#16 Proposal 164: Maintenance of joystreamstats.live

há 3 anos atrás aberto por l1dev · 0 comentários

Proposal 164: Joystreamstats.live is an extremely useful tool, however since the sumer upgrade it hasn't had types updated and so does not reflect the most recent information available. There are also some minor bugs and improvements that will need fixing over time. (Fixed)

Issues / Wishlist




A way to list proposals by author and maybe some stats about % of proposals passed/failed/slashed by that author Help to build the reputation of proposal creators A way to list proposals by type (ex. text/spending/ValidatorCount) and maybe some stats Help to identify how each proposal type is differently recieved by the council A "tools" section that could have some easier ways of calculating role payments (ex. if storage lead is paid 23146 JOY per 3,600 blocks, how much is that in dollars at current exchange rate)


Another interesting thing to start looking at would be elections, specifically:

  • which accounts voted and how much did they vote for across all elections or individual elections?
  • which successful and unsuccessful council members received votes, and for how much? (this should be looked at across single elections and multiple elections in order to establish reputation)
  • maybe a ratio for each election showing the relationship between ownstake + voterstake
  • maybe a ratio for each election showing the relationship between voterstake (ex. "from total voterstake, how much did userA vote in percentage?")


I also think one "end goal" for the stats website should be to establish reputation of actors on the platform.

So for any particular given username, a user should be able to click on their username and establish:

  • how many times they have been a council member, and how many times have they applied to be a council member unsuccessfully
  • their voting history for proposals
  • they voting history for elections and the history of how many times they've been voted for on elections
  • their history of creating proposals
  • their history of successful/unsuccessful proposals
  • their history of spending proposals specifically (ex. "how many tokens has this user received via spending proposals") their forum history
  • their channels/videos
  • their history of being a lead in a working group (both successful and unsuccessful applications)
  • their history of being a worker role in working groups (both successful and unsuccessful applications)

Some of these may not be achievable right now without a query node

further improvements


navigation / redesign

  • LKSKRN The homepage could maybe be redesigned so that Forum / Council / Active Proposals / Validators are boxes with basic statistics, and then a user could click to navigate to each complete page (this would mean moving the validators section from the front page)
  • Add buttons/links for all sections of the site (calendar, timeline view, proposals view, curator view). It would be better if this was consistently shown on all pages, so a user can navigate between sections without having to revisit the front page.
  • On Validator page, it currently shows profit per week for all validators. It would be useful to show the expected amount an individual validator makes per week/month at the current payout rate (as this shows more easily whether it is financially viable to operate a validator)
  • If it's possible to have a graph showing the validator stake>total issuance ratio over time as this is becoming a more important metric for validators to pay attention to
  • Add member tooltip (that can be seen on front page) to forum view + council view -- for this we need an API that delivers all members in one batch


  • [X] L1DEV update backend
  • [X] L1DEV update App to fetch posts, proposals and members from there
  • L1DEV merge frontend and api on master
[Proposal 164](https://testnet.joystream.org/#/proposals/164): `Joystreamstats.live is an extremely useful tool, however since the sumer upgrade it hasn't had types updated and so does not reflect the most recent information available. There are also some minor bugs and improvements that will need fixing over time.` (Fixed) - [Code](https://git.joystreamstats.live/Operations/jsstats) # Issues / Wishlist - [bug: council blockheights are inconsistent #167](https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/167) - [account audit](https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/95) - [price of vote](https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/130) - [Council report improvements](https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/116) - [Council Task Performance](https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/65) - [Validator Spot Check](https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/63) - show [report cycles](https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/19) on calendar ## improvements https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/70: ### propsals A way to list proposals by author and maybe some stats about % of proposals passed/failed/slashed by that author Help to build the reputation of proposal creators A way to list proposals by type (ex. text/spending/ValidatorCount) and maybe some stats Help to identify how each proposal type is differently recieved by the council A "tools" section that could have some easier ways of calculating role payments (ex. if storage lead is paid 23146 JOY per 3,600 blocks, how much is that in dollars at current exchange rate) ### elections Another interesting thing to start looking at would be elections, specifically: - which accounts voted and how much did they vote for across all elections or individual elections? - which successful and unsuccessful council members received votes, and for how much? (this should be looked at across single elections and multiple elections in order to establish reputation) - maybe a ratio for each election showing the relationship between ownstake + voterstake - maybe a ratio for each election showing the relationship between voterstake (ex. "from total voterstake, how much did userA vote in percentage?") ### reputation I also think one "end goal" for the stats website should be to establish reputation of actors on the platform. So for any particular given username, a user should be able to click on their username and establish: - how many times they have been a council member, and how many times have they applied to be a council member unsuccessfully - their voting history for proposals - they voting history for elections and the history of how many times they've been voted for on elections - their history of creating proposals - their history of successful/unsuccessful proposals - their history of spending proposals specifically (ex. "how many tokens has this user received via spending proposals") their forum history - their channels/videos - their history of being a lead in a working group (both successful and unsuccessful applications) - their history of being a worker role in working groups (both successful and unsuccessful applications) Some of these may not be achievable right now without a query node ## further improvements https://github.com/Joystream/community-repo/issues/84: ### navigation / redesign - [ ] LKSKRN The homepage could maybe be redesigned so that Forum / Council / Active Proposals / Validators are boxes with basic statistics, and then a user could click to navigate to each complete page (this would mean moving the validators section from the front page) - [ ] Add buttons/links for all sections of the site (calendar, timeline view, proposals view, curator view). It would be better if this was consistently shown on all pages, so a user can navigate between sections without having to revisit the front page. - [ ] On Validator page, it currently shows profit per week for all validators. It would be useful to show the expected amount an individual validator makes per week/month at the current payout rate (as this shows more easily whether it is financially viable to operate a validator) - [ ] If it's possible to have a graph showing the validator stake>total issuance ratio over time as this is becoming a more important metric for validators to pay attention to - [ ] Add member tooltip (that can be seen on front page) to forum view + council view -- for this we need an API that delivers all members in one batch # API - [X] L1DEV update backend - [X] L1DEV update `App` to fetch *posts, proposals and members* from there - [ ] L1DEV merge `frontend` and `api` on `master`
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