transports.map((t) => new Promise((resolve) => t.on('finish', resolve))))