@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ $ npm install -g @joystream/cli
$ joystream-cli COMMAND
running command...
$ joystream-cli (-v|--version|version)
-@joystream/cli/0.6.0 linux-x64 node-v14.18.0
+@joystream/cli/0.7.0 linux-x64 node-v14.18.0
$ joystream-cli --help [COMMAND]
$ joystream-cli COMMAND
@@ -111,6 +111,20 @@ When using the CLI for the first time there are a few common steps you might wan
* [`joystream-cli content:updateVideoCensorshipStatus ID [STATUS]`](#joystream-cli-contentupdatevideocensorshipstatus-id-status)
* [`joystream-cli content:video VIDEOID`](#joystream-cli-contentvideo-videoid)
* [`joystream-cli content:videos [CHANNELID]`](#joystream-cli-contentvideos-channelid)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:addPost`](#joystream-cli-forumaddpost)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:categories`](#joystream-cli-forumcategories)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:category`](#joystream-cli-forumcategory)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:createCategory`](#joystream-cli-forumcreatecategory)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:createThread`](#joystream-cli-forumcreatethread)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:deleteCategory`](#joystream-cli-forumdeletecategory)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:moderatePost`](#joystream-cli-forummoderatepost)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:moderateThread`](#joystream-cli-forummoderatethread)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:moveThread`](#joystream-cli-forummovethread)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:posts`](#joystream-cli-forumposts)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:setStickiedThreads`](#joystream-cli-forumsetstickiedthreads)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:threads`](#joystream-cli-forumthreads)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:updateCategoryArchivalStatus`](#joystream-cli-forumupdatecategoryarchivalstatus)
+* [`joystream-cli forum:updateCategoryModeratorStatus`](#joystream-cli-forumupdatecategorymoderatorstatus)
* [`joystream-cli help [COMMAND]`](#joystream-cli-help-command)
* [`joystream-cli membership:addStakingAccount`](#joystream-cli-membershipaddstakingaccount)
* [`joystream-cli membership:buy`](#joystream-cli-membershipbuy)
@@ -284,15 +298,15 @@ OPTIONS
If no "--method" flag is provided then all methods in that module will be listed along with the descriptions.
-a, --callArgs=callArgs
- Specifies the arguments to use when calling a method. Multiple arguments can be separated with a comma, ie.
+ Specifies the arguments to use when calling a method. Multiple arguments can be separated with a comma, ie.
You can omit this flag even if the method requires some aguments.
In that case you will be promted to provide value for each required argument.
- Ommiting this flag is recommended when input parameters are of more complex types (and it's hard to specify them as
+ Ommiting this flag is recommended when input parameters are of more complex types (and it's hard to specify them as
just simple comma-separated strings)
-e, --exec
- Provide this flag if you want to execute the actual call, instead of displaying the method description (which is
+ Provide this flag if you want to execute the actual call, instead of displaying the method description (which is
-m, --method=method
@@ -876,6 +890,256 @@ OPTIONS
_See code: [src/commands/content/videos.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/content/videos.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:addPost`
+Add forum post.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:addPost
+ --categoryId=categoryId (required) Id of the forum category of the parent thread
+ --editable Whether the post should be editable
+ --text=text (required) Post content (md-formatted text)
+ --threadId=threadId (required) Post's parent thread
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/addPost.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/addPost.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:categories`
+List existing forum categories.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:categories
+ -c, --tree Display a category tree (with parentCategoryId as root, if specified)
+ -p, --parentCategoryId=parentCategoryId Parent category id (only child categories will be listed)
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/categories.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/categories.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:category`
+Display forum category details.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:category
+ -c, --categoryId=categoryId (required) Forum category id
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/category.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/category.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:createCategory`
+Create forum category.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:createCategory
+ -d, --description=description (required) Category description
+ -p, --parentCategoryId=parentCategoryId Parent category id (in case of creating a subcategory)
+ -t, --title=title (required) Category title
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/createCategory.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/createCategory.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:createThread`
+Create forum thread.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:createThread
+ --categoryId=categoryId (required) Id of the forum category the thread should be created in
+ --tags=tags Space-separated tags to associate with the thread
+ --text=text (required) Initial post text
+ --title=title (required) Thread title
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/createThread.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/createThread.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:deleteCategory`
+Delete forum category provided it has no existing subcategories and threads.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:deleteCategory
+ -c, --categoryId=categoryId (required) Id of the category to delete
+ --context=(Leader|Moderator) Actor context to execute the command in (Leader/Moderator)
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/deleteCategory.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/deleteCategory.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:moderatePost`
+Moderate a forum post and slash the associated stake.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:moderatePost
+ -c, --categoryId=categoryId (required) Forum category id
+ -p, --postId=postId (required) Forum post id
+ -r, --rationale=rationale (required) Rationale behind the post moderation.
+ -t, --threadId=threadId (required) Forum thread id
+ --context=(Leader|Moderator) Actor context to execute the command in (Leader/Moderator)
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/moderatePost.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/moderatePost.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:moderateThread`
+Moderate a forum thread and slash the associated stake.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:moderateThread
+ -c, --categoryId=categoryId (required) Id of the forum category the thread is currently in
+ -r, --rationale=rationale (required) Rationale behind the thread moderation.
+ -t, --threadId=threadId (required) Forum thread id
+ --context=(Leader|Moderator) Actor context to execute the command in (Leader/Moderator)
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/moderateThread.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/moderateThread.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:moveThread`
+Move forum thread to a different category.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:moveThread
+ -c, --categoryId=categoryId (required) Thread's current category id
+ -n, --newCategoryId=newCategoryId (required) Thread's new category id
+ -t, --threadId=threadId (required) Forum thread id
+ --context=(Leader|Moderator) Actor context to execute the command in (Leader/Moderator)
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/moveThread.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/moveThread.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:posts`
+List existing forum posts in given thread.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:posts
+ -t, --threadId=threadId (required) Thread id (only posts in this thread will be listed)
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/posts.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/posts.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:setStickiedThreads`
+Set stickied threads in a given category.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:setStickiedThreads
+ --categoryId=categoryId (required) Forum category id
+ --context=(Leader|Moderator) Actor context to execute the command in (Leader/Moderator)
+ --threadIds=threadIds Space-separated thread ids
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/setStickiedThreads.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/setStickiedThreads.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:threads`
+List existing forum threads in given category.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:threads
+ -c, --categoryId=categoryId (required) Category id (only threads in this category will be listed)
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/threads.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/threads.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:updateCategoryArchivalStatus`
+Update archival status of a forum category.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:updateCategoryArchivalStatus
+ -c, --categoryId=categoryId (required) Forum category id
+ --archived=(yes|no) (required) Whether the category should be archived
+ --context=(Leader|Moderator) Actor context to execute the command in (Leader/Moderator)
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/updateCategoryArchivalStatus.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/updateCategoryArchivalStatus.ts)_
+## `joystream-cli forum:updateCategoryModeratorStatus`
+Update moderator status of a worker in relation to a category.
+ $ joystream-cli forum:updateCategoryModeratorStatus
+ -c, --categoryId=categoryId (required) Forum category id
+ -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Forum working group worker id
+ --status=(active|disabled) (required) Status of the moderator membership in the category
+ --useMemberId=useMemberId Try using the specified member id as context whenever possible
+ --useWorkerId=useWorkerId Try using the specified worker id as context whenever possible
+_See code: [src/commands/forum/updateCategoryModeratorStatus.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/forum/updateCategoryModeratorStatus.ts)_
## `joystream-cli help [COMMAND]`
display help for joystream-cli
@@ -1506,9 +1770,3 @@ OPTIONS
_See code: [src/commands/working-groups/updateWorkerReward.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/master/cli/src/commands/working-groups/updateWorkerReward.ts)_
<!-- commandsstop -->
-# Environment variables
-<!-- env -->
-- `FORCE_COLOR` - can be set to `0` to disable output coloring
-- `AUTO_CONFIRM` - can be set to `1` or `true` to skip any required confirmations (can be useful for creating bash scripts)
-<!-- envstop -->